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Fixed power factor & other small tweaks
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 - Fixed power factor calculation
 - added SagPeakDetCfg, Sag and Voltage peak detect period and set to 20ms
- adjusted power startup valuesto be more consistent
- removed calibrationError since there is no checksum on the 32 (there is on the 36)
- register numbers in comments
- Corrected F register names - these are different on the 32 and are voltage & current peaks. On the 36 they are THD, which the 36 doesn't have.
  • Loading branch information
CircuitSetup committed Nov 21, 2019
1 parent 30850e1 commit 52296af
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Showing 2 changed files with 78 additions and 166 deletions.
223 changes: 70 additions & 153 deletions Software/libraries/ATM90E32/ATM90E32.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ unsigned short ATM90E32::CommEnergyIC(unsigned char RW, unsigned short address,
unsigned short output;
unsigned short address1;

//SPI interface rate is 200 to 160k bps. It Will need to be slowed down for EnergyIC
//SPI interface rate is 200 to 160k bps. It will need to be slowed down for EnergyIC
#if !defined(ENERGIA) && !defined(ESP8266) && !defined(ESP32) && !defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_SAMD)
SPISettings settings(200000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,17 +70,15 @@ unsigned short ATM90E32::CommEnergyIC(unsigned char RW, unsigned short address,

// Chip enable and wait for SPI activation
digitalWrite(_cs, LOW);


// Write address byte by byte
for (byte i = 0; i < 2; i++)
SPI.transfer (*adata);

// SPI.transfer16(address);
/* Must wait 4 us for data to become valid */

Expand All @@ -90,10 +88,9 @@ unsigned short ATM90E32::CommEnergyIC(unsigned char RW, unsigned short address,
for (byte i = 0; i < 2; i++)
*data = SPI.transfer (0x00);
*data = SPI.transfer(0x00);
//val = SPI.transfer16(0x00);
Expand All @@ -102,7 +99,6 @@ unsigned short ATM90E32::CommEnergyIC(unsigned char RW, unsigned short address,
// SPI.transfer16(val);

// Chip enable and wait for transaction to end
Expand All @@ -114,9 +110,6 @@ unsigned short ATM90E32::CommEnergyIC(unsigned char RW, unsigned short address,

output = (val >> 8) | (val << 8); // reverse MSB and LSB
return output;

// Use with transfer16
// return val;

int ATM90E32::Read32Register(signed short regh_addr, signed short regl_addr) {
Expand All @@ -127,20 +120,14 @@ int ATM90E32::Read32Register(signed short regh_addr, signed short regl_addr) {

val = val_h << 16;
val |= val_l; //concatenate the 2 registers to make 1 32 bit number

// returns positive value if negative
if ((val & 0x80000000) != 0) {
val = (~val) + 1; //2s compliment

return (val);


double ATM90E32::CalculateVIOffset(unsigned short regh_addr, unsigned short regl_addr /*, unsigned short offset_reg*/) {
//for getting the lower registers of energy and calculating the offset
//this should only be run when all inputs are disconnected
//for getting the lower registers of Voltage and Current and calculating the offset
//should only be run when CT sensors are connected to the meter,
//but not connected around wires
uint32_t val, val_h, val_l;
uint16_t offset;
val_h = CommEnergyIC(READ, regh_addr, 0xFFFF);
Expand All @@ -149,7 +136,7 @@ double ATM90E32::CalculateVIOffset(unsigned short regh_addr, unsigned short regl

val = val_h << 16; //move high register up 16 bits
val |= val_l; //concatenate the 2 registers to make 1 32 bit number
val = val >> 7; //right shift 7 bits - lowest 7 get ignored
val = val >> 7; //right shift 7 bits - lowest 7 get ignored - V & I registers need this
val = (~val) + 1; //2s compliment

