A collections of useful scripts
- phoneAndEmail.py - uses Regex to extract phone numbers and email addresses from the clipboard
- renameDates.py - Renames files with MM-DD-YYYY date format to DD-MM-YYYY using regular expressions
- mapIt.py - takes an address passed as a command line argument and opens a map via a webpage
bh_sshRcmd.py: Simple ssh client with parmiko with key support
bh_sshcmd.py: First iteration of ssh client, password support
bh_sshserver: Simple ssh server
bhpnet.py: BHP Net Tool- basic Netcat replacement in python
proxy.py: TCP proxy that takes 5 cmd line arguments (Usage: ./proxy.py [localhost] [localport] [remotehost] [remoteport] [recieve_first]")
scanner.py: Sniffer with IP header decoding, icmp host identification
sniffer_ip_header_decode: Sniffer that parses IP header information, returns protocol and host
in progress pic_carver.py: Extracts images from traffic in pcap files. Will eventually use OpenCV to identify pictures with human faces
toolbox.py: A collection of useful Python scripts based on SANS' whiteboard
toolbox.sh: A collection of useful Bash scripts based on SANS' whiteboard
toolbox.ps1: A collection of useful Powershell scripts based on SANS' whitebaord