This release contains a number of bug fixes and new features, again, thanks to Thomas Winischhofer @realA10001986.
Click here for instructions on updating the TCD firmware
A new sound pack is required for this update. See here for instructions on updating sound files.
Notable changes since v3.0.99
- Added support for upcoming Futaba remote control, including playing a sound when remote is turned on/off, syncing speedo speed with remote, STOP remote switch functionality (speedo displays 0 until stop switch/brake is turned off), and accelerating to 88mph to trigger time travel
- Revisit UTF8 filtering for MQTT messages and ID3 data
- Properly truncate UTF8 strings (MQTT user/topics) if beyond buffer size
- Fix for line-out switching
- Skip white led blink if fake power switch is on pos during boot
- Add support for HDC302X temperature/humidity sensor
- Key3, key6 are now played over line-out (if available and enabled)
- Speedo/acceleration: Implement option to use either real-life figures (as before), or movie-like figures (matching the Futaba Remote's times).
Accel factor only applies to real-life times.
"Movie-like" is measured/interpolated from mph incrementing times on the Remote control's display.
If speedo is not found or disabled, movie-like times are used.