Ansible role that will install, configure and runs Teku: an enterprise Java Ethereum 2 Client
* MacOS
* Debian
* Ubuntu
* Redhat(CentOS/Fedora)
* Amazon
- JDK 11 or greater
All variables which can be overridden are stored in defaults/main.yml file. By and large these variables are configuration options. Please refer to the teku docs for more information
Name | Default Value | Description |
teku_version |
unset | REQUIRED Version of teku to install and run. All available versions are listed on our teku releases page. Can use latest to discover the latest released version |
teku_user |
teku | teku user |
teku_group |
teku | teku group |
teku_download_url |{{ teku_version }}/teku-{{ teku_version }}.tar.gz | The download tar.gz file used. You can use this if you need to retrieve teku from a custom location such as an internal repository. |
teku_install_dir |
/opt/teku | Path to install to |
teku_config_dir |
/etc/teku | Path for default configuration |
teku_data_dir |
/opt/teku/data | Path for data directory |
teku_log_dir |
/var/log/teku | Path for logs directory |
teku_log_filename |
{{ teku_log_dir }}/teku.log |
Path containing the location (relative or absolute) and the log filename |
teku_profile_file |
/etc/profile.d/ | Path to allow loading teku into the system PATH |
teku_managed_service |
true | Enables a systemd service (or launchd if on Darwin) |
teku_launchd_dir |
/Library/LaunchAgents | The default launchd directory |
teku_systemd_dir |
/etc/systemd/system/ | The default systemd directory |
teku_systemd_state |
restarted | The default option for the systemd service state |
teku_output_transition_dir |
/tmp/teku | |
teku_node_private_key_file |
"" | |
teku_network |
minimal | Predefined network configuration |
teku_host_ip |
"" | |
teku_p2p_enabled |
True | Enables or disables all P2P communication |
teku_p2p_interface | | Specifies the network interface on which the node listens for P2P communication |
teku_p2p_port |
9000 | Specifies the P2P listening ports (UDP and TCP) |
teku_p2p_advertised_port |
9000 | The advertised P2P port |
teku_p2p_discovery_enabled |
True | Enables or disables P2P peer discovery |
teku_interop_genesis_time |
0 | |
teku_interop_start_state |
"" | |
teku_interop_owned_validator_start_index |
0 | |
teku_interop_owned_validator_count |
64 | |
teku_interop_number_of_validators |
64 | |
teku_interop_enabled |
False | |
teku_validators_key_file |
"" | Path to the YAML formatted file to load unencrypted validator keys from |
teku_deposit_mode |
normal | |
teku_deposit_input_file |
"" | |
teku_deposit_number_validators |
64 | |
teku_deposit_contract_address |
0x | Eth1 address of deposit contract |
teku_deposit_eth1_endpoint |
"" | JSON-RPC URL of Eth1 node |
teku_metrics_enabled |
True | Set to true to enable the metrics exporter |
teku_metrics_interface | | |
teku_metrics_port |
8008 | Metric port when deployed as monolith |
teku_beacon_metrics_port |
8008 | Beacon service metric port when deployed as standalone |
teku_validator_metrics_port |
8009 | Validator service metric port when deployed as standalone |
teku_metrics_categories |
[] (All categories enabled) | Categories for which to track metrics |
teku_data_path |
/data | Use same folder for both validator and beacon service in standalone mode |
teku_data_storage_mode |
prune | Set the strategy for handling historical chain data |
teku_beacon_rest_api_port |
5051 | |
teku_beacon_rest_api_docs_enabled |
False | |
teku_beacon_rest_api_enabled |
True | Enable the REST API service |
teku_beacon_rest_api_interface | | Interface for the REST API service |
teku_beacon_rest_api_host_allowlist |
["*"] | Host allowlist for for the REST API service |
teku_cmdline_args |
[] | |
teku_cmdline_args_beacon |
teku_cmdline_args | Only applicable in standalone mode. Allows setting beacon specific values |
teku_cmdline_args_validator |
teku_cmdline_args | Only applicable in standalone mode. Allows setting validator specific values |
teku_env_opts |
[] | |
teku_env_opts_beacon |
teku_env_opts |
Only applicable in standalone mode. Allows setting beacon specific values |
teku_env_opts_validator |
teku_env_opts |
Only applicable in standalone mode. Allows setting validator specific values |
teku_standalone_validator |
False | Run validator in standalone mode |
teku_beacon_enabled |
True | Whether to deploy the beacon node |
