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chore(release): 1.1.0-development.2 [skip ci]
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## [1.1.0-development.2]( (2024-09-22)

### :bug: Bug Fixes

* **page:exercises:** error when navigating to `/exercises/targets`, `/exercises/equipments` or `/exercises/body-parts` ([96bc652](, closes [#524](

### :books: Documentation

* **docs:images:** add screenshot for `adding ENVs` ([644ca9d](
* **page:exercises:bodyParts:** add comment on why redirecting to `/exercises` page ([1ce6498](
* **page:exercises:equipments:** add comment on why redirecting to `/exercises` page ([7d1d0eb](
* **page:exercises:targets:** add comment on why redirecting to `/exercises` page ([e90dc97](
* **readme:database:** add docs on using command `processBodyPartExercises` ([40ee5b2](
* **readme:database:** add docs on using command `processEquipmentExercises` ([c59640a](
* **readme:database:** add docs on using command `processExerciseId` ([9a85f49](
* **readme:database:** add docs on using command `processTargetExercises` ([f02b45e](
* **readme:processExerciseData:** add README for ./database/data/ directory ([6078374](
* **readme:** add ENV `DATABASE_URL` ([a8416cc](
* **readme:** add ENV `NEXT_PUBLIC_EXERCISE_DB_BASE_URL` ([e9a4cea](
* **readme:** add ENV details section ([7d60ebc](
* **readme:** add link on how to create Google OAuth token ([e07158a](
* **readme:** add links to their respective ENVs ([aa8a3bb](
* **readme:** add section for ENVs on vercel ([f759134](
* **readme:** add section on adding ENVs ([a960603](
* **readme:** update README `install npm packages` to use `pnpm` ([dc38b7c](
* **readne:** add a table of ENVs used ([bf5a683](
* **types:** add `DATABASE_URL` type for ENV ([a21ee52](
* **types:** add type `NEXT_PUBLIC_EXERCISE_DB_LOCAL_FETCH_BASE_URL` for ENV ([49cdc86](, closes [#112](

### :lipstick: Styles

* **api:url:** format code ([bfb9c16](
* **database:** format code ([ce356d5](
* format code ([05a49a5](
* **loading:home:** fix loading component from overlapping ([653fbea](
* **page:exercises:exerciseId:** format code ([1a314ea](
* **page:exercises:exerciseId:** reduce height of dialog content for gif ([cf6e67e](
* **readme:** format README ([1446e1f](
* **workflows:docker-build:** format code ([c2011a1](

### :octopus: Miscellaneous Chores

* **api:exercises:[exerciseId]:** move `/api/exercises/[exerciseId]` to `/api/exercises/id/[exerciseId]` ([11aca81](
* **api:url:** add function `allExercisesUrl` to get url for fetching all exercises data ([fe94b3a](
* **api:url:** add function `baseUrl` to get the base url for fetching exercise data ([c33bd1c](
* **api:url:** add function `bodyPartListUrl` to get the url for fetching body part list data ([1b4db22](
* **api:url:** add function `bodyPartUrl` to get the url for fetching a specific body part data ([2c3c021](
* **api:url:** add function `equipmentListUrl` to get the url for fetching equipment list data ([c249375](
* **api:url:** add function `equipmentUrl` to get the url for fetching a specific equipment data ([2f1ce7e](
* **api:url:** add function `exerciseIdGifUrl` to get the url for fetching exercise id gif ([c3738cc](
* **api:url:** add function `exerciseIdUrl` to get the url for fetching exercise id data ([168f748](
* **api:url:** add function `targetListUrl` to get url for fetching target list data ([56d7dfe](
* **api:url:** add function `targetUrl` to get the url for fetching a specific target data ([df1a747](
* **api:url:** add url for fetching exercise data ([423efbd](, closes [#112](
* **api:url:** mark `exercise-db` fetching functions to `deprecated` ([a6bda58](
* **components:exerciseCard:** `unoptimized` gif images ([eba083a](
* **components:exerciseCard:** add property `unoptimize` to Image component ([be6a785](
* **components:reactQueryClientProvider:** prefetch all exercises on the home page ([c02127a](
* **data:index:** remove unused code ([ae64848](
* **data:** move exercise data to `.database/data/` folder ([61b3051](, closes [#112](
* **data:** move nodejs files to `.database` directory ([48d3300](
* **data:** rename file `processExercisesData.ts` to `index.ts` ([a5b56ec](
* **env:** add script to generate ENV `EXERCISE_DB_LOCAL_FETCH_BASE_URL` ([49c167c](, closes [#112](
* **env:** add script to generate ENV for `next-auth` ([a5fc510](
* **git:attributes:** use `exiftool` to diff gif files ([7f7a761](
* **gitignore:** add `!.database` ([fa13005](
* move exercise gifs out of `public` folder ([eff8db8](, closes [#112](
* **npm:** remove `package-lock.json` ([eaa1d32](
* **page:exercises:[exerciseId]:** move page `/exercises/[exerciseId]` to `/exercises/id/[exerciseId]` ([840007b](
* **page:exercises:exerciseId:** add `DialogTitle` when clicking on the gif ([d69594c](
* **page:exercises:exerciseId:** add property `priority` ([5befeeb](
* **page:exercises:exerciseId:** add property `unoptimized` when loading gif ([9968e66](
* **page:exercises:exercisesId:** remove property `loading` when loading gif ([0cf48a3](
* **readme:** move `screenshots` section to the top ([d084674](
* **types:** change `[@default](` to `[@default](` ([6c4b932](

### :recycle: Code Refactoring

* **api:exercises:[exerciseId]:** fetch exercises data from remote source ([1e205e9](
* **api:exercises:[exerciseId]:** fetch json data using the split exercise json ([0af0861](
* **api:exercises:bodyParts:[bodyPart]:** fetch body part from url ([ac3e8ce](
* **api:exercises:bodyParts:[bodyPart]:** fetch exercises data from remote source ([baf2d4c](
* **api:exercises:bodyParts:** fetch exercise body part data from remote source ([fc6a5ee](
* **api:exercises:equipments:[equipment]:** fetch target from url ([8c321d7](
* **api:exercises:equipments[equipment]:** fetch exercises data from remote source ([5820c2a](
* **api:exercises:equipments:** fetch exercise equipment list data from remote source ([947b6bb](
* **api:exercises:targets:[target]:** fetch exercises data from remote source ([b54e251](
* **api:exercises:targets:[target]:** fetch target data from url ([7073e05](
* **api:exercises:targets:** fetch exercise target list data from remote source ([455755a](
* **api:exercises:** fetch the exercises data from a remote source ([95f3855](
* **api:exercises:** use function `baseUrl` when fetching exercise data ([890e5ca](
* **api:url:** use `allExercisesUrl` to get the url to fetch all exercises ([128d050](
* **api:url:** use `bodyPartListUrl` to get the url to fetch body part list ([0161b46](
* **api:url:** use `bodyPartUrl` to get the url to fetch body part data ([b592f36](
* **api:url:** use `equipmentListUrl` to get the url to fetch equipment list ([f7f3549](
* **api:url:** use `equipmentUrl` to get the url to fetch equipment data ([411262d](
* **api:url:** use `exerciseIdGifUrl` to get the url to fetch exercise id gif ([623b12c](
* **api:url:** use `exerciseIdUrl` to get the url to fetch exercise id data ([8f07aa0](
* **api:url:** use `targetListUrl` to get the url to fetch target list ([4aab9e2](
* **api:url:** use `targetUrl` to get the url to fetch target data ([7bc4461](
* **components:exerciseCard:** change the link url for exercise id page ([432ca0f](
* **components:exerciseCard:** use `baseUrl` to fetch exercise gif ([b408dcd](
* **data:index:** use function `processGroupedExercises` to process exercises by `target`, `equipment` and `bodyPart` ([8f0f31b](
* **database:config:** refactor config file ([5548889](, closes [/](
* **database:index:** change index for `dateIndex` to `date_idx` ([0d94303](
* **database:index:** update syntax for setting column index ([82eac65](
* **data:** change function `processExercisesIdData` to take parameters `inputFile` and `targetDir` ([539f2dd](
* **data:** consolidate code for processing exercise ID data ([7f3ad74](
* **data:** use npm package `commander` to build cli ([a0d4aa9](
* **docker:** add script to use `pnpm` ([4765508](
* **layout:exercises:[exerciseId]:** prefetch exerciseId data for prerendering ([fc25757](
* **layout:exercises:bodyParts:[bodyPart]:** prefetch body part from url ([90e56d9](
* **layout:exercises:equipments:[equipment]:** prefetch equipment data from url ([0f94e18](
* **layout:exercises:exerciseId:** fetch exercise data for validation ([4d259a6](
