macOS on Dell Inspiron 5767 (i7-7500u)
Always make a backup before start. I'm not responsible for bricked laptops, dead USB drives, thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the Intel processor exploded (here I'm kidding you π).
- Running on macOS or Windows (on Windows you can use WSL
- MaciASL for macOS; acpidump for Windows
- Curl installed (if not just run the script and complete the installation process)
- gibMacOS available here (in addition for Windows is required BDU, Paragon Partition Manager and HFS+ for Windows)
- USB 2.0 flash drive 8 GB or more (if you have USB 3.0 plug in into USB 2.0 port during booting phase)
- Internet connection (obviously π)
- Make sure your BIOS is up to date. If not install latest from Dell site
- Reboot to BIOS Setup
- Enable Boot from USB and Legacy boot
- Disable Fast boot and Secure boot
- Disable Intel VT-d
- Make sure SATA mode is set to AHCI
- Run gibMacOS.bat or gibMacOS.command (Windows/macOS respectively)
- Choose latest macOS version (10.15.5) and wait for download to finish
- On Windows
Navigate to gibMacOS/macOS Downloads/publicrelease/something_macOS Catalina
Rename InstallESDDmg.pkg to InstallESD.dmg
Open InstallInfo.plist and search for
change to
<key>chunklistURL</key> <string>InstallESDDmg.chunklist</string> <key>chunklistid</key> <string></string>
Search for
change to
Create a new folder named SharedSupport and put in it following files
- BaseSystem.dmg
- BaseSystem.chunklist
- InstallInfo.plist
- InstallESD.dmg
- AppleDiagnostics.dmg
- AppleDiagnostics.chunklist
Open BDU
Click on "Format disk" and tick "Not install" under "Clover Bootloader Source" section since we want to use OpenCore instead.
Under "Multi partitioning" section tick "Boot Partition Size (MB)" and set it to 200.
Press "OK" to start the process.
Navigate to "Tools">"Extract HFS (HFS+) partition from DMG-files" and choose BaseSystem.dmg file under gibMacOS/macOS Downloads/publicrelease/something_macOS Catalina
Once completed expand (if not expanded) your USB drive under "Destination Disk" section and select "Part2: something"
Click on "Restore Partition" and choose "4.hfs" file you've extracted previously
Open Paragon Partition Manager and extend HFS partition to fit USB remaining free space
Open HFS+ for Windows and mount HFS partition
Open it with Windows Explorer and copy SharedSupport folder to Install macOS Wait for process to finish (it may takes up to 15 minutes)
Now you have your bootable USB ready to start EFI Installation On macOS
Open Disk Utility and navigate to "View">"Show all devices"
Select your USB drive and click on "Initialise"
Choose a name and select "Mac OS extended (journaled)" from "Format" dropdown menu and "Master Boot Record (MBR)" from "Scheme" dropdown menu
Click on "Initialise" and wait for process to complete
Run BuildmacOSInstallApp.command under gibMacOS-master folder
Once done open Terminal and type the following
sudo "/path/to/Install macOS" --volume /Volumes/your_usb --nointeraction
Now you have your bootable USB ready to start EFI Installation
Clone this repository
Run from terminal (if using WSL on Windows first install dos2unix and run dos2unix to convert the script to unix format)
Run this command in terminal
On Windows run the following
.\path\to\acpidump.exe -b -n DSDT -z
Rename output dsdt.dat file to dsdt.aml
.\path\to\iasl-stable.aml dsdt.aml
On macOS press F4 on Clover bootloader screen or open MaciASL and navigate to "New from ACPI">"DSDT"
(If on Windows open just decompiled dsdt.dsl) Search for
If (_OSI ("Windows 2015"))
replace with
If (_OSI ("Darwin") || _OSI ("Windows 2015"))
Search for
If (_OSI (LINX))
after the end of it add the following
If (_OSI (DRWN)) { ACOS = 0x80 ACSE = Zero }
The two patches above are known as "OS check fix" since some laptops like ours execute pieces of code at BIOS level only if a specific Windows version is matched. If you search on the web you will find lot of sites telling you to use SSDT-XOSI.aml with some "Find and replace" patches, but this is not the best way if you are on a dual boot laptop because renamings can cause some issue when using other OS like Windows.
