ConvoStack is a plug and play embeddable AI chatbot widget and backend deployment framework. To get started with ConvoStack, check out our docs here.
P.S. You can copy/paste the instructions below directly into your terminal to get the playground up and running in seconds!
# Clone the repo
git clone convostack-playground
# Enter the project root directory
cd convostack-playground
# Install all dependencies
npm install
# Setup your backend .env using the example provided
# Optionally, edit the apps/backend/.env file to set your OpenAI API key to try the GPT-3.5 or GPT-4 the langchain demo
cd apps/backend
cp .env.example .env
# Run the database migrations on a sqlite DB for development
npm run migrate-sqlite
# Get back into the root of the project
cd ../..
# Start the full-stack demo
npm run dev
# 🚀 See the demo running now on http://localhost:5173/