The porousBedFoam is a complete new solver, which has the structure and design inspired by the lagrangian
Table of Contents
A flexible porous medium bed model expecially designed for fixed-bed and moving-bed for the thermal conversion process.
The model details are described in the paper.
Normal distribution regarding the moisture content.
The case used in the paper is added as a test and tutorial case for this slover.
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Besides coding, academic discussions through emails are most approciated.
Distributed under the GPLv3 License. (OpenFOAM license control)
Jingyuan Zhang - [email protected]
Corinna Schulze-Netzer - [email protected]
Tian Li - [email protected] / [email protected]
Research group: ComKin group at NTNU
If you want to use porousBedFoam in your research, you should cite the following papers: