The Laplacian of Guassian project allows a user to execute the program with the input file of their choice, and will output a series of images which have had filters applied in the following orders:
- Grayscale Filter
- Laplacian Filter
- Gaussian Smoothing OR
- Grayscale Filter
- Laplacian of Gaussian Filter
The following steps are required to compile and execute the program:
- Open the terminal to the directory containing the project files
- Enter the command "make", which will compile the files into an executable
- Enter the command: "./image path_to_input_image", and the filters will be applied to the specified image
- Wait for program to finish execution (this will take time for the serial and parallel implementations to finish)
- Observe timing results in the terminal, and output image results in the output directories "Outputs" and "CUDA-Outputs"
Sample input images are located in the subdirectory "Inputs" for the user to test the program with. An example execution of the program (after compilation) would be "./image Inputs/flower.jpg".