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Civclassic 1.16.1 Ansible setup

How to deploy:

First of all note that Ansible does not support Windows, you will need a UNIX based operating system. Civclassics uses Debian/Ubuntu and all instructions in the following will be based on that. Note that the Windows Subsystem for Linux is NOT a UNIX based operating system, do not report issues when trying to run this setup on it and install a proper OS.

  • Install Java (minimum 8)

  • Install Git, Python and MariaDB

sudo apt-get install git python python3-pip python-dev default-libmysqlclient-dev python3-pymysql mariadb-server mariadb-client byobu curlftpfs dirmngr

If python3-mysql can't be found or you are later on getting an error like "The PyMySQL (Python 2.7 and Python 3.X) or MySQL-python (Python 2.X) module is required." try sudo apt-get install python-pymysql

Recommendend optionals for managing a server:

sudo apt-get install htop iotop

  • Install Ansible

  • Configure a root password for MariaDB

Note that in the following the terms MariaDB and Mysql are used interchangeably

  • Create a user under which the server will be running

By default this user is named mc, so: sudo adduser mc You may use a different user name, if you do so you will need to adjust the user name setting in variables/all.yml

  • Clone this repo
git clone --depth 1
cd AnsibleSetup
  • Create the file variables/passwords.yml and fill it as follows:
#Name of the mysql root user
mysql_root_user: root
#Mysql root password
mysql_root_pass: squidlover69
#Password to use for the newly created mysql user
mysql_non_root_pass: squidlover420
#Host of the mysql database
mysql_host: localhost
#Name of the mysql user to use, will be automatically created
mysql_user: '{{ servername }}'
#Name of the database to use
mysql_db_name: 'civclassic'
#Port mysql is using, 3306 by default
mysql_port: 3306
#Seeds used for HiddenOre noise generation
hidden_ore_density_seed: 13
hidden_ore_height_seed: 14
#Seed used for FactoryMod wordbank
wordbank_seed: abcd
#Optional API key to make Bansticks ip hub lookup work
#BungeeGuard Key used to avoid BungeeSpoofing (change this if you don't have a firewall setup properly)
bungee_guard_token: abcdef
#FTP user name to use for mounting backup point
remote_backup_user: squid
#Password to use for mounting FTP backup point
remote_backup_password: ink
#URL to use for FTP backup point
remote_backup_server: some.backup.domain

You should only have to change mysql_root_pass to your MariaDB root password and change mysql_non_root_pass to an arbitrary random string for this to work

  • Configure the setup according to your needs

Check out variables/all.yml and change values as you see fit. You will most likely need to change mysql_socket_location to /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock and you also most likely want to use less RAM than we do.

  • Run the deploy script

sudo bash deploy

This script requires sudo for the initial database setup. You only need to run it as root once at the beginning or if you want to change the database or user name used. Past that any invocations of should not require sudo. is your single access point to controlling your entire setup, run bash help to see a full list of available commands.

For reference, Civclassic has the following cronjobs setup for the user mc:

44 7 * * * mv /home/mc/restart.log.txt /home/mc/restart.old.log.txt
45 7 * * * cd /home/mc/AnsibleSetup && bash pull >> /home/mc/restart.log.txt
50 7 * * * cd /home/mc/AnsibleSetup && bash warn10 stop backup update start duplicity >> /home/mc/restart.log.txt


Civclassic 1.16.5 Ansible deployment environment







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