This Nextflow project is designed to identify methylation quantitative trait loci (mQTL), which are interactions between the genome and the methylome. The project consists of three main workflows:
- Preprocess SNP arrays data (Illumina).flow_two
- Preprocess methylation arrays data (Illumina).flow_three
- Identify mQTLs.
Ensure you have the following software installed:
- Java >11, <=22
- Nextflow
- Docker
This projects contains docker image mainly for Python3.10 as well as R4.4 used as execution environment for Nextflow pipelines. To build image, use the following command:
docker build -t mqtl-image .
To validate builds:
docker run -it mqtl-image
Running container using following dependencies:
Python: Python 3.10.0
R: R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14) -- "Race for Your Life"
bgzip: bgzip (htslib) 1.9 Copyright (C) 2018 Genome Research Ltd.
tabix: tabix (htslib) 1.9 Copyright (C) 2018 Genome Research Ltd.
BCFtools: bcftools 1.9 Using htslib 1.9 Copyright (C) 2018 Genome Research Ltd. License Expat: The MIT/Expat license This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Illumina CLI: Array Analysis CLI 2.1.0
The first workflow preprocesses SNP array data from Illumina microarrays. It involves the following steps:
0. Sanity check
1. Convert idat to gtc: Convert raw idat files to gtc format.
2. Convert gtc to vcf: Convert gtc files to VCF format.
3. Index and merge VCF files: Index and merge VCF files.
4. Filtering and formatting:
1. Use PLINK to filter the merged BCF file.
2. Apply filters: minor allele frequency (--maf 0.05), Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (--hwe 1e-50), genotype missingness (--geno 0.1), and autosome restriction.
3. Extract only bi-allelic loci.
4. Recode VCF file.
5. Exporting results files (VCF file: *.vcf.gz, genotype table: *.parquet as well as plink logs: *.log).
Workflow basic command:
nextflow run --reference_fa <path> --bmp_manifest <path> --csv_manifest <path> --cluster_file <path> --gsa_idats_dir <path> --sample_sheet <path> --array_position <str> --sample_name <str> --results_dir <path>
: path to directory comprising reference genom [.fa] as well as genome index [.fai]bmp_manifest
: path to GSA array specific BMP manifest filecsv_manifest
: path to GSA array specific CSV manifest file (it should containName
: path to GSA array specific cluster filegsa_idats_dir
: directory comprising GSA idatssample_sheet
: sample sheet contianing at least info aboutsample name
andarray position
: sample sheet column name containing information about array position (sentrix ID and sentrix position) e.g.205723740073_R03C02
: sample sheet column name containing sample nameresults_dir
: results directory
- Only IDATs common between
are going to be analysed! - BMP manifest, CSV manifest as well as cluster file are product specific files therefore should be downloaded from Illumina Product Files page e.g. GSA v3.0
- Reference genome along with indexes should be downloaded from Illumina
Workflow config example:
mQTL 1.0v Worklow one [SNPs arrays]
Ref. genome directory [should include *.fa and *.fai files] [--reference_fa <path>]: ../mQTL/resources/
BMP manifest [--bmp_manifest <path>]: ../mQTL/resources/GSA-24v3-0_A1.bpm
CSV manifest [--csv_manifest <path>]: ../mQTL/resources/GSA-24v3-0_A1.csv
Cluster file [--cluster_file <path>]: ../mQTL/resources/GSA-24v3-0_A1_ClusterFile.egt
Number of CPUs [--CPUs <int>]: 22 [default: 10]
PLINK params:
MAF [--MAF <float>]: 0.01 [default: 0.01]
HWE [--HWE <float>]: 1e-50 [default: 1e-50]
GENO [--GENO <float>]: 0.1 [default: 0.1]
GSA idats [--gsa_idats_dir <path>]: ../mQTL/GSA/idats/
Sample sheet [--sample_sheet <path>]: ../mQTL/sample_sheet.csv
Array position column [--array_position <str>]: ArrayPicker
Sample name column [--sample_name <str>]: Sample_Name
results directory [--results_dir <path>]: ../mQTL/results
Workflow output is placed in <results_dir/flow_one> directory, and includes:
- merged and filtered for biallelic loci VCF filegenotype_table.parquet
- VCF file converted to PLINK traw format and recoded to [sample x genotype] dataframe*.log
- plink log files
This workflow will preprocess methylation array data from Illumina. It involves the following steps:
0. Sanity check
1. Sesame preprocessing: use the Sesame R package for preprocessing (prep code: QCDPB) the methylation data.
3. Cell fraction correction: use linear models to adjust for cellular composition in the samples. [OPTIONAL] (PMID: 36076479)
4. Exporting normalized or normalized AND adjusted for tissue composition beta-matrix frame (mynorm.parquet).
5. If cell fraction correction has been performed workflow will also export estimated cell proportions before (CF.csv) and after (CFc.csv) data adjustment.