* **layout:exercises:targets:[target]:** prefetch target data from url ([d2abd97](
* **layout:exercises:** prefetch `exercises`, `target`, `equipment` and `body part` list ([eb8f8ff](
* **npm:scripts:** update script `db:generate` ([59aa947](, closes [/](
* **npm:scripts:** update script `db:push` ([0d72fa9](, closes [/](
* **npm:** use `pnpm` in package.json scripts ([8de513f](
* **page:exercises:exerciseId:** use `baseUrl` to fetch exercise gif ([585103d](
* **server-actions:** update url for fetching exercise Id data ([ddab48c](
* **workflows:** replace `npm` with `pnpm` ([da90860](
* **workflows:** use action `setup-pnpm` to install npm packages ([1d6674b](

### :package: Build System

* **config:** allow image to be loaded from github ([3eda386](
* **config:** remove header `x-powered-by` ([9cde698](
* **data:typescript:** add `tsconfig.json` in `.database` directory ([bd4a084](
* **data:** add function to split exercises by `target`, `equipment` and `bodyPart` ([9b9262a](
* **data:** add nodejs script to split `.database/data/exercises.json` into their own files ([93afbe3](
* **data:** add option to split exercises by `bodyPart` ([f354920](
* **data:** add option to split exercises by `equipment` ([a46361d](
* **data:** add option to split exercises by `target` ([da545fd](
* **database:migration:** update database migration ([c6f4310](
* **database:migration:** update database migration ([602d98c](
* **database:migration:** update database migration ([da54b1c](
* **database:** add `drizzle` config file ([489ba74](
* **database:** add database schema for table `activities` ([417137d](
* **database:** add db client ([bf00b52](
* **database:** add index to columns `userId`, `exerciseId` and `date` ([08bbce0](
* **database:** generate database migration files ([61e0020](
* **database:** generate database migration files ([2a49631](
* **data:** generate processed exercises data ([b9880d3](
* **data:** store split exercise data by their exercise id ([214739a](
* **deps:** bump @radix-ui/react-accordion from 1.1.2 to 1.2.0 ([c3710c9](
* **deps:** bump @radix-ui/react-dialog from 1.0.5 to 1.1.0 ([db6da64](
* **deps:** bump @radix-ui/react-dialog from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 ([805da94](
* **deps:** bump @radix-ui/react-dropdown-menu from 2.0.6 to 2.1.0 ([9e61bd0](
* **deps:** bump @radix-ui/react-dropdown-menu from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1 ([15482c0](
* **deps:** bump @radix-ui/react-separator from 1.0.3 to 1.1.0 ([24907bf](
* **deps:** bump @radix-ui/react-slot from 1.0.2 to 1.1.0 ([70e745a](
* **deps:** bump @radix-ui/react-tooltip from 1.0.7 to 1.1.0 ([4eff66f](
* **deps:** bump @radix-ui/react-tooltip from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 ([925cd53](
* **deps:** bump @radix-ui/react-tooltip from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2 ([7ceb29a](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.24.1 to 5.24.7 ([d6da9cb](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.24.7 to 5.24.8 ([9836943](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.24.8 to 5.25.0 ([e7ac14b](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.25.0 to 5.26.3 ([1b0455a](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.26.3 to 5.27.5 ([614fadd](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.27.5 to 5.28.0 ([cd856c8](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.28.0 to 5.28.2 ([ef3ffb4](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.28.14 to 5.29.0 ([b0a06a7](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.28.2 to 5.28.4 ([4579eac](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.28.4 to 5.28.6 ([eb1d386](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.28.6 to 5.28.8 ([c503402](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.28.8 to 5.28.9 ([9a9ba10](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.28.9 to 5.28.14 ([f313f8f](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.29.0 to 5.29.2 ([f21d814](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.29.2 to 5.31.0 ([bb8aae6](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.31.0 to 5.32.0 ([3864986](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.32.0 to 5.32.1 ([a497427](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.32.1 to 5.34.2 ([88d0b17](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.34.2 to 5.35.1 ([5dd25cc](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.35.1 to 5.36.0 ([b3e3c0d](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.36.0 to 5.36.2 ([8da111d](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.36.2 to 5.37.1 ([3e344db](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.37.1 to 5.39.0 ([785350c](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.39.0 to 5.40.0 ([c1a88c2](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.40.0 to 5.40.1 ([f13860a](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.40.1 to 5.44.0 ([f3fa2fb](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.44.0 to 5.45.0 ([020d7c2](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.45.0 to 5.45.1 ([feaebdb](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.45.1 to 5.48.0 ([abfcb7f](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.48.0 to 5.49.2 ([d1e6748](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.49.2 to 5.50.1 ([2f66e94](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.50.1 to 5.51.1 ([27eaae7](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.51.1 to 5.51.3 ([8d2a3f7](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.51.11 to 5.51.15 ([139b044](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.51.15 to 5.51.16 ([adcec84](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.51.16 to 5.51.18 ([9d19321](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.51.18 to 5.51.21 ([c707367](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.51.21 to 5.51.23 ([0979f27](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.51.23 to 5.51.24 ([ee8c089](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.51.24 to 5.52.0 ([ffaff28](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.51.3 to 5.51.5 ([c439303](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.51.5 to 5.51.11 ([c292fb7](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.52.0 to 5.52.1 ([1d8198e](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.52.1 to 5.52.2 ([87de9e8](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.52.2 to 5.52.3 ([cb04ef7](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.52.3 to 5.53.2 ([aa5d025](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.53.2 to 5.53.3 ([23acda2](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.53.3 to 5.54.1 ([0b8f9e1](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.54.1 to 5.55.2 ([2bac50c](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.55.2 to 5.55.4 ([574102a](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query from 5.55.4 to 5.56.2 ([fc019ae](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.24.1 to 5.24.8 ([f1e9c39](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.24.8 to 5.25.0 ([22606ad](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.25.0 to 5.27.0 ([b138e4c](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.27.0 to 5.27.8 ([3b778fd](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.27.8 to 5.28.3 ([ccd211e](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.28.10 to 5.28.14 ([f27235c](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.28.14 to 5.29.0 ([b93b9d8](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.28.3 to 5.28.4 ([3311e99](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.28.4 to 5.28.6 ([74f5f1f](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.28.6 to 5.28.8 ([6714d7c](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.28.8 to 5.28.10 ([6f1b344](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.29.0 to 5.29.2 ([1d1ceee](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.29.2 to 5.32.0 ([3e7ead4](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.32.0 to 5.32.1 ([eb8fadf](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.32.1 to 5.34.2 ([aa9a9e2](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.34.2 to 5.35.1 ([22c963c](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.35.1 