offset = val; //keep lower 16 bits
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -331,34 +318,18 @@ double ATM90E32::GetFrequency() {
double ATM90E32::GetPowerFactorA() {
signed short pf = (signed short) CommEnergyIC(READ, PFmeanA, 0xFFFF);
//if negative
if (pf & 0x8000 != 0) {
pf = (~pf) + 1;
return (double)pf / 1000;
double ATM90E32::GetPowerFactorB() {
signed short pf = (signed short) CommEnergyIC(READ, PFmeanB, 0xFFFF);
//if negative
if (pf & 0x8000 != 0) {
pf = (~pf) + 1;
return (double)pf / 1000;
double ATM90E32::GetPowerFactorC() {
signed short pf = (signed short) CommEnergyIC(READ, PFmeanC, 0xFFFF);
//if negative
if (pf & 0x8000 != 0) {
pf = (~pf) + 1;
return (double)pf / 1000;
double ATM90E32::GetTotalPowerFactor() {
signed short pf = (signed short) CommEnergyIC(READ, PFmeanT, 0xFFFF);
//if negative
if (pf & 0x8000 != 0) {
pf = (~pf) + 1;
return (double)pf / 1000;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -391,6 +362,7 @@ double ATM90E32::GetValueRegister(unsigned short registerRead) {

// these registers accumulate energy and are cleared after being read
double ATM90E32::GetImportEnergy() {
unsigned short ienergyT = CommEnergyIC(READ, APenergyT, 0xFFFF);
return (double)ienergyT / 100 / 3200; //returns kWh
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -451,52 +423,6 @@ unsigned short ATM90E32::GetMeterStatus1() {
return CommEnergyIC(READ, EMMState1, 0xFFFF);

/* Checksum Error Function */
bool ATM90E32::calibrationError()
bool CS0, CS1, CS2, CS3;
unsigned short systemstatus0 = GetSysStatus0();

if (systemstatus0 & 0x4000)
CS0 = true;
CS0 = false;

if (systemstatus0 & 0x0100)
CS1 = true;
CS1 = false;
if (systemstatus0 & 0x0400)
CS2 = true;
CS2 = false;
if (systemstatus0 & 0x0100)
CS3 = true;
CS3 = false;

if (CS0 || CS1 || CS2 || CS3) return (true);
else return (false);


- Define the pin to be used as Chip Select
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -525,98 +451,89 @@ void ATM90E32::begin(int pin, unsigned short lineFreq, unsigned short pgagain, u

//calculation for voltage sag threshold - assumes we do not want to go under 90v for split phase and 190v otherwise
//determine proper low and high frequency threshold
unsigned short vSagTh;
unsigned short sagV;
unsigned short FreqHiThresh;
unsigned short FreqLoThresh;

if (_lineFreq == 4485 || _lineFreq == 5231)
//North America power frequency
sagV = 90;
FreqHiThresh = 61 * 100;
FreqLoThresh = 59 * 100;
FreqHiThresh = 51 * 100;
FreqLoThresh = 49 * 100;

//calculation for voltage sag threshold - assumes we do not want to go under 90v for split phase and 190v otherwise
unsigned short vSagTh;
unsigned short sagV;
if (_lineFreq == 4485 || _lineFreq == 5231)
sagV = 90;
sagV = 190;
FreqHiThresh = 51 * 100;
FreqLoThresh = 49 * 100;

vSagTh = (sagV * 100 * sqrt(2)) / (2 * _ugain / 32768);

//Initialize registers
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, SoftReset, 0x789A); // Perform soft reset
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, CfgRegAccEn, 0x55AA); // enable register config access
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, MeterEn, 0x0001); // Enable Metering

