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SwiftMCP is a Swift library that makes supporting the Model Context Protocol (MCP) easy. It uses Swift macros to automatically extract function metadata and generate the necessary JSON-RPC interface for MCP communication.

What is MCP?

The Model Context Protocol (MCP) is a standardized way for AI models to interact with external tools and services. SwiftMCP makes it simple to expose your Swift functions as MCP-compatible tools that can be called by AI models.

MCP Transport Modes

MCP supports two transport modes:

  • stdio mode ✅ - Fully implemented in SwiftMCP

    • Communication happens over standard input/output
    • Simple to implement and use for command-line tools
    • Perfect for local development and testing
  • HTTP+SSE mode ⏳ - Not yet implemented

    • Communication over HTTP with Server-Sent Events
    • Better for networked applications and services
    • Coming in a future release


  • Simple Macro-Based API: Just add @MCPServer and @MCPTool annotations to your code
  • Automatic Documentation Extraction: Parameter names, types, and descriptions are extracted from your Swift documentation
  • JSON-RPC Interface: Fully compliant with the MCP specification
  • Type Safety: Leverages Swift's type system for safe parameter handling
  • Default Values Support: Handles parameters with default values
  • Command-Line Interface: Ready-to-use CLI for testing and integration

Quick Start

Here's how to create an MCP-compatible server in just a few lines of code:

import SwiftMCP

// 1. Annotate your class with @MCPServer
@MCPServer(name: "MyCalculator", version: "1.0.0")
class Calculator {
    // 2. Add documentation comments that describe your function and parameters
    /// Adds two integers and returns their sum
    /// - Parameter a: First number to add
    /// - Parameter b: Second number to add
    /// - Returns: The sum of a and b
    // 3. Annotate your function with @MCPTool
    func add(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int {
        return a + b
    /// Divides the numerator by the denominator
    /// - Parameter numerator: Number to be divided
    /// - Parameter denominator: Number to divide by (defaults to 1.0)
    /// - Returns: The quotient of numerator divided by denominator
    func divide(numerator: Double, denominator: Double = 1.0) -> Double {
        return numerator / denominator

// 4. That's it! Your class now has MCP capabilities
let calculator = Calculator()

// Process MCP requests
let request = JSONRPCRequest(
    jsonrpc: "2.0",
    id: 1,
    method: "tools/call",
    params: [
        "name": AnyCodable("add"),
        "arguments": AnyCodable(["a": 5, "b": 3])

// The response will be a properly formatted MCP response
let response = calculator.handleRequest(request)

Implementing the stdio Processing Loop

At present, the stdio processing loop needs to be implemented manually as shown in the demo app SwiftMCPDemo:

// Create an instance of the Calculator
let calculator = Calculator()

do {
    while true {
        if let input = readLine(),
           let data = .utf8)
            let request = try JSONDecoder().decode(SwiftMCP.JSONRPCRequest.self, from: data)
            // Handle the request
            if let response = calculator.handleRequest(request) {
                let data = try JSONEncoder().encode(response)
                let json = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)!
                // Print the response and flush immediately
        } else {
            // If no input is available, sleep briefly and try again
            Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 0.1)
    fputs("\(error.localizedDescription)\n", stderr)

This loop:

  1. Continuously reads from standard input
  2. Decodes each line as a JSON-RPC request
  3. Processes the request using your MCP server
  4. Encodes and prints the response to standard output
  5. Flushes stdout to ensure immediate delivery
  6. Sleeps briefly if no input is available

How It Works

SwiftMCP uses Swift macros to analyze your code at compile time:

  1. Documentation Extraction: The @MCPTool macro extracts parameter names, types, and descriptions from your documentation comments
  2. Schema Generation: It automatically generates JSON Schema for your function parameters
  3. Server Configuration: The @MCPServer macro adds the necessary infrastructure to handle JSON-RPC requests

JSON-RPC Interface

SwiftMCP implements the standard MCP JSON-RPC interface:

  • initialize: Sets up the connection and returns server capabilities
  • tools/list: Returns a list of available tools with their schemas
  • tools/call: Calls a specific tool with the provided arguments

Advanced Usage

Custom Tool Descriptions

You can provide a custom description for a tool:

@MCPTool(description: "Custom description for this tool")
func myFunction(param: String) -> String {
    // ...

Server Name and Version

Customize your server's name and version:

@MCPServer(name: "MyCustomServer", version: "2.5.0")
class MyServer {
    // ...


This project is licensed under the BSD 2-clause License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Model Context Protocol Server for Swift







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