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Ryan Bush edited this page Apr 24, 2017 · 1 revision

Entities are data objects that we use throughout the application. They can be used anywhere, and are typically created by Services. They can be passed around any of the VIPER layers and used as needed.

Lets take a look a typical User entity

class User {
    // Identifier
    let userId: Int

    // Instance Variables
    let gender: String?
    let password: String?
    let username: String?
    // Initializers
    init(withUserId newUserId: Int) {
         userId = newUserId 
    init?(fromJson json: [String: AnyObject]) {
        let json = JSON(jsonDictionary)
        let identifier = json["userId"].int

        guard identifier != nil else {
            return nil

        self.init(withUserId: identifier)

        gender = json["gender"].string
        password = json["password"].string
        username = json["username"].string

Here, we have a basic User object. In the init(withJson:) method we use SwiftyJSON to easily parse the JSON's values into the objects instance variables.