CommEnergyIC(WRITE, SagTh, vSagTh); // Voltage sag threshold
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, FreqHiTh, FreqHiThresh); // High frequency threshold - 61.00Hz
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, FreqLoTh, FreqLoThresh); // Lo frequency threshold - 59.00Hz
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, EMMIntEn0, 0xB76F); // Enable interrupts
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, EMMIntEn1, 0xDDFD); // Enable interrupts
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, EMMIntState0, 0x0001); // Clear interrupt flags
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, EMMIntState1, 0x0001); // Clear interrupt flags
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, ZXConfig, 0x0A55); // ZX2, ZX1, ZX0 pin config
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, SoftReset, 0x789A); // 70 Perform soft reset
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, CfgRegAccEn, 0x55AA); // 7F enable register config access
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, MeterEn, 0x0001); // 00 Enable Metering

CommEnergyIC(WRITE, SagPeakDetCfg, 0x143F); // 05 Sag and Voltage peak detect period set to 20ms
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, SagTh, vSagTh); // 08 Voltage sag threshold
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, FreqHiTh, FreqHiThresh); // 0D High frequency threshold
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, FreqLoTh, FreqLoThresh); // 0C Lo frequency threshold
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, EMMIntEn0, 0xB76F); // 75 Enable interrupts
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, EMMIntEn1, 0xDDFD); // 76 Enable interrupts
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, EMMIntState0, 0x0001); // 73 Clear interrupt flags
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, EMMIntState1, 0x0001); // 74 Clear interrupt flags
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, ZXConfig, 0xD654); // 07 ZX2, ZX1, ZX0 pin config - set to current channels, all polarity

//Set metering config values (CONFIG)
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PLconstH, 0x0861); // PL Constant MSB (default) - Meter Constant = 3200 - PL Constant = 140625000
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PLconstL, 0xC468); // PL Constant LSB (default) - this is 4C68 in the application note, which is incorrect
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, MMode0, _lineFreq); // Mode Config (frequency set in main program)
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, MMode1, _pgagain); // PGA Gain Configuration for Current Channels - 0x002A (x4) // 0x0015 (x2) // 0x0000 (1x)
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PStartTh, 0x0AFC); // All phase Active Startup Power Threshold - 50% of startup current = 0.09W/0.00032 = 2812.5
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, QStartTh, 0x0000); // All phase Reactive Startup Power Threshold
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, SStartTh, 0x0AEC); // All phase Apparent Startup Power Threshold
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PPhaseTh, 0x00BC); // Each phase Active Phase Threshold = 10% of startup current = 0.06W/0.00032 = 187.5
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, QPhaseTh, 0x0000); // Each phase Reactive Phase Threshold
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, SPhaseTh, 0x00BC); // Each phase Apparent Phase Threshold
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PLconstH, 0x0861); // 31 PL Constant MSB (default) - Meter Constant = 3200 - PL Constant = 140625000
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PLconstL, 0xC468); // 32 PL Constant LSB (default) - this is 4C68 in the application note, which is incorrect
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, MMode0, _lineFreq); // 33 Mode Config (frequency set in main program)
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, MMode1, _pgagain); // 34 PGA Gain Configuration for Current Channels - 0x002A (x4) // 0x0015 (x2) // 0x0000 (1x)
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PStartTh, 0x1D4C); // 35 All phase Active Startup Power Threshold - 50% of startup current = 0.02A/0.00032 = 7500
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, QStartTh, 0x1D4C); // 36 All phase Reactive Startup Power Threshold
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, SStartTh, 0x1D4C); // 37 All phase Apparent Startup Power Threshold
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PPhaseTh, 0x02EE); // 38 Each phase Active Phase Threshold = 10% of startup current = 0.002A/0.00032 = 750
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, QPhaseTh, 0x02EE); // 39 Each phase Reactive Phase Threshold
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, SPhaseTh, 0x02EE); // 3A Each phase Apparent Phase Threshold

