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Reset password page feature #96

Reset password page feature

Reset password page feature #96

name: Deploy website # The name of the workflow
- main # The workflow triggers when there is a push to the 'main' branch
- main # Branch you want to trigger on
test: # The 'test' job starts
runs-on: ubuntu-latest # The job runs on the latest Ubuntu environment
- name: Get Code # Step to checkout the code from the repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4 # Uses the 'checkout' action to get the code
- name: Load & Cache dependencies # Step to load and cache dependencies
id: cache-deps # Set an ID to reference this step in subsequent steps
uses: ./.github/actions/cached-deps # Custom action to handle dependency caching
caching: "false" # Disables caching for this run
- name: Output informations # Step to output cache status
run: echo "Cache used? ${{ steps.cache-deps.outputs.used-cache }}" # Echoes whether the cache was used
- name: Lint code # Step to lint the code
run: npm run lint # Runs 'npm run lint' to check code style
- name: Test code # Step to test the code
run: npm run test # Runs 'npm run test' to execute tests
build: # The 'build' job starts after 'test' job completes
needs: test # 'build' job depends on the completion of 'test' job
runs-on: ubuntu-latest # The job runs on the latest Ubuntu environment
script-file: ${{ steps.publish.outputs.script-file-name }} # Outputs the JS script filename for further use
- name: Get Code # Step to checkout the code from the repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4 # Uses the 'checkout' action to get the code
- name: Load & Cache dependencies # Step to load and cache dependencies
uses: ./.github/actions/cached-deps # Custom action to handle dependency caching
- name: Build Website # Step to build the website
run: npm run build # Executes the 'npm run build' command to create production assets
- name: Publish JS filename # Step to find and publish the JS file name from build output
id: publish # Assigns an ID to reference this step
run: find dist/assets/*.js -type f -execdir echo 'script-file-name={}' >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT ';' # Finds the JS file and outputs the filename to GitHub Actions output
- name: Upload artifacts # Step to upload build artifacts
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 # Uses the 'upload-artifact' action to upload the build output
name: dist-files # Artifact name
path: dist # The path to the build artifacts
deploy: # The 'deploy' job starts after the 'build' job completes
needs: build # 'deploy' job depends on the completion of 'build' job
runs-on: ubuntu-latest # The job runs on the latest Ubuntu environment
- name: Get build artifacts # Step to download the build artifacts
uses: actions/download-artifact@v4 # Uses the 'download-artifact' action to download the artifacts from the previous job
name: dist-files # The name of the artifact to download
- name: Output contents # Step to list the contents of the directory
run: ls # Lists the files in the current directory
- name: Output filename # Step to output the script filename used in the build
run: echo "${{}}" # Outputs the JS file name from the build job
- name: Deploy # Step to deploy the website
run: echo "Deploying ..." # A placeholder for the actual deployment step