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Primitive Literals

Cody Fagley edited this page May 29, 2019 · 1 revision

Primitive Literals

Primitive Literals (Primitives) are the most basic building blocks of XCSL. Primitives are automatically included for use in every XCSL source module. These include articles such as integers and strings.

Table of Contents

Integer Values

Integers can be signed or unsigned. Signed integers can be positive or negative; unsigned integers can only be positive but range twice as high in value. It is considered best practice to use the smallest suitable integer size, because it will be the fastest in execution.

XCS offers Unsigned Integer values with the following ranges:

  • 8-bit (u8): 0 -- 255 (2^8)
  • 16-bit (u16): 0 -- 65,535 (2^16)
  • 32-bit (u32): 0 -- 4,294,967,295 (2^32)
  • 64-bit (u64): 0 -- 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 (2^64)

XCS offers Signed Integer values with the following ranges:

  • 8-bit (i8): -128 -- 127
  • 16-bit (i16): −32,768 -- 32,767
  • 32-bit (i32): -2,147,483,648 -- 2,147,483,647
  • 64-bit (i64): -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 -- 9,223,372,036,854,775,807

Real Values

XCS offers two variations of Real Number values (e.g. numbers with decimal points):

  • Single-Precision Floating Point (float): 7-8 digit precision
  • Double-Precision Floating Point (double): 15-16 digit precision

Boolean Values

XCS offers logical functionality in the form of Boolean values (True, False).

Characters and Strings