A growing collection of React-three-fiber compatible abstractions for rendering high quality, large scale landscapes scenes. I've been researching how AAA games render terrain and am replicating any browser compatible techniques here.
Note: this package is not capable of procedurally generating terrain. Height maps and other textures must be authored offline in programs such as WorldCreator or generated at run time with custom logic. This is something I'm interested in for its potential to reduce bundle sizes but is out of scope for this module.
Source code for example is available in the /examples/highland@latest directory
npm install three-landscape
Custom material that extends the meshStandardMaterial with additional properties for splat mapping. Splat mapping makes it possible to render terrains with much higher texture detail while reducing memory usage and bundle size: http://wiki.polycount.com/wiki/Splat
Can be used in vanilla (non react) Three.js projects by importing from the /three directory import SplatStandardMaterial from three-lanscape/three
- all the props & behaviors of meshStandardMaterial
- seamless tile blending (aka texture bombing)
- terrain and detail normal maps
- texture saturation and brightness filters for additional creative control
- splats*: [Texture] (expects splat data in rgb and a channels)
- normalMaps: [Texture]
- normalWeights: [float]
- diffuseMaps*: [Texture]
- scale*: [float] (size of terrain tiles)
- saturation: [float]
- brightness: [float]
- noise*: Texture
* required prop
function MySuperCoolTerrain() {
const [displacement, normal, noise, d1, n1, d2, n2, d3, n3, d4, splat1, splat2] = useTexture([
const { width, height } = displacement.image
return (
<mesh position={[0, 0, 0]} rotation={[-Math.PI / 2, 0, 0]}>
<planeBufferGeometry args={[100, 100, width, height]} />
splats={[splat1, splat2]}
normalMaps={[n1, n2, n3]} // note there are less normals than diffuse maps - normals are not required for each tile type
diffuseMaps={[d1, d2, d3, d4, d4, d3]}
scale={[128 / 4, 128 / 2, 128, 128 * 2, 128, 128, 10]}
See example directory for advanced usage and example textures but
Note: The textures are not covered by the MIT license and should not be used with out first acquiring the rights to do so.
Similar to useTexture from drie but progressively loads higher quality textures over time.
function Terrain(){
const [quality, textures] = useProgressiveTextures([
const [displacement, normal] = textures[quality]
<meshStandardMaterial color="green" normalMap={normal} displacementMap={displacement} />
It is a texture loader that accepts an array of url arrays and returns: Array of texture batches and an int holding the index of the highest quality texture batch that has been downloaded.
All textures in a batch (['/hd/heightmap.png','/hd/[email protected]']) are resolved before moving on to the next highest quality level To get performance benefits, resource batches should be of ordered by ascending quality.
Note: as long as you serve a /basis_transcoder.js and /basis_transcoder.wasm useProgressiveTexture can also auto resolve highly compressed basis textures. See the BasisTextureLoader and Basisu project for more details: https://github.com/BinomialLLC/basis_universal
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MIT License does not apply to any of the image files in the examples directory