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[email protected] edited this page Aug 23, 2024 · 50 revisions

This project is a remake of the 2017 using Vue 3. Most of the vue files are written using the Vue3 Composition API.


A demo of the app can be seen at

Main App Info

Environmental Variables

Click here to see what is needed in env.local

App Structure

The 2 panels (Topic and Map) of the App Structure are described here

App Style

The app's style contains a few ideosyncracies that should be noted.

Main data-fetching explanation

The main data-fetching explanation, mostly done in router/index.js, of


All of the data that atlas shows is official City of Philadelphia data, maintained in the CityGeo database Databridge.

Carto and ArcGIS Online data sources

While Databridge is the central source of truth, these datasets are daily pushed to Carto or ArcGIS Online, where they can be accessed through APIs. The APIs for those 2 services are different. A description of the Carto API is here. A description of the ArcGIS Online API is here.

The Map

Maplibre GL JS in General

Slippy maps in General

A quick explanation of how slippy maps work.

Maplibre GL JS

The map is created using Maplibre, specifically the Maplibre GL JS API. A short description of how it works is here.

Map Tiling in General

A quick explanation of how map tiles work.

Map Styling in General

A quick explanation of how Maplibre styles work, using the styling rules documented in the Maplibre GL JS Style Specification.

Geometric Calculations

You can use Turf.js or an ArcGIS Online GeometryServer for basic geometry functions. You can use the npm package proj4 to transform point coordinates from one coordinate system to another.


A simple way to do some kind of geometry calculation in your js is to use Turf.js. A quick explanation of how we use Turf.js.


A simple explanation of how we use proj4.

Examples from our map use


Map.vue - the longest and most complicated file of the app - is described here.

Atlas Style and Imagery in the $config File

There is a config.js file which is imported as $config whenever needed, for containing the map styling described above.

ArcGIS Online Tiled Layers

Many of the imagery layers added to the Maplibre GL JS map are stored in ArcGIS Online. A description of how we made that work is here.

GeoServer Tiled Layers

CityGeo did an experiment with using GeoServer for the Zoning map tiles, and it worked better than using ArcGIS Online, so some of the other tiled layers may be moved to GeoServer. A description of the small code change is here.

Other Panels in the Map


Cyclomedia is the company that provides street view imagery. An explanation of how we use their api is here.

Eagleview (formerly Pictometry)

Eagleview is the new name (formerly Pictometry) of the company that provides oblique aerial imagery. An explanation of how we use their api is here.


Automated tests run when a PR is merged into the main branch


The app deploys to both and

Vue info

Vue Router

It uses Vue Router 4. Most of the logic in the app is in "router/index.js." As noted on the Router page, we are attempting to make nearly all actions make changes to the route, and then all changes to the app follow the route change (except for changes such as showing imagery or opening cyclomedia, which are not reflected in the route).


It uses Pinia for creating multiple Stores.