In this exercise we are going to work on writing a simple bank contract similar to the one in this repository, except we are going to write it with Vyper!
To get started, make sure that you are using Truffle version 5.0. You can check which verison of Truffle you are using with truffle version
If it is below version 5.0, run
npm uninstall -g truffle
and then
npm install -g truffle
Now truffle version
should return at least version 5.0.
Even though we will not be using the Solidity compiler in this exercise, note that the Solidity compiler version is at least v0.5.0, which comes with many breaking changes when upgrading from Solidity version 0.4.x.
Then clone this repository to your machine. You will be working on completing the SimpleBank.vy contract in the contracts directory. There are comments in the file to guide you. You will also want to consult the Vyper documentation.
You need to install the Vyper compiler yourself for Truffle to be able to compile Vyper contracts.
Installing Vyper on Linux is as simple as
sudo snap install vyper --edge --devmode
Otherwise, consult the docs.
Create the truffle artifacts by running truffle compile
. I was having trouble with the Vyper contract recompiling when there was already an artifact in the ./build directory, but deleting the ./build directory and then compiling solved this.
Make sure a development blockchain (like ganache) is running on port 8545 and run the tests with truffle test