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Coding Guidelines

Swati Jaiswal edited this page Oct 11, 2019 · 3 revisions


  • Create an issue for a feature/bug.
  • Discuss the implementation on the issue itself while attaching the supporting docs there.
  • Create a new branch for the issue.
  • Code in the branch.
  • Open a PR with the very first commit and add a WIP prefix to the title of the PR. e.g. WIP: Fix #1 - add base project structure with spiders.
  • When finished with the implementation, request reviews and remove the WIP prefix.
  • If approved, merge the branch. If you are merging from your local CLI(instead of Github UI), make sure your merge commit message contain Fix #1 (for our example, the issue number is 1, replace it with whatever issue number you worked on).
  • Go back and check if your issue is closed or not, if not just close it with a reference to the PR which closes it and then go ahead and delete the branch.

Branching Model

  • Protect Master Branch

  • Branches should be created with respect to issues with the name convention as: <feature_name-#issue_number> e.g. scraper-#1.

Code standards

  • We follow pep-8 for Python.
  • We are using pylint for code linting and this is integrated in the CI pipeline.
  • Any PR that needs to be merged must get a score > 8 to be passed from CI pipeline.

Labels in Github

We have some handful of labels to use, few of them we recommend using regularly like: wip, needs-review, bug, enhancement etc.

When to use which label?

  • PRs should generally have process specific labels. e.g. when you are working on it, it should have a wip label and once work is finished, the wip should be removed and they should have a needs-review label until the final merge. After the merge we should get rid of all the wip and needs-review.
  • Issues could have more intent specific label, like bug, enhancement, documentation etc.