List of variables which are not defined with default values in ansible role. However if these variables set via command line those will configured in teku configuration file
Name | Configuration File Parameter | Description |
teku_data_beacon_path |
data-beacon-path |
Path to beacon data |
teku_data_storage_archive_frequency |
data-storage-archive-frequency |
Sets the frequency, in slots, at which to store finalized states to disk |
teku_data_validator_path |
data-validator-path |
Path to validator client data |
teku_ee_endpoint |
ee-endpoint |
The execution engine endpoint URL |
teku_ee_jwt_secret_file |
ee-jwt-secret-file |
File to read the execution engine JWT authentication secret from |
teku_log_level |
logging |
Logging verbosity levels: OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL |
teku_log_validator_duties |
log-include-validator-duties-enabled |
Whether events are logged when validators perform duties |
teku_p2p_discovery_bootnodes |
p2p-discovery-bootnodes |
List of ENRs of the bootnodes ex: ['enr:-enr-string','enr:-enr-string'] |
teku_p2p_peer_lower_bound |
p2p-peer-lower-bound |
Lower bound on the target number of peers |
teku_p2p_peer_upper_bound |
p2p-peer-upper-bound |
Upper bound on the target number of peers |
teku_p2p_static_peers |
p2p-static-peers |
Static peers. ex: ['peer1-address','peer2-address'] |
teku_p2p_subscribe_all_subnets_enabled |
p2p-subscribe-all-subnets-enabled |
True/False |
teku_validators_external_signer_public_keys |
validators-external-signer-public-keys |
The list of external signer public keys ex: ['key1','key2'] |
teku_validators_external_signer_timeout |
validators-external-signer-timeout |
Timeout (in milliseconds) for the external signing service |
teku_validators_external_signer_url |
validators-external-signer-url |
URL for the external signing service |
teku_validators_proposer_default_fee_recipient |
validators-proposer-default-fee-recipient |
Default fee recipient to use when proposing post-merge blocks |
teku_validators_proposer_config |
validators-proposer-config |
Remote URL or local file path to load proposer configuration from |
teku_validators_proposer_config_refresh_enabled |
validators-proposer-config-refresh-enabled |
Whether to periodically refresh the proposer config |
teku_validators_graffiti |
validators-graffiti |
Graffiti to include during block creation (gets converted to bytes and padded to Bytes32) |
teku_validators_keystore_locking_enabled |
validators-keystore-locking-enabled |
Enable locking validator keystore files (Valid values True, False) |
teku_validators_performance_tracking_enabled |
validators-performance-tracking-enabled |
Enable validator performance tracking and logging (Valid values True, False) |
teku_validators_early_attestations_enabled |
validators-early-attestations-enabled |
Enable early attestation production (Valid values True, False) |
teku_ws_checkpoint |
ws-checkpoint |
A recent checkpoint within the weak subjectivity period. Format <BLOCK_ROOT>:<EPOCH_NUMBER> |
teku_beacon_node_api_endpoints |
beacon-node-api-endpoints |
Array. The beacon node API endpoints the validator client should connect to. |
It is possible to configure Teku to run in either monolith mode (both beacon and validator run in same process) or standalone mode(beacon and validator run in its own process).
Standalone mode runs beacon service its own process and validator service in its own process. Systemd service name teku
is used for beacon service
and teku-validator
is used for validator service when run in standalone mode. Ansible role defaults to run Teku in monolith mode and behaviour can be controlled with the
variable teku_standalone_validator=False/True
- Default setup: Install the role from galaxy
ansible-galaxy install pegasyseng.teku
Create a requirements.yml with the following:
Replace x.y.z
below with the version you would like to use from the teku releases page
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
force_handlers: True
- role: pegasyseng.teku
teku_version: x.y.z
Run with ansible-playbook:
ansible-playbook -v /path/to/requirements.yml
- Install via github
ansible-galaxy install git+
Create a requirements.yml with the following:
Replace x.y.z
below with the version you would like to use from the teku releases page
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
force_handlers: True
- role: ansible-role-teku
teku_version: x.y.z
Run with ansible-playbook:
ansible-playbook -v /path/to/requirements.yml
PegaSysEng, 2020