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Merge pull request #1061 from Concordium/trim-tt
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Trim the transaction table
  • Loading branch information
MilkywayPirate authored Nov 17, 2023
2 parents 1b7d02b + c4d6d1d commit 0e1dda9
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Showing 15 changed files with 490 additions and 208 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
# Changelog

## Unreleased changes
- If an account does not have any non-finalized transactions, then the transaction table is no longer used for tracking next available account nonce.

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions concordium-consensus/src/Concordium/GlobalState/BlockState.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1437,8 +1437,8 @@ class (BlockStateOperations m, FixedSizeSerialization (BlockStateRef m)) => Bloc
-- | Cache the block state.
cacheBlockState :: BlockState m -> m ()

-- | Cache the block state and get the initial (empty) transaction table with the next account nonces
-- and update sequence numbers populated.
-- | Cache the block state and get the initial (empty) transaction table with
-- the next "update sequence numbers".
cacheBlockStateAndGetTransactionTable :: BlockState m -> m TransactionTable

-- | Populate the LMDB account map if it has not already been initialized.
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -246,6 +246,19 @@ instance (SupportsPersistentAccount pv m, av ~ AccountVersionFor pv) => Cacheabl
accts{accountTable = acctTable}

-- This instance is here so we can cache the account table when starting up,
-- allowing for efficient modification of the state.
instance (SupportsPersistentAccount pv m) => Cacheable m (Accounts pv) where
cache accts = do
let atLeaf =
return @_
@( HashedCachedRef
(AccountCache (AccountVersionFor pv))
(PersistentAccount (AccountVersionFor pv))
acctTable <- liftCache atLeaf (accountTable accts)
return accts{accountTable = acctTable}

-- | Create a new empty 'Accounts' structure.
emptyAccounts :: (MonadIO m) => m (Accounts pv)
emptyAccounts = do
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3793,31 +3793,18 @@ cacheState hpbs = do
return ()

-- | Cache the block state and get the initial (empty) transaction table with the next account nonces
-- and update sequence numbers populated.
-- | Cache the block state and get the initial (empty) transaction table with the next
-- update sequence numbers populated.
cacheStateAndGetTransactionTable ::
forall pv m.
(SupportsPersistentState pv m) =>
HashedPersistentBlockState pv ->
m TransactionTable.TransactionTable
cacheStateAndGetTransactionTable hpbs = do
BlockStatePointers{..} <- loadPBS (hpbsPointers hpbs)
-- When caching the accounts, we populate the transaction table with the next account nonces.
-- This is done by using 'liftCache' on the account table with a custom cache function that
-- records the nonces.
let perAcct acct = do
-- Note: we do not need to cache the account because a loaded account is already fully
-- cached. (Indeed, 'cache' is defined to be 'pure'.)
nonce <- accountNonce acct
unless (nonce == minNonce) $ do
addr <- accountCanonicalAddress acct
( TransactionTable.ttNonFinalizedTransactions . at' (accountAddressEmbed addr)
?~ TransactionTable.emptyANFTWithNonce nonce
return acct
(accts, tt0) <- MTL.runStateT (liftCache perAcct bspAccounts) TransactionTable.emptyTransactionTable
-- first cache the modules
-- cache the account table
accts <- cache bspAccounts
-- cache the modules
mods <- cache bspModules
-- then cache the instances, but don't cache the modules again. Instead
-- share the references in memory we have already constructed by caching
Expand All @@ -3838,7 +3825,7 @@ cacheStateAndGetTransactionTable hpbs = do
& TransactionTable.ttNonFinalizedChainUpdates . at' uty
?~ TransactionTable.emptyNFCUWithSequenceNumber sn
else return tt
tt <- foldM updInTT tt0 [minBound ..]
tt <- foldM updInTT TransactionTable.emptyTransactionTable [minBound ..]
rels <- cache bspReleaseSchedule
red <- cache bspRewardDetails
_ <-
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Expand Up @@ -634,17 +634,35 @@ constructBlock StoredBlockWithStateHash{sbshStoredBlock = StoredBlock{..}, ..} =