to 5.36.0 ([e8c79ce](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.36.0 to 5.36.2 ([ee8bcb1](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.37.1 to 5.39.0 ([bd601e8](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.39.0 to 5.40.0 ([cee8939](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.40.0 to 5.40.1 ([f8a7e92](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.40.1 to 5.44.0 ([131ce3f](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.44.0 to 5.45.0 ([3c69e4f](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.45.0 to 5.45.1 ([4fcc412](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.45.1 to 5.48.0 ([4e6941b](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.48.0 to 5.49.2 ([c69235a](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.49.2 to 5.50.1 ([fde8584](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.50.1 to 5.51.1 ([41424b9](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.51.1 to 5.51.5 ([7cd8cc9](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.51.11 to 5.51.15 ([9490582](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.51.15 to 5.51.16 ([5a731e6](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.51.16 to 5.51.18 ([ab1a323](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.51.18 to 5.51.21 ([a5b6ee5](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.51.21 to 5.51.23 ([1f3effc](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.51.23 to 5.52.0 ([471042a](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.51.5 to 5.51.11 ([26870bc](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.52.0 to 5.52.1 ([d6b96a5](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.52.1 to 5.52.2 ([37b2a64](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.52.2 to 5.53.2 ([301c3c7](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.53.2 to 5.54.0 ([00dc71e](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.54.0 to 5.54.1 ([36e74a8](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.54.1 to 5.55.4 ([000c785](
* **deps:** bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools from 5.55.4 to 5.56.2 ([4594cbf](
* **deps:** bump @vercel/analytics from 1.2.2 to 1.3.0 ([3597621](
* **deps:** bump @vercel/analytics from 1.3.0 to 1.3.1 ([3b3bc92](
* **deps:** bump axios from 1.6.7 to 1.6.8 ([ecb31c6](
* **deps:** bump axios from 1.6.8 to 1.7.0 ([d7aa2b0](
* **deps:** bump axios from 1.7.2 to 1.7.3 ([5e5adec](
* **deps:** bump axios from 1.7.3 to 1.7.4 ([32f19a4](
* **deps:** bump axios from 1.7.4 to 1.7.5 ([09bd67b](
* **deps:** bump axios from 1.7.5 to 1.7.7 ([2400d58](
* **deps:** bump clsx from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1 ([5ee66e3](
* **deps:** bump drizzle-orm from 0.30.1 to 0.30.2 ([ce87d45](
* **deps:** bump drizzle-orm from 0.30.2 to 0.30.3 ([dc251a7](
* **deps:** bump drizzle-orm from 0.30.3 to 0.30.4 ([1d757b9](
* **deps:** bump drizzle-orm from 0.30.4 to 0.30.5 ([e0da7f2](
* **deps:** bump drizzle-orm from 0.30.5 to 0.30.6 ([32d17eb](
* **deps:** bump drizzle-orm from 0.30.6 to 0.30.7 ([dff8be7](
* **deps:** bump drizzle-orm from 0.30.7 to 0.30.8 ([fe86958](
* **deps:** bump drizzle-orm from 0.30.8 to 0.30.9 ([ae8b1da](
* **deps:** bump drizzle-orm from 0.30.9 to 0.30.10 ([b674a40](
* **deps:** bump drizzle-orm from 0.31.2 to 0.31.4 ([2b1f627](
* **deps:** bump drizzle-orm from 0.31.4 to 0.32.0 ([f6ed1cc](
* **deps:** bump drizzle-orm from 0.32.0 to 0.32.1 ([0d00dc9](
* **deps:** bump drizzle-orm from 0.32.1 to 0.32.2 ([86737d0](
