Opti++ is a framework optimization library fully written in C++. Current version is a preliminary release.
Currently there are two working methodologies available out-of-the-box: DOE Full Factorial and DOE Latin Hypercube.
Working examples are available in folder /test.
Both code and documentation improvments are planned in short time. Documentation is available at this page . A more generic project's overview is available here .
Please, share any feedback, requirements and issue at [email protected]
Currently only source code is released. To create project to be compiled it is possible using CMAake 3.10.0 or later. Project creation and compilation was tested on MSWindows only with Visual Studio 2017 and MingW64 8.1.0 Maybe that compilation can work on other operative sistems and with other compilers. However it is required a C++ compiler which supports at least C++17 standard