TCD v2.0
This release contains lots of new functionality & bug fixes thanks to Thomas Winischhofer @realA10001986 !
Instructions for updating from v1.0 are located here.
New Functionality:
- Added alarm functionality (enable by holding down "1", disable by holding "2") (#7)
- Support for time zones and automatic DST
- 24 hour mode added
- New Keypad menu for adjusting various settings (#1 #2)
- Configurable WiFi connection timeouts and retries
- Return from Time Travel (hold "9" for 2 seconds)
- "Present Time" now functions as a clock (not stale) after time travel (#15)
- Selectable "persistent" time travel mode (any changed dates are stored in memory upon reset, otherwise they will rotate preset times from the movie, and display the real time on reset)
- Added night mode (enable by holding "4", disable by holding "5")
- Added "auto night mode" to automatically turn night mode on/off based on Present Time's time
- Added ability to trigger an external time travel event on another prop (io27 pulled low)
- Added ability to trigger a time travel event from another prop (pull io14 low)
- Added "fake power on" and off facility (TCD will boot, setup WiFi, sync time with NTP, but not start displays until an active-low button is pressed connected to io13)
- Added ability to set a static IP
- Show "BATT" during booting if RTC battery is depleted and needs to be changed
- Display connection status and IP address in display settings menu
- Time travel sequence now longer and includes display "noise" (#5)
- Added intro with sound as the displays show "Back to the Future", and option to turn on/off
- Added incorrect date sound
- Added alarm sound, and on and off sounds
- Added fake power off sound
- Sounds cleaned up, volume normalized, and updated
- Sound file "hour.mp3" is played hourly on the hour, if the file exists on the SD card
- Holding "3" or "6" plays sound files "key3.mp3"/"key6.mp3" if these files exist on the SD card (#4)
- Added mechanism to copy sound files to the control board mcu from an SD card
- Better volume control - ability to specify volume via software or hardware
- An SD card can now be inserted so custom sounds are played
- Added easter eggs
Bug fixes:
- More stable sound playback
- Fix for flakey i2c connection to RTC (check data and retry)
- Fix "animation" (ie. month displayed a tad delayed)
- Integrate a modified Keypad_I2C into the project in order to fix the "ghost" key presses
- After a time travel, entering a new date now works correctly (#9)
- Month off by one when stored to the RTC (#14)
- Now uses new LittleFS instead of deprecated SPIFFS for storing config and sound files
- Fix added to v2.0 for upgrading issues related to (#17)