* **deps:** bump drizzle-orm from 0.32.2 to 0.33.0 ([948cd4a](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.341.0 to 0.343.0 ([5f6fd6f](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.343.0 to 0.344.0 ([0b7cfa0](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.344.0 to 0.349.0 ([735ef72](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.349.0 to 0.350.0 ([de11964](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.350.0 to 0.352.0 ([b55c595](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.352.0 to 0.354.0 ([241d709](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.354.0 to 0.356.0 ([33e2a39](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.356.0 to 0.357.0 ([792272f](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.357.0 to 0.358.0 ([65892be](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.358.0 to 0.359.0 ([f8d7425](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.359.0 to 0.360.0 ([95ed37b](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.360.0 to 0.363.0 ([5147bf9](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.363.0 to 0.364.0 ([0aa740d](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.364.0 to 0.365.0 ([d3b9e93](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.365.0 to 0.366.0 ([3df0761](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.366.0 to 0.367.0 ([7243bc4](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.367.0 to 0.368.0 ([81b56f8](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.368.0 to 0.370.0 ([756cc51](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.370.0 to 0.371.0 ([b16bf83](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.371.0 to 0.372.0 ([7cba726](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.372.0 to 0.373.0 ([e406da8](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.373.0 to 0.376.0 ([051752d](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.376.0 to 0.377.0 ([1de785c](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.377.0 to 0.378.0 ([c083e18](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.379.0 to 0.381.0 ([591a0f8](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.381.0 to 0.383.0 ([d0476f1](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.383.0 to 0.390.0 ([928c1de](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.390.0 to 0.394.0 ([6766c5c](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.394.0 to 0.395.0 ([8a17c20](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.395.0 to 0.396.0 ([7614fa1](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.396.0 to 0.397.0 ([8380323](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.397.0 to 0.399.0 ([2ad9fe9](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.399.0 to 0.400.0 ([dddaa9a](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.400.0 to 0.401.0 ([0c028f4](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.401.0 to 0.403.0 ([518ca05](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.403.0 to 0.407.0 ([ac40633](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.407.0 to 0.408.0 ([a461872](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.408.0 to 0.412.0 ([cd6ea5a](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.412.0 to 0.414.0 ([5580d18](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.414.0 to 0.416.0 ([cc21eb1](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.416.0 to 0.417.0 ([25276aa](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.417.0 to 0.418.0 ([31211a6](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.418.0 to 0.419.0 ([afa8bdb](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.419.0 to 0.424.0 ([fba9a89](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.424.0 to 0.426.0 ([3232a4c](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.426.0 to 0.427.0 ([f225cf6](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.427.0 to 0.428.0 ([d17a3ef](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.428.0 to 0.429.0 ([422bb4c](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.429.0 to 0.435.0 ([46c0c2a](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.435.0 to 0.436.0 ([cdcfafd](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.436.0 to 0.438.0 ([bbd8dc1](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.438.0 to 0.439.0 ([76c3301](
* **deps:** bump lucide-react from 0.439.0 to 0.441.0 ([ddc9529](
* **deps:** bump next from 14.1.0 to 14.1.1 ([417836f](
* **deps:** bump next from 14.1.1 to 14.1.2 ([0e17f67](
* **deps:** bump next from 14.1.2 to 14.1.3 ([b2d1d52](
* **deps:** bump next from 14.1.3 to 14.1.4 ([1dd9e60](
* **deps:** bump next from 14.1.4 to 14.2.0 ([51579bc](
* **deps:** bump next from 14.2.0 to 14.2.1 ([09385d3](
* **deps:** bump next from 14.2.1 to 14.2.2 ([330d3e7](
