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Merge pull request #47 from CoqHott/semantic-boundary
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Semantic proof of the boundary lemmas.
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kyoDralliam authored Sep 11, 2023
2 parents 381d306 + 4d0ae6b commit 09b41a1
Showing 1 changed file with 10 additions and 173 deletions.
183 changes: 10 additions & 173 deletions theories/TypeConstructorsInj.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -383,188 +383,25 @@ Section Boundary.
rewrite wk1_ren_on; eapply TermRefl; now eapply ty_var0.

Let PCon (Γ : context) := True.
Let PTy (Γ : context) (A : term) := True.
Let PTm (Γ : context) (A t : term) := [Γ |- A].
Let PTyEq (Γ : context) (A B : term) := [Γ |- A] × [Γ |- B].
Let PTmEq (Γ : context) (A t u : term) := [× [Γ |- A], [Γ |- t : A] & [Γ |- u : A]].

Lemma boundary : WfDeclInductionConcl PCon PTy PTm PTyEq PTmEq.
subst PCon PTy PTm PTyEq PTmEq.
apply WfDeclInduction.
all: try easy.
- intros.
now eapply in_ctx_wf.
- intros.
now econstructor.
- intros.
now eapply typing_subst1, prod_ty_inv.
- intros; gen_typing.
- intros; gen_typing.
- intros.
now eapply typing_subst1.
- intros; gen_typing.
- intros.
now eapply typing_subst1.
- intros; gen_typing.
- intros. now eapply sig_ty_inv.
- intros.
eapply typing_subst1.
+ now econstructor.
+ now eapply sig_ty_inv.
- intros; now econstructor.
- intros; eapply typing_subst2; tea.
1: gen_typing.
cbn; now rewrite 2!wk1_ren_on, 2!shift_subst_eq.
- intros * ? _ ? [] ? [].
all: constructor ; tea.
eapply stability1.
3: now symmetry.
all: eassumption.
- intros * ? _ ? [] ? []; split.
1: gen_typing.
constructor; tea.
eapply stability1.
3: now symmetry.
all: tea.
- intros; prod_hyp_splitter; split; econstructor; tea; now eapply wfTermConv.
- intros * ? [].
all: now econstructor.
- intros.
+ now eapply typing_subst1.
+ econstructor ; tea.
now econstructor.
+ now eapply typing_subst1.
- intros * ? _ ? [] ? [].
+ easy.
+ now econstructor.
+ econstructor ; tea.
eapply stability1.
4: eassumption.
all: econstructor ; tea.
now symmetry.
- intros * ? [] ? [].
+ eapply typing_subst1.
1: eassumption.
now eapply prod_ty_inv.
+ now econstructor.
+ econstructor.
1: now econstructor.
eapply typing_subst1.
1: now symmetry.
now eapply prod_ty_inv.
- intros * ? []; split; gen_typing.
- intros * ? [] ? [] ? [] ? []; split.
+ now eapply typing_subst1.
+ gen_typing.
+ eapply ty_conv.
assert [Γ |-[de] tNat ≅ tNat] by now constructor.
1: eapply ty_natElim; tea; eapply ty_conv; tea.
* eapply typing_subst1; tea; do 2 constructor; boundary.
* eapply elimSuccHypTy_conv ; tea.
now boundary.
* symmetry; now eapply typing_subst1.
- intros **; split; tea.
eapply ty_natElim; tea; constructor; boundary.
- intros **.
assert [Γ |- tSucc n : tNat] by now constructor.
assert [Γ |- P[(tSucc n)..]] by now eapply typing_subst1.
split; tea.
2: eapply ty_simple_app.
1,5: now eapply ty_natElim.
2: tea.
1: now eapply typing_subst1.
replace (arr _ _) with (arr P P[tSucc (tRel 0)]⇑)[n..] by now bsimpl.
eapply ty_app; tea.
- intros * ? [] ? []; split.
+ now eapply typing_subst1.
+ gen_typing.
+ eapply ty_conv.
assert [Γ |-[de] tEmpty ≅ tEmpty] by now constructor.
1: eapply ty_emptyElim; tea; eapply ty_conv; tea.
* symmetry; now eapply typing_subst1.
- intros * ??? [] ? []; split; tea.
1: gen_typing.
constructor; tea.
eapply stability1.
3: symmetry; gen_typing.
all: gen_typing.
- intros * ? []; split; tea.
1: now eapply sig_ty_inv.
all: gen_typing.
- intros * ? _ ? _ ????; split; tea.
now do 2 econstructor.
- intros * ? []; split; tea.
1: eapply typing_subst1; [gen_typing| now eapply sig_ty_inv].
1: gen_typing.
econstructor. 1: now econstructor.
symmetry; eapply typing_subst1.
1: now eapply TermFstCong.
econstructor; now eapply sig_ty_inv.
- intros * ? _ ? _ ????.
assert [Γ |- tFst (tPair A B a b) : A] by now do 2 econstructor.
assert [Γ |- tFst (tPair A B a b) ≅ a : A] by now econstructor.
+ eapply typing_subst1; tea.
+ now do 2 econstructor.
+ econstructor; tea.
symmetry; eapply typing_subst1; tea.
now econstructor.
- intros; prod_hyp_splitter; split; tea; econstructor; tea.
all: eapply wfTermConv; tea; now econstructor.
- intros; prod_hyp_splitter; split.
all: econstructor; tea.
1: econstructor; tea; now eapply wfTermConv.
symmetry; now econstructor.
- intros; prod_hyp_splitter.
assert [|- Γ] by gen_typing.
assert [|- Γ,, A'] by now econstructor.
1: eapply typing_subst2; tea; cbn; now rewrite 2!wk1_ren_on, 2!shift_subst_eq.
1: now econstructor.
1: econstructor; tea; try eapply wfTermConv; refold; tea.
+ eapply stability0; tea.
2: eapply idElimMotiveCtxConv; tea; try now boundary + eapply ctx_refl.
1,2: eapply idElimMotiveCtx; tea; now eapply wfTermConv.
+ eapply typing_subst2; tea.
cbn; rewrite 2!wk1_ren_on, 2!shift_subst_eq.
now econstructor.
+ now econstructor.
+ symmetry; eapply typing_subst2; tea.
cbn; rewrite 2!wk1_ren_on, 2!shift_subst_eq; tea.
- intros; prod_hyp_splitter.
assert [|- Γ] by gen_typing.
assert [Γ |- tRefl A' z : tId A x y].
1: econstructor; tea; now econstructor.
symmetry; econstructor; tea; etransitivity; tea; now symmetry.
split; tea.
+ eapply typing_subst2; tea.
cbn; now rewrite 2!wk1_ren_on, 2!shift_subst_eq.
+ econstructor; tea.
+ econstructor; tea.
eapply typing_subst2; tea.
2: now econstructor.
cbn; rewrite 2!wk1_ren_on, 2!shift_subst_eq.
now econstructor.
- intros * ? [] ? [].
split ; gen_typing.
- intros * ? [].
split; gen_typing.
- intros * ?[]?[].
split; gen_typing.
red; prod_splitter; try now constructor.
- intros Γ A t H; apply Fundamental in H as [? VA _].
now eapply escapeTy.
- intros Γ A B H; apply Fundamental in H as [? VA VB _]; split.
+ now eapply escapeTy.
+ now eapply escapeTy.
- intros Γ A t u H; apply Fundamental in H as [? VA Vt Vu]; prod_splitter.
+ now eapply escapeTy.
+ now eapply escapeTm.
+ now eapply escapeTm.

End Boundary.
Expand Down

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