It's a mix between Yaru « regular » folders as seen in 22.04 / 22.10, in their orange variant and Yaru colored folder from because I like colors but I also like the grey foundation of original Yaru icons which keeps the whole thing « harmonized ».
From a folder, resizing all .png and send them into another folder :
for i in $(ls *.png); do sudo convert -resize 32x32 $i /usr/share/icons/Yaru/32x32/places/$i; done
From a folder, copy to ~/Desktop ( Bureau in my language ) files with matching names :
find . -name 'folder-*-publicshare.png' -exec cp {} ~/Bureau/ \;
Nautilus ( is buggy as hell in Ubuntu 22.10 ) but offers easy batch renaming : select elements and hit F2.