fixes for loading chain that crashed on write #378
Travis CI / Travis CI - Pull Request
Aug 22, 2024 in 13m 43s
Build Passed
The build passed, just like the previous build.
This is a pull request build.
It is running a build against the merge commit, after merging #378 fixes for loading chain than crashed on write.
Any changes that have been made to the master branch before the build ran are also included.
Jobs and Stages
This build has four jobs, running in parallel.
Job | Python | ENV | OS | State |
2705.1 Minimum requisites for dependencies: gcc-7, Python 3.8 | 3.8 | COBAYA_INSTALL_SKIP=polychord,planck_2015,CamSpec2021,2018_highl_CamSpec,unbinned,keck | Linux | passed |
2705.2 Typical scenario: latest Ubuntu LTS | 3.10 | COBAYA_INSTALL_SKIP=polychord,planck_2015,CamSpec2021,2018_highl_CamSpec,unbinned,keck | Linux | passed |
2705.3 Anaconda: jammy LTS Python (fast; pip CAMB) | COBAYA_INSTALL_SKIP=polychord,planck_2015,CamSpec2021,2018_highl_CamSpec,unbinned,keck | Linux | passed | |
2705.4 Latest jammy Python 3.12 | 3.12 | COBAYA_INSTALL_SKIP=polychord,planck_2015,CamSpec2021,2018_highl_CamSpec,unbinned,keck | Linux | passed |
Build Configuration
Build Option | Setting |
Language | Python |
Operating System | Linux (Xenial) |
Build Configuration
"language": "python",
"os": [
"dist": "xenial",
"git": {
"depth": false
"env": [
"if": "(type = pull_request) OR (branch = master) OR (branch =~ ^test.*) OR (branch =~ ^alltest.*) OR (tag IS present)",
"cache": {
"directories": [
"jobs": {
"include": [
"if": "branch !~ ^test.*",
"dist": "focal",
"name": "Minimum requisites for dependencies: gcc-7, Python 3.8",
"addons": {
"apt": {
"packages": [
"env": [
"GCC_VERSION": "\"7\""
"python": "3.8"
"if": "branch !~ ^test.*",
"name": "Typical scenario: latest Ubuntu LTS",
"dist": "jammy",
"addons": {
"apt": {
"packages": [
"install": [
"pip install -r requirements.txt camb"
"env": [
"GCC_VERSION": "\"ubuntu\""
"python": "3.10"
"name": "Anaconda: jammy LTS Python (fast; pip CAMB)",
"dist": "jammy",
"env": [
"GCC_VERSION": "\"ubuntu\""
"ANACONDA_CHANNEL": "\"defaults\""
"language": "shell"
"if": "branch !~ ^test.*",
"name": "Latest jammy Python 3.12",
"dist": "jammy",
"addons": {
"apt": {
"packages": [
"env": [
"GCC_VERSION": "\"ubuntu\""
"python": "3.12"
"before_install": [
"if [[ \"$GCC_VERSION\" != \"ubuntu\" ]]; then mkdir -p gcc-symlinks; ln -s /usr/bin/gfortran-$GCC_VERSION gcc-symlinks/gfortran; ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-$GCC_VERSION gcc-symlinks/gcc; ln -s /usr/bin/g++-$GCC_VERSION gcc-symlinks/g++; export PATH=$PWD/gcc-symlinks:$PATH; fi",
"which gfortran >/dev/null 2>&1 && gfortran --version || echo \"gfortran not installed\"",
"if [[ \"$PYDIST\" == \"ANACONDA\" ]]; then wget -q -O; bash -b -p $HOME/miniconda; export PATH=\"$HOME/miniconda/bin:$PATH\"; hash -r; conda config --set always_yes yes --set changeps1 no; conda info -a; conda create -q -n test-environment -c $ANACONDA_CHANNEL scipy matplotlib cython PyYAML dill coverage pytest pandas; source activate test-environment; conda install -c conda-forge mpi4py openmpi iminuit; pip install -r requirements.txt flake8 flaky pytest-xdist pytest-cov camb; else python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel; pip install openmpi mpi4py -i; pip install pytest-xdist pytest-cov flaky matplotlib dill coverage flake8 iminuit numba; fi",
"python --version"
"script": [
"flake8 cobaya --select=E713,E704,E703,E714,E741,E10,E11,E20,E22,E23,E25,E27,E301,E302,E304,E9,F405,F406,F5,F6,F7,F8,W1,W2,W3,W6 --show-source --statistics",
"export COBAYA_PACKAGES_PATH=\"../packages\"",
"coverage run --parallel-mode -m cobaya.install polychord --debug",
"coverage run --parallel-mode -m pytest tests/ -n auto -k \"not cosmo\" --skip-not-installed --no-flaky-report",
"coverage run --parallel-mode -m cobaya.install cosmo-tests --no-progress-bars --debug --skip-global",
"if [ -n \"${CAMB_BRANCH}\" ]; then rm -rf $COBAYA_PACKAGES_PATH/code/CAMB ; git clone --recursive --depth 1 -b $CAMB_BRANCH $COBAYA_PACKAGES_PATH/code/CAMB ; python $COBAYA_PACKAGES_PATH/code/CAMB/ build ; fi",
"mpiexec -np 2 --mca orte_base_help_aggregate 0 --mca btl ^openib --oversubscribe coverage run --parallel-mode -m pytest -x -m mpi tests/ --no-flaky-report ;",
"mkdir covers; mv .coverage.* covers; ls -ltra covers",
"pytest tests/ --cov -vv -s -k \"cosmo\" -n 1 --skip-not-installed --no-flaky-report",
"mv .coverage .coverage.pytest; mv covers/.cov* .",
"git clone --depth=1",
"pip install ./example_external_likelihood --quiet",
"coverage run --parallel-mode -m unittest test_package.tests.test"
"after_success": [
"bash <(curl -s"
"deploy": [
"provider": "pypi",
"on": {
"tags": true,
"python": "3.10",
"branch": [
"repo": "CobayaSampler/cobaya"
"edge": true,
"username": "__token__",
"password": {
"secure": "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"
"notifications": {
"email": [
"recipients": [
"secure": "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"