eDAVE - extension for GDC Data Analysis, Visualization, and Exploration (DAVE) Tools
The goal of this project is to provide a highly efficient GUI to analyse, visualize and explore datasets from GDC (Genomic Data Commons). This project contains two main components:
- data-processing-pipeline/ -> implements data processing pipeline to build local data repository.
- app/ -> implements Dash-based app which is an interface to local data repository.
Because of technical limitations web-based eDAVE is providing access to only part of the data
deposited in the GDC. To overcome this obstacle a user may run eDAVE locally. To do so, You
should follow one out of two alternative paths (described below) as well as open
and update the fields listed below.
- FILES_LIMIT # max files/samples in local data repository
- MIN_COMMON_SAMPLES # min common samples (exp and met data) per single category
- MIN_SAMPLES_PER_SAMPLE_GROUP # min number of samples per single category
- MAX_SAMPLES_PER_SAMPLE_GROUP # max number of samples per single category
1.1 make sure that You have python >= 3.10 installed
1.2 install poetry dependency manager
pip install poetry
1.3 clone repository
git clone https://github.com/ClinicalEpigeneticsLaboratory/eDAVE.git
1.4 open project directory and install required dependencies
poetry install
1.5 install pre-commit [optional]
poetry run pre-commit install
1.6 Alternative for steps 1.2-1.5 using Makefile
make set_up
This script builds the data repository required to run Dash app, and it is
based on GDC API
and GDC data transfer tool.
Please note that FIELDS
are declared in data-processing-pipeline/config.json
Additionally, GDC API requires a maximum FILES_LIMIT
parameter, to test purposes this parameter should
be a relatively small number e.g. 100 (default). However, in the production
mode, it should be 100000.
cd data-processing-pipeline/
poetry run python run.py # Please be patient, usually it takes around 12-24h to download all datasets
Please note that to run app in production mode set debug: false
in app/config.json
file. Please remember,
that the app requires an existing local data repository from step 2.
cd app/
poetry run python app.py # development mode
poetry run gunicorn app:server # production mode
Alternatively, a user may want to run the app in Docker container. This solution comprises all steps described in the path 1.
git clone https://github.com/ClinicalEpigeneticsLaboratory/eDAVE.git && cd eDAVE/
docker build . -t edave # build an image. Please be patient, usually it takes around 12-24h to download all datasets
# Optional: to view summary of image vulnerabilities and recommendations
# docker scout quickview
# once the image is created you may start the container using the following command
docker run -p 8000:8000 edave # run container
To ensure the code quality level we use: black, isort, lint and bandit. To run those tools:
or specifically:
make black
make isort
make pylint
make bandit
To run unit tests open main eDAVE directory and type:
make tests_data_processing_pipeline # to run data processing pipeline tests
make tests_app # to run app tests