Latest Build Status:
A remote debugger similar to adb but for Scratch. This tool allows you to connect to and debug Scratch projects remotely.
- Connect to Scratch projects remotely
- Execute commands and receive responses
- Manage variables and sprites
- Environment variables and system placeholders
- Python 3.x
- (Will Auto Install Python packages)
If you are running on Linux, ensure you give execute permissions to the build script first.
Then, open the Package
directory and click on your OS's one-click build script (e.g., "(Your OS) One Click Build.bat"
You can run SDB in different modes using the command line arguments. But you need to make sure the Sdb sprite is running
sdb -s
sdb -c
sdb -r <command>
add <var name> - Add a new variable with the specified name.
del <var name> - Delete the variable with the specified name.
pos <var name> <x> <y> - Set the position of the variable.
list - List all variables.
show <var name> - Show the specified variable.
hide <var name> - Hide the specified variable.
pos <sprite name> <x> <y> - Set the position of the sprite.
get <sprite name> - Get information about the sprite.
x - Get the x position of the sprite.
y - Get the y position of the sprite.
size - Get the size of the sprite.
dir - Get the direction of the sprite.
costume # - Get the costume number of the sprite.
direction - Get the direction of the sprite.
list - List all sprites.
echo <data> - Echo the specified data.
clear - Clear the shell screen.
help - Display this help message.
sprite - Display help for sprite commands.
var - Display help for variable commands.
flag - Click The Green flag in Scratch.
restart - Restart the project.
stop - Stop the project.
env - Environment variables (e.g., ${name})
list - List all environment variables.
set <name> <value> - Set an environment variable.
del <name> - Delete an environment variable.
clear - Clear environment variables that are not System Placeholders.
${random} - A random 2-digit number.
${hr} - The current hour.
${min} - The current minute.
${sec} - The current second.
${year} - The current year.
${month} - The current month.
${day} - The current day.
${week} - The current week.
${env} - All environment variables.
${url} - The URL of the current web page.
${browser} - The name of the current browser.
${system} - The operating system.
${battery} - The current battery level.
${turbo} - The turbo mode status.
${internet} - The current internet connection status.
${fps} - The frames per second of the current environment.
${delta} - The delta time since the last frame.
${clone} - The number of clones of the sprite.
${width} - The width of the current stage or sprite.
${height} - The height of the current stage or sprite.
${<variable name>} - Value of the specified environment variable.