This crate provides efficient and compile-time checked calculations of contour moments. It strives to be as compatible to the corresponding OpenCV functions as possible while maintaining a "rusty" workflow. The computed order of moments is adjustable: You pay only for those moments that you require.
use image_moments::{Moments, Spatial};
use approx::assert_abs_diff_eq;
fn main() {
// Points defining the contour
let points = [
(53, 19),
(52, 20),
(49, 20),
// [...]
(60, 25),
(54, 19),
// Calculate all spatial (aka "raw") contour moments up to the third order
let moments: Spatial<f64, 3> = points.iter().collect();
// Compare with those values generated by OpenCV
assert_abs_diff_eq!(moments.get::<0, 0>(), 703.0);
assert_abs_diff_eq!(moments.get::<1, 0>(), 52175.166666666664);
assert_abs_diff_eq!(moments.get::<0, 1>(), 25661.5);
assert_abs_diff_eq!(moments.get::<2, 0>(), 4084450.6666666665);
assert_abs_diff_eq!(moments.get::<1, 1>(), 2024477.75);
assert_abs_diff_eq!(moments.get::<0, 2>(), 1071256.0);
assert_abs_diff_eq!(moments.get::<3, 0>(), 332589780.65000004);
assert_abs_diff_eq!(moments.get::<2, 1>(), 166738807.83333334);
assert_abs_diff_eq!(moments.get::<1, 2>(), 89124447.63333333);
assert_abs_diff_eq!(moments.get::<0, 3>(), 50269189.75);
// This will fail at compile time because it is not covered by the third order:
// assert_abs_diff_eq!(moments.get::<0, 4>(), 50269189.75);
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