( MonadState state m,
HasSkovPersistentData pv state
HasSkovPersistentData pv state,
BlockStateQuery m,
BlockState m ~ PBS.HashedPersistentBlockState pv,
MonadProtocolVersion m,
MPV m ~ pv,
MonadLogger (PersistentTreeStateMonad state m),
MonadIO (PersistentTreeStateMonad state m),
BlockStateStorage (PersistentTreeStateMonad state m)
) =>
AccountNonceQuery (PersistentTreeStateMonad state m)
getNextAccountNonce addr = nextAccountNonce addr <$> use (skovPersistentData . transactionTable)
getNextAccountNonce addr = do
sd <- use skovPersistentData
maybe (fetchFromLastFinalizedBlock sd) return (fetchFromTransactionTable sd)
fetchFromTransactionTable skovData = (,False) <$> nextAccountNonce addr (skovData ^. transactionTable)
fetchFromLastFinalizedBlock sd = do
st <- blockState $ sd ^. lastFinalized
macct <- getAccount st (aaeAddress addr)
nextNonce <- fromMaybe minNonce <$> mapM (getAccountNonce . snd) macct
return (nextNonce, True)
{-# INLINE getNextAccountNonce #-}

( MonadLogger (PersistentTreeStateMonad state m),
MonadIO (PersistentTreeStateMonad state m),
BlockStateStorage (PersistentTreeStateMonad state m),
MonadState state m,
BlockStateQuery m,
HasSkovPersistentData pv state,
MonadProtocolVersion m,
MPV m ~ pv,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -873,19 +891,31 @@ instance
-- check if the transaction is in the transaction table cache
case tt ^? ttHashMap . ix trHash of
Nothing -> do
-- Finalized credentials are not present in the transaction table, so we
-- check if they are already in the on-disk transaction table.
-- For other transaction types, we use the nonce/sequence number to rule
-- out the transaction already being finalized.
oldCredential <- case wmdData of
CredentialDeployment{} -> memberTransactionTable wmdHash
_ -> return False
let ~(added, newTT) = addTransaction bi 0 verRes tt
if not oldCredential && added
mayAddTransaction <- case wmdData of
-- Finalized credentials are not present in the transaction table, so we
-- check if they are already in the on-disk transaction table.
-- For other transaction types, we use the nonce/sequence number to rule
-- out the transaction already being finalized.
NormalTransaction tr -> do
lfbState <- use (skovPersistentData . lastFinalized . to _bpState)
mAcc <- getAccount lfbState $ transactionSender tr
nonce <- maybe (pure minNonce) getAccountNonce (snd <$> mAcc)
return $! nonce <= transactionNonce tr
-- We need to check here that the nonce is still ok with respect to the last finalized block,
-- because it could be that a block was finalized thus the next account nonce being incremented
-- after this transaction was received and pre-verified.
CredentialDeployment{} -> not <$> memberTransactionTable wmdHash
-- the sequence number will be checked by @Impl.addTransaction@.
_ -> return True
if mayAddTransaction
then do
skovPersistentData . transactionTablePurgeCounter += 1
skovPersistentData . transactionTable .=! newTT
return (Added bi verRes)
let ~(added, newTT) = addTransaction bi 0 verRes tt
if added
then do
skovPersistentData . transactionTablePurgeCounter += 1
skovPersistentData . transactionTable .=! newTT
return (Added bi verRes)
else return ObsoleteNonce
else return ObsoleteNonce
Just (bi', results) -> do
-- The `Finalized` case is not reachable because finalized transactions are removed
Expand All @@ -902,33 +932,23 @@ instance
let nonce = transactionNonce tr
sender = accountAddressEmbed (transactionSender tr)
anft <- use (skovPersistentData . transactionTable . ttNonFinalizedTransactions . at' sender . non emptyANFT)
if anft ^. anftNextNonce == nonce
let nfn = anft ^. anftMap . at' nonce . non Map.empty
wmdtr = WithMetadata{wmdData = tr, ..}
if Map.member wmdtr nfn
then do
let nfn = anft ^. anftMap . at' nonce . non Map.empty
wmdtr = WithMetadata{wmdData = tr, ..}
if Map.member wmdtr nfn
then do
-- Remove any other transactions with this nonce from the transaction table.
-- They can never be part of any other block after this point.
forM_ (Map.keys (Map.delete wmdtr nfn)) $
\deadTransaction -> skovPersistentData . transactionTable . ttHashMap . at' (getHash deadTransaction) .= Nothing
-- Mark the status of the transaction as finalized, and remove the data from the in-memory table.
ss <- deleteAndFinalizeStatus wmdHash
-- Update the non-finalized transactions for the sender
. transactionTable