Search for
Method (BRT6, 2, NotSerialized)
replace the whole method with following one
Method (BRT6, 2, NotSerialized) { If ((Arg0 == One)) { Notify (LCD, 0x86) // Device-Specific Notify (^^LPCB.PS2K, 0x0406) } If ((Arg0 & 0x02)) { Notify (LCD, 0x87) // Device-Specific Notify (^^LPCB.PS2K, 0x0405) } }
The patch above is required to make brightness keys working.
Search for
Method (_PTS, 1, NotSerialized)
add just after the beginning of the method
If (_OSI ("Darwin")) { If ((\_SB.PCI9.FNOK == One)) { Arg0 = 0x03 } If (CondRefOf (\_SB.PCI0.RP01.PEGP._ON)) { \_SB.PCI0.RP01.PEGP._ON () } }
Search for
Method (_WAK, 1, NotSerialized)
add just after the beginning
If (_OSI ("Darwin")) { If ((\_SB.PCI9.FNOK == One)) { \_SB.PCI9.FNOK = Zero Arg0 = 0x03 } If (CondRefOf (\_SB.PCI0.RP01.PEGP._OFF)) { \_SB.PCI0.RP01.PEGP._OFF () } If (CondRefOf (EXT4)) { EXT4 (Arg0) } }
Search for
Method (_LID, 0, NotSerialized)
replace the content with
If (_OSI ("Darwin")) { If ((^^PCI9.FNOK == One)) { Return (Zero) } Else { Local0 = ECG3 () Return (Local0) } } Else { Local0 = ECG3 () Return (Local0) }
Above we have two important patches:
- Patch to disable our dGPU on wake and to enable it on sleep (needed to make sleep/wake feature working)
- Patch to wake screen up on waking process (very important otherwise you will get black screen and you'll need to hard reset your laptop holding power button!)
Search for
Method (GPRW, 2, NotSerialized)
add the following just after the beginnig of the method
While (One) { If ((0x6D == Arg0)) { Return (Package (0x02) { 0x6D, Zero }) } If ((0x0D == Arg0)) { Return (Package (0x02) { 0x0D, Zero }) } Break }
Patch above is needed to fix instant wake after sleep.
Search for
Method (BTNV, 2, NotSerialized)
replace the content with
If ((_OSI ("Darwin") && (Arg0 == 0x02))) { If ((^PCI9.MODE == One)) { ^PCI9.FNOK = One } Else { If ((^PCI9.FNOK != One)) { ^PCI9.FNOK = One } Else { ^PCI9.FNOK = Zero } Notify (LID0, 0x80) // Status Change } } Else { If ((Arg0 == One)) { If ((Arg1 == Zero)) { Notify (PBTN, 0x80) // Status Change } If ((Arg1 == One)) { Notify (PBTN, 0x02) // Device Wake } } If ((Arg0 == 0x02)) { Notify (SBTN, 0x80) // Status Change } If ((Arg0 == 0x03)) { Notify (LID0, 0x80) // Status Change } }
Patch above is required to map Fn + Insert to put laptop in sleep mode.
Now let's call some missing external methods. At the beginning of DSDT.dsl shuold be lot of External calls. After the last one call add the following
External (_SB_.PCI0.RP01.PEGP._OFF, MethodObj) External (_SB_.PCI0.RP01.PEGP._ON_, MethodObj) External (EXT4, MethodObj)
External calls above are needed to call missing method which are stored in ACPI table and files under EFI/OC/ACPI
Search for
Name (LINX, "Linux")
add behind it
Name (DRWN, "Darwin")
Add the following under the end of _SB.PCI0
Device (PCI9) { Name (_ADR, Zero) // _ADR: Address Name (FNOK, Zero) Name (MODE, Zero) Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) // _STA: Status { If (_OSI ("Darwin")) { Return (0x0F) } Else { Return (Zero) } } }
This will add PCI9 device to manage other DSDT patches
HINT: for all patches listed above you can merge your DSDT with mine DSDT_example to check if you correctly applied required patches.
