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statement of the directed theorem
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theolaurent committed Nov 22, 2023
1 parent 773c03c commit 2f569a2
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Showing 5 changed files with 191 additions and 569 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion _CoqProject
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Expand Up @@ -24,8 +24,9 @@ theories/DeclarativeInstance.v

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions theories/DirectedDeclarativeTyping.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ Module Examples.

Module Morphism.
From LogRel Require Import DirectedSemantics.
From LogRel Require Import DirectedMorphisms.
From LogRel Require Import Notations Context DeclarativeTyping DeclarativeInstance Weakening GenericTyping DeclarativeInstance.

Lemma morphism_fwd_characterization `{GenericTypingProperties} Δ (A B : term) l :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ Module Examples.

Module Morphism.
From LogRel Require Import DirectedSemantics.
From LogRel Require Import DirectedMorphisms.
From LogRel Require Import Notations Context DeclarativeTyping DeclarativeInstance Weakening GenericTyping DeclarativeