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BEAST v2.6.0

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@rbouckaert rbouckaert released this 22 May 23:32

Main changes

    Robustify application launching and package upgrading (especially for Windows)
    Faster BEAUti processing of large number of partitions

Other changes

    Make sequenceSimulator less sensitive to taxa ordering
    Improved error messages
    XML being produced is more standardised
    Make help menu extendible to add for example automatic methods section generator        
    Saves last accessed directory between sessions
    Default bounds on BSP pop sizes and random local clock rates updated
    Let GuessPatternDialog handle empty fields.
    Adding MRCAPriors more robust when multiple alignments share a tree
    More complete Nexus parser

For developers

    More flexible options for constructing BEAST objects 
    More access methods to core classes
    Added BEASTInterface::notClonable

There are more details for users and developers on the website.