//Set metering calibration values (CALIBRATION)
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PQGainA, 0x0000); // Line calibration gain
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PhiA, 0x0032); // Line calibration angle - accounts for a ~2.5 degree error from 9V AC transformer
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PQGainB, 0x0000); // Line calibration gain
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PhiB, 0x0032); // Line calibration angle
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PQGainC, 0x0000); // Line calibration gain
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PhiC, 0x0032); // Line calibration angle
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PoffsetA, 0xFFDC); // A line active power offset
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, QoffsetA, 0xFFDC); // A line reactive power offset
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PoffsetB, 0xFFDC); // B line active power offset
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, QoffsetB, 0xFFDC); // B line reactive power offset
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PoffsetC, 0xFFDC); // C line active power offset
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, QoffsetC, 0xFFDC); // C line reactive power offset
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PQGainA, 0x0000); // 47 Line calibration gain
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PhiA, 0x0000); // 48 Line calibration angle
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PQGainB, 0x0000); // 49 Line calibration gain
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PhiB, 0x0000); // 4A Line calibration angle
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PQGainC, 0x0000); // 4B Line calibration gain
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PhiC, 0x0000); // 4C Line calibration angle
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PoffsetA, 0x0000); // 41 A line active power offset FFDC
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, QoffsetA, 0x0000); // 42 A line reactive power offset
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PoffsetB, 0x0000); // 43 B line active power offset
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, QoffsetB, 0x0000); // 44 B line reactive power offset
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PoffsetC, 0x0000); // 45 C line active power offset
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, QoffsetC, 0x0000); // 46 C line reactive power offset

//Set metering calibration values (HARMONIC)
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, POffsetAF, 0xFFDC); // A Fund. active power offset
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, POffsetBF, 0xFFDC); // B Fund. active power offset
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, POffsetCF, 0xFFDC); // C Fund. active power offset
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PGainAF, 0x0000); // A Fund. active power gain
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PGainBF, 0x0000); // B Fund. active power gain
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PGainCF, 0x0000); // C Fund. active power gain
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, POffsetAF, 0x0000); // 51 A Fund. active power offset
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, POffsetBF, 0x0000); // 52 B Fund. active power offset
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, POffsetCF, 0x0000); // 53 C Fund. active power offset
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PGainAF, 0x0000); // 54 A Fund. active power gain
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PGainBF, 0x0000); // 55 B Fund. active power gain
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, PGainCF, 0x0000); // 56 C Fund. active power gain

//Set measurement calibration values (ADJUST)
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, UgainA, _ugain); // A Voltage rms gain
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, IgainA, _igainA); // A line current gain
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, UoffsetA, 0x61A8); // A Voltage offset
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, IoffsetA, 0xFC60); // A line current offset
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, UgainB, _ugain); // B Voltage rms gain
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, IgainB, _igainB); // B line current gain
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, UoffsetB, 0x1D4C); // B Voltage offset
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, IoffsetB, 0xFC60); // B line current offset
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, UgainC, _ugain); // C Voltage rms gain
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, IgainC, _igainC); // C line current gain
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, UoffsetC, 0x1D4C); // C Voltage offset
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, IoffsetC, 0xFC60); // C line current offset

CommEnergyIC(WRITE, CfgRegAccEn, 0x0000); // end configuration
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, UgainA, _ugain); // 61 A Voltage rms gain
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, IgainA, _igainA); // 62 A line current gain
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, UoffsetA, 0x0000); // 63 A Voltage offset - 61A8
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, IoffsetA, 0x0000); // 64 A line current offset - FE60
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, UgainB, _ugain); // 65 B Voltage rms gain
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, IgainB, _igainB); // 66 B line current gain
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, UoffsetB, 0x0000); // 67 B Voltage offset - 1D4C
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, IoffsetB, 0x0000); // 68 B line current offset - FE60
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, UgainC, _ugain); // 69 C Voltage rms gain
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, IgainC, _igainC); // 6A C line current gain
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, UoffsetC, 0x0000); // 6B C Voltage offset - 1D4C
CommEnergyIC(WRITE, IoffsetC, 0x0000); // 6C C line current offset

CommEnergyIC(WRITE, CfgRegAccEn, 0x0000); // 7F end configuration

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