Workflow basic command:
nextflow run --methylation_idats_dir <path> --sample_sheet <path> --array_position <str> --sample_name <str> --results_dir <path>
: directory comprising EPIC2/EPIC/450K idats to analysesample_sheet
: sample sheet contianing at least info aboutsample name
andarray position
: sample sheet column name containing information about array position (sentrix ID and sentrix position) e.g.205723740073_R03C02
: sample sheet column name containing sample nameresults_dir
: results directory [the same as in flow_one]
Workflow config example:
mQTL 1.0v Worklow two [Methylation arrays]
Cell fraction correction [--correction <boolean: true/false>]: true [default: false]
Deconvolution method [--deconvolution_method <str: CP/RPC/CBS>]: RPC [default: RPC]
Collapse methylation readings to the cg prefix [--collapse_prefix <boolean: true/false>]: true [default: true]
Number of CPUs [--CPUs <int>]: 10 [default: 10]
Methylation idats [--methylation_idats_dir <path>]: ../test/EPIC/
Sample sheet [--sample_sheet <path>]: ../test/sample_sheet.csv
Array position column [--array_position <str>]: Sentrix_Info
Sample name column [--sample_name <str>]: Sample_Name
results directory [--results_dir <path>]: ../test/results/
Workflow output is placed in <results_dir/flow_two> directory, and includes:
- normalized beta-matrixmynorm_corrected.parquet
- normalized beta-matrix corrected for tissue composition (applicable only for blood samples, only if --correction true)CF.csv
- estimated cellular fractions before correction (only if --correction true)CFc.csv
- estimated cellular fractions after correction (only if --correction true)
This workflow will analyze data from flow_one and flow_two to identify mQTLs. It involves the following steps:
1. mQTL analysis: Integrate genetic and methylation data to identify mQTLs.
2. Filtering: extracting significant mQTLs based on provided criteria.
3. Annotating: mQTL annotations using VEP webserver.
4. Clumping: Perform clumping to group SNPs based on linkage disequilibrium.
Workflow basic command:
nextflow run --csv_gsa_manifest <path> --csv_methylation_manifest <path> --conversion_file <path> --results_dir <path>
: GSA manifest filecsv_methylation_manifest:
450K/EPIC/EPIV2 manifest fileconversion file
: path to GSA conversion file (it should containName
column corresponding toName
column in csv_manifest andRsID
: results directory [the same as in flow_one and flow_two]
Workflow config example:
mQTL 1.0v Worklow three [mQTL]
GSA manifest [--csv_gsa_manifest <path>]: ../test/resources/GSA-24v3-0_A1.csv
Methylation manifest [--csv_methylation_manifest <path>]: ../test/resources/infinium-methylationepic-v-1-0-b5-manifest-file.csv
Conversion file [--conversion_file <path>]: ../mQTL/resources/GSA-24v3-0_A1_b151_rsids.txt
Genome assembly [--genome_assembly <str>]: GRCh37 [default: GRCh37]
Alpha [--alpha <float>]: 0.05 [default: 0.05]
Slope [--slope <float>]: 0.05 [default: 0.05]
Distance [--distance <int>]: 50000 [default: 50000]
Number of CPUs [--CPUs <int>]: 20 [default: 10]
PLINK config:
P1: [--clump_p1 <float>]: 0.0001 [default: 0.0001]
P2: [--clump_p2 <float>]: 0.01 [default: 0.01]
R1: [--clump_r2 <float>]: 0.50 [default: 0.5]
KB: [--clump_kb <int>]: 250 [default: 250]
Results from flow_one and flow_two are expected to be in [--results_dir <path>]: ../test/results/
results directory [--results_dir <path>]: ../test/results/
Workflow output is placed in <results_dir/flow_three> directory, and includes:
- tabular file comprising all mQTL statisticsfiltered_mQTL.parquet
- tabular file comprising filtered mQTLs based on--alpha
- lists of all assesed CpGs/SNPs along with FDR corrected p-value (Benjamini/Yekutieli)*.bed files
- BED files for input and BG generated separately for SNPs and CpGsvep_report
- VEP report generated for filtered mQTLsplink.clumped
- clumping results generated based onrs_pval.txt
- HOMER reports
Contributions to the project are welcome. Please fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
For questions or issues, please contact [Jan Bińkowski] at [[email protected]].