A lot of task/to-do apps work on a timeframe of days or hours. On the other hand, gardening works in the timeframe of months. grassHeap is a responsive Single-Page App that tracks and suggests tasks for the month and for the specific plants in your garden. Powered by the GrowStuff API.
You can view the app at https://grassheap.onrender.com
- Displays a random gif based on results of weather API.
- Populates default tasks from database by relevant month and for your garden's plants. These tasks cannot be deleted.
- Pulls a list of plants and further details from the GrowStuff API (https://github.com/Growstuff/growstuff/wiki/API-Version-0).
- Allows you to save custom tasks to database and delete them.
- Works on desktop and mobile.
- Styling Location Prompt.
- General App styling.
- Display showing MyPlants.
- User Auth.
- Search functionality.
- More detailed weather report.
You will need a running instance of mongoDB
Add a .env file according to .env-example format (you will need a free API key from openweather and from GIPHY
npm i
in the server and client folders. -
npm start
in client. -
npm start
in server.( To see the full app, import some default tasks into your mongoDB grassHeap database, tasks collection using https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XVkuqPTibBkkK4_KE3KlAV9ufz_iZ7O8Ly-iar14ybE/edit?usp=sharing )
Testing, TypeScript implementation and bug fixes by @CalimeRon and @juan-calle 🐛