initial style layer over Bootstrap 4, before project-specific styles
gem 'theme-core', git: ''
@import 'core_colors'; // from theme-core gem - core color overrides of Bootstrap
@import 'theme_colors'; // from project - project color overrides of theme-core
@import 'core_variables'; // from theme-core gem - core variables overrides of Bootstrap
@import 'theme_variables'; // from project - project variable overrides of theme-core
@import 'bootstrap/functions'; // from Bootstrap gem
@import 'bootstrap/variables'; // from Bootstrap gem - sets remaining default variables
@import 'bootstrap/mixins'; // from Bootstrap gem
// example selection of bootstrap stuff
@import 'bootstrap/code';
@import 'bootstrap/grid';
@import 'bootstrap/tables';
@import 'bootstrap/forms';
@import 'bootstrap/buttons';
@import 'bootstrap/utilities';
// ...etc
// example selection of third party plugins
@import 'rails_bootstrap_forms';
@import 'daterangepicker';
@import "font-awesome-sprockets";
@import "font-awesome";
@import 'react-select';
// ...etc
@import 'core_mixins'; // from theme-core gem - adds some general custom mixins
@import 'theme_mixins'; // only if project has/needs project-specific mixins
@import 'core_theme'; // from theme-core gem
@import 'theme/**/*'; // from project - all project specific styles stored in 'stylesheets/theme' folder
//= require core_js