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Cribstone edited this page Dec 11, 2012 · 5 revisions

Open Standards


  • “Operational Silo’s” Transit services operate individually
  • Few resources are available for passengers to navigate across jurisdictions
  • Lack of regional management
  • Google Transit (GTFS) has emerged as the dominant transit data standard but only Greater Portland Transit District has converted to GTFS (static data only)
  • Lack of Common Data Standards limits interoperability
  • Limited IT budgets and volunteer staffers, rural transit agencies have difficulty converting schedule data (and location feeds if available), to GTFS.


  • GTFS Conversion Software
  • OpenStreetMap Maine


Public transit agencies in the US run the gamut from small, non-profit charity operations to multi-billion Federal Agencies. Some are privately operated and most serve a well defined region. As a result, end-users are often only able to access information pertaining to a single mode or agency when other complementary services may exist within the same service area. Many transit agencies recognize the benefits of providing users with information on connecting services but lacking a common format to publish multiagency schedule/location data, the effectiveness has been limited. In most major cities and many other regions across the USA (268 Worldwide according to, transit agencies have found a solution to this problem by adopting a standard data format known as the General Transit Feed Specification which can then be provided to third party mobile app developers through the GTFS Data Exchange. Once provided as "Open Data" the feeds can then be converted for use in multiple formats compatible with Windows Phones, iOS Android or others.


Bring regional transit providers in line with best practices of open data standards


  • Advocate for regional Open Data practices
  •            Work with Municipal Partners to Convert Data Into GTFS Format
  •            Organize and Assist Regional OpenStreetMap Campaign
  •            Compile Repository of Open Source Applications for GTFS, OpenStreetMap, Siri resources for small agencies


Free Web Apps

GTFS Builder Web App-GTFS Builder (General Transit Feed Specification Builder) is a web application from National RTAP for managing data to offer integrated on-line trip planning through Google Maps. Google Maps and Google Transit trip planning provide benefits to both travelers and transit agencies. Travelers can find transit options for their trips and connections to adjacent areas, get step-by-step directions, and even see a comparison of driving and transit cost. In addition to attracting new or more frequent riders, transit systems may experience fewer calls to customer service for route and schedule information or need to print fewer schedules.

Google Code Repositories

How to Submit A GTFS Feed (Official Instructions)

Official Google GTFS Feed Reference

Time Table Publisher-can take GTFS feeds and format them into static schedule tables for online and print applications.

TransitDataFeeder-The TransitDataFeeder open source project is an effort to develop and maintain an application that provides a web-based interface for creating and maintaining transit geospatial, schedule, calendar, and fare information in the General Transit Feed Specification.

googletransitdatafeed-The GoogleTransitDataFeed Open Source Software project is an effort to offer tools for reading, writing, and converting to and from the General* Transit Feed Specification format, to help make public transit information projects more successful for agencies and other interested parties. The project currently offers code for working with transit data in the Java and Python languages. You can find the TransXChange to GTFS converter tool in the Java branch, while the Feed Validator, KML Writer and other tools are available in the Python branch.

GTFS-OSM-GOSync-an open-source software tool that synchronizes GTFS datasets with OpenStreetMap

Github Repos-

PerlGTFS-A set of perl modules for dealing with GTFS. Uses DBI to access the raw data

Graphserver-an open-source transit (and more) routing engine, with support for Google Transit Feed Spec feeds

OneBusAway GTFS Module-

Transit2ME-Transit directions and utilities for transit agencies. Encourage people to take public transit to your events. Visitors to your website enter their address, get directions, and can pledge to take transit.