. ttNonFinalizedTransactions
. at' sender
?= ( anft
& (anftMap . at' nonce .~ Nothing)
& (anftNextNonce .~ nonce + 1)
return ss
else do
logErrorAndThrowTS $ "Tried to finalize transaction which is not known to be in the set of non-finalized transactions for the sender " ++ show sender
-- Remove any other transactions with this nonce from the transaction table.
-- They can never be part of any other block after this point.
forM_ (Map.keys (Map.delete wmdtr nfn)) $
\deadTransaction -> skovPersistentData . transactionTable . ttHashMap . at' (getHash deadTransaction) .= Nothing
-- Mark the status of the transaction as finalized, and remove the data from the in-memory table.
ss <- deleteAndFinalizeStatus wmdHash
-- Remove the transaction from the non finalized transactions.
-- If there are no non-finalized transactions left then remove the entry
-- for the sender in @ttNonFinalizedTransactions@.
skovPersistentData . transactionTable %=! finalizeTransactionAt sender nonce
return ss
else do
logErrorAndThrowTS $
"The recorded next nonce for the account " ++ show sender ++ " (" ++ show (anft ^. anftNextNonce) ++ ") doesn't match the one that is going to be finalized (" ++ show nonce ++ ")"
logErrorAndThrowTS $ "Tried to finalize transaction which is not known to be in the set of non-finalized transactions for the sender " ++ show sender
finTrans WithMetadata{wmdData = CredentialDeployment{}, ..} =
deleteAndFinalizeStatus wmdHash
finTrans WithMetadata{wmdData = ChainUpdate cu, ..} = do
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -107,20 +107,35 @@ purgeTables lastFinCommitPoint oldestArrivalTime currentTime TransactionTable{..
| otherwise = (mmnonce <> Just (Max n), Just ts')
put (mmnonce', tht')
return mres
-- Purge the non-finalized transactions for a specific account.
purgeAccount :: AccountAddressEq -> AccountNonFinalizedTransactions -> State (PendingTransactionTable, TransactionHashTable) AccountNonFinalizedTransactions
purgeAccount addr AccountNonFinalizedTransactions{..} = do
(ptt0, trs0) <- get
-- Purge the non-finalized transactions for an account,
-- accumulating the non-finalized transactions that were
-- not purged. Purging the transactions removes them
-- from the transaction table and updates the pending
-- transaction table accordingly.
purgeAccount ::
-- accumulator
( HM.HashMap AccountAddressEq AccountNonFinalizedTransactions,
(PendingTransactionTable, TransactionHashTable)
) ->
-- current entry key
AccountAddressEq ->
-- current entry value
AccountNonFinalizedTransactions ->
-- result
( HM.HashMap AccountAddressEq AccountNonFinalizedTransactions,
(PendingTransactionTable, TransactionHashTable)
purgeAccount (!anfts, (ptt0, trs0)) addr AccountNonFinalizedTransactions{..} =
-- Purge the transactions from the transaction table.
let (newANFTMap, (mmax, !trs1)) = runState (Map.traverseMaybeWithKey purgeTxs _anftMap) (Nothing, trs0)
-- Update the pending transaction table.
let updptt (Just (Max newHigh)) (Just (low, _))
-- Update the pending transaction table.
updptt (Just (Max newHigh)) (Just (low, _))
| newHigh < low = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (low, newHigh)
updptt _ _ = Nothing
!ptt1 = ptt0 & pttWithSender . at' addr %~ updptt mmax
put (ptt1, trs1)
return AccountNonFinalizedTransactions{_anftMap = newANFTMap, ..}
anfts' = if null newANFTMap then anfts else HM.insert addr AccountNonFinalizedTransactions{_anftMap = newANFTMap, ..} anfts
in (anfts', (ptt1, trs1))
-- Purge the deploy credential transactions that are pending.
purgeDeployCredentials = do
dc0 <- use (_1 . pttDeployCredential)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -175,8 +190,11 @@ purgeTables lastFinCommitPoint oldestArrivalTime currentTime TransactionTable{..
!ptt1 = ptt0 & pttUpdates . at' uty %~ updptt mmax
in (nfcu{_nfcuMap = newNFCUMap}, (ptt1, uis1))
purge = do
-- Purge each account
nnft <- HM.traverseWithKey purgeAccount _ttNonFinalizedTransactions
-- Purge each account, and possibly remove the @AccountNonFinalizedTransactions@
-- if an account does not have any pending transactions left.
pttAndTxTable <- get
let (!nnft, (!ptt, !txTable)) = HM.foldlWithKey' purgeAccount (HM.empty, pttAndTxTable) _ttNonFinalizedTransactions
put (ptt, txTable)
-- Purge credential deployments
-- Purge chain updates
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