Finally if you are under Windows close DSDT.dsl open terminal and run the following
.\path\to\iasl-stable.exe \path\to\DSDT.dsl
You should get some errors that look like the following
Search for
Method (HPME, 0, Serialized)
remove all Zero before it and into this method. Then you should get
Search for
If (CondRefOf (\_SB.PCI0.RP01.PXSX))
and remove it and its content. Search again for
If (CondRefOf (\_SB.PCI0.RP01.PXSX))
and remove it and its content. Then you should get the following
Search for
If (CondRefOf (\_SB.PCI0.RP01.PXSX))
and remove it and its content. Search again for
If (CondRefOf (\_SB.PCI0.RP01.PXSX))
and remove it and its content. So at the end you should have removed all 4 references to _SB.PCI0.RP01.PXSX.
If you are on macOS just navigate to "File">"Save as">"ACPI Machine Language Binary" with original filename. Saving phase is very important since OpenCore will only inject ACPI .aml files.
Now copy just compiled DSDT.aml to Out/EFI/OC/ACPI.
Open Out/EFI/OC/Kexts/itlwm.kext/Contents/Info.plist and edit Wi-Fi connections' info under "IOKitPersonalities">"WiFiConfig" setting your Wi-Fi's SSID and password
Open Out/EFI/OC/config.plist and follow this guide to correctly fill "PlatformInfo">"Generic" empty fields (Do not change "SystemProductName" value, just use the given one)
Then copy entire EFI folder to your USB flash drive EFI partition you created previously. It should look like the following
- Now it's time to boot macOS installer from your USB drive
On OpenCore boot screen select "Install macOS from your_usb"
Assuming your are dual booting with Windows once you have reached install screen choose "macOS Reinstallation"
Select target partition created before and follow the installer
Download MountEFI script and run it
Select HDD macOS partition to mount EFI
Open your USB drive and head to EFI folder
Copy BOOT and OC folders to HDD EFI partition (if you've previously installed CLOVER first make a backup, then delete CLOVER folder and BOOT/BOOTx64.efi or just replace it with OC's one)
Follow this link's guide to disable "CFG Lock" (Remeber to disable "AppleCpuPmCfgLock" and "AppleXcpmCfgLock" under "Kernel">"Quirks" once done)
Open System Preferences and disable PowerNap and wake on ethernet under "Energy Saving"
Run script Audio/ComboJack_Installer/ to fix 3.5mm jack output and reboot. When you will connect a dialog asking you to select what you connected should show up
Copy Audio/ComboJack_installer/VerbStub.kext to your HDD EFI/OC/Kexts folder
ACPI file | Description |
SSDT-DDGPU.dsl | Disables AMD Radeon M445 |
SSDT-DMAC.dsl | Adds missing DMAC device |
SSDT-EC-USBX.dsl | Adds missing EC controller and inject USB power properties |
SSDT-EXT4.dsl | Wakes our screen up on waking |
SSDT-GPI0.dsl | Injects GPI0 to enable interrupt mode for I2C trackpad |
SSDT-MCHC.dsl | Adds missing MCHC device |
SSDT-MEM2.dsl | Adds missing MEM2 device |
SSDT-PLUG.dsl | Injects plugin-type to fix Native Power Management |
SSDT-PMCR.dsl | Adds missing PMCR device |
SSDT-PNLF.dsl | Injects backlight properties to fix backlight control |
SSDT-SBUS.dsl | Fixes Serial BUS for correct sensors management |
Kext file | Description |
AppleALC | Fixes onboard audio |
CPUFriend | Fixes CPU power management |
Lilu | Fixes lot of things and make laptop boot |
VirtualSMC | Fakes our laptop as MacBook making it boot |
VoodooPS2Controller | Fixes keyboard |
WhateverGreen | Fixes Intel HD Graphics |
VoodooI2C | Fixes trackpad |
VoodooI2CHID | VoodooI2C plugin for Precision Trackpad |
HibernationFixup | Fixes hibernation process |
To get help just open a issue or best thing head over my thread
- or visit hackintosh sites on the web
- and others
- @Acidanthera team for this new and more macOS friendly bootloader
- @dortania team for detailed guides
- @CorpNewt for his amazing scripts, ACPIs, plugins
- @VoodooI2C for make I2C trackpad's gestures possible
- @RehabMan for his crucial role in the hackintosh world. That will never be forgotten since most of the projects above are based on his work.
- @zxystd for his work on Intel Wi-Fi cards (no anyone else wanted to work on this in the past so he's doing something deemed by all impossible)