A simple SurveyMonkey API wrapper for version 3 of their API.
- PHP 5.5+
- Composer - http://www.getcomposer.org
Add the following to your composer.json under require:
"require": {
"ghassani/surveymonkey-v3-api-php": "1.1.0"
Initiate a client with a long lived token:
$client = new Spliced\SurveyMonkey\Client(MY_API_KEY, MY_API_TOKEN);
Make calls:
Check out src/Api/*Trait.php
for exposed methods in the Client class. There are also some additional usage examples in the incomplete test suite.
Check out authenticator/index.php
as an example of how to get a long lived token and authorize a user. You can also get a long lived token from your developer console if you are not requiring users to authenticate and just trying to work with your own account.