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Data Transfer Object

Common library for DTOs

Latest Stable Version Scrutinizer Code Quality Build Status Code Coverage Total Downloads License composer.lock available


composer require codin-pro/data-transfer-object


    "require": {
        "codin-pro/data-transfer-object": "^1.0"


All you need for your custom DTO is extending from CodinPro\DataTransferObject\DTO class and defining fields as protected. That's it!


namespace CodinPro\DataTransferObject;

class ExampleDTO extends DTO
    protected $foo = true;
    protected $bar = 'string';
    protected $extra = ['a' => 'b'];

After this "painful" setup, you are ready to go. You can find more usage examples on Wiki.


Feel free to create your pull requests. The only requirements are:

  1. Keep code quality at 10/10
  2. Keep code coverage at 100%
  3. Don't break back-compatibility