This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
- In the terminal window, change directory to the root folder - 'cd client'
- Run the setup script - 'npm run setup' - This will install all needed dependecies and fix any minor errors your system runs into.
- To start the project, use the start script - 'npm start'.
- In the terminal window, change directory to the root folder - 'cd client'
- Install the jest testing framework using
npm install --save-dev jest
- Install some of the libraries we will use in our tests
npm i --save-dev enzyme enzyme-adapter-react-16 react-test-renderer
- Run the testing and coverage script using the command:
npm test -- --coverage
Open one terminal tab for your Jest tests in watch mode with npm run test:watch
and one open terminal tab to start your React application with npm start. Every time you change a source file, your tests should run again because of the watch mode.