This repository contains several NetDevOps scripts build by our user community using pyATS Framework
Everyone is welcome to leverage these scripts as starting points on solving common network operations challenges.
If you have additional thoughts, ideas, or samples you'd like to contribute, feel free to open a PR and become a member of the development community!
# first, ensure you have a pyATS virtual environment
# eg:
mkdir -p ~/workspace/pyats
cd ~/workspace/pyats
python3 -m venv .
source bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
pip install pyats[full]
# now, clone this repository
git clone
cd solutions_examples
# install the common dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# you're good to go!
You can visit our documentation for more information.
Many of the examples refers to the DevNet Always-On Sandbox devices. If preferred to use local VIRL file with the examples, an example_testbed.virl file can be downloaded here.
We've provided a default_testbed.yaml and devnet_sandbox.yaml to go along with the sample topology. Please double check for the latest IP and hostname information.
bgp_adjacencies - "if a neighbor is configured, it should be established"
crc_errors - "No interface should be accumulating CRC errors"
hostname_checker - "Verify devices hostname with Testbed file names"