* **deps:** bump next from 14.2.10 to 14.2.11 ([33e730a](
* **deps:** bump next from 14.2.11 to 14.2.12 ([cef5784](
* **deps:** bump next from 14.2.12 to 14.2.13 ([2ac991b](
* **deps:** bump next from 14.2.2 to 14.2.3 ([bd5c4f3](
* **deps:** bump next from 14.2.3 to 14.2.4 ([6314616](
* **deps:** bump next from 14.2.4 to 14.2.5 ([7537c67](
* **deps:** bump next from 14.2.5 to 14.2.6 ([3cb09b9](
* **deps:** bump next from 14.2.6 to 14.2.7 ([79716d5](
* **deps:** bump next from 14.2.7 to 14.2.8 ([69b7e16](
* **deps:** bump next from 14.2.8 to 14.2.9 ([01c8299](
* **deps:** bump next from 14.2.9 to 14.2.10 ([a4be7ef](
* **deps:** bump next-auth from 4.24.6 to 4.24.7 ([1d79e22](
* **deps:** bump next-themes from 0.2.1 to 0.3.0 ([02bb086](
* **deps:** bump pg from 8.11.3 to 8.11.4 ([2c4b2dd](
* **deps:** bump pg from 8.11.4 to 8.11.5 ([99b8163](
* **deps:** bump pg from 8.11.5 to 8.12.0 ([013bd87](
* **deps:** bump pg from 8.12.0 to 8.13.0 ([dcc3f34](
* **deps:** bump react and @types/react ([69200ca](
* **deps:** bump react and @types/react ([a320ad3](
* **deps:** bump react-dom and @types/react-dom ([193866e](
* **deps:** bump tailwind-merge from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2 ([54455d5](
* **deps:** bump tailwind-merge from 2.2.2 to 2.3.0 ([078178a](
* **deps:** bump tailwind-merge from 2.3.0 to 2.4.0 ([7b52200](
* **deps:** bump tailwind-merge from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 ([6883532](
* **deps:** bump tailwind-merge from 2.5.0 to 2.5.2 ([7785554](
* **deps:** bump vaul from 0.9.0 to 0.9.1 ([7e074aa](
* **deps:** bump vaul from 0.9.1 to 0.9.2 ([f11966d](
* **deps:** bump vaul from 0.9.2 to 0.9.3 ([86be358](
* **deps:** bump vaul from 0.9.3 to 0.9.4 ([a3b6b3d](
* **deps:** bump zod from 3.22.4 to 3.22.5 ([b20c263](
* **deps:** bump zod from 3.22.5 to 3.23.0 ([0c1383c](
* **deps:** bump zod from 3.23.0 to 3.23.3 ([a09adc0](
* **deps:** bump zod from 3.23.3 to 3.23.4 ([66c521f](
* **deps:** bump zod from 3.23.4 to 3.23.5 ([f863628](
* **deps:** bump zod from 3.23.5 to 3.23.6 ([7b3fa9a](
* **deps:** bump zod from 3.23.6 to 3.23.7 ([09b78e1](
* **deps:** bump zod from 3.23.7 to 3.23.8 ([068ed4c](
* **deps:** upgrade package `drizzle-orm` to v0.31.2 ([a7ae275](
* **devDep:** bump @types/node from 20.11.21 to 20.11.22 ([243521a](
* **devDep:** bump @types/node from 20.11.21 to 20.11.24 ([9849373](
* **devDep:** bump @types/node from 20.11.24 to 20.11.25 ([f93aa02](
* **devDep:** bump @types/node from 20.11.25 to 20.11.26 ([92845e7](
* **devDep:** bump @types/node from 20.11.26 to 20.11.27 ([047f643](
* **devDep:** bump @types/node from 20.11.27 to 20.11.28 ([e19492c](
* **devDep:** bump @types/node from 20.11.28 to 20.11.29 ([b053c32](
* **devDep:** bump @types/node from 20.11.29 to 20.11.30 ([7b4aacc](
* **devDep:** bump @types/node from 20.11.30 to 20.12.2 ([d982173](
* **devDep:** bump @types/node from 20.12.10 to 20.12.11 ([53dc1f3](
* **devDep:** bump @types/node from 20.12.11 to 20.12.12 ([cd102e3](
* **devDep:** bump @types/node from 20.12.12 to 20.12.13 ([9f3f1d7](
* **devDep:** bump @types/node from 20.12.13 to 20.14.0 ([ab0de76](
* **devDep:** bump @types/node from 20.12.2 to 20.12.3 ([531631c](
* **devDep:** bump @types/node from 20.12.3 to 20.12.4 ([531e927](
* **devDep:** bump @types/node from 20.12.4 to 20.12.5 ([0efbbc8](
* **devDep:** bump @types/node from 20.12.5 to 20.12.6 ([9d9d153](
* **devDep:** bump @types/node from 20.12.6 to 20.12.7 ([adf0d48](
* **devDep:** bump @types/node from 20.12.7 to 20.12.8 ([cffb406](
* **devDep:** bump @types/node from 20.12.8 to 20.12.9 ([a36bb3d](
* **devDep:** bump @types/node from 20.12.9 to 20.12.10 ([2d10890](
* **devDep:** bump @types/node from 20.14.0 to 20.14.1 ([d5c31ea](
* **devDep:** bump @types/node from 20.14.1 to 20.14.2 ([44ac18a](
* **devDep:** bump @types/node from 20.14.10 to 20.14.11 ([eec53cc](
* **devDep:** bump @types/node from 20.14.11 to 20.14.12 ([b4c4744](…
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semantic-release-bot committed Sep 22, 2024
1 parent 1ce6498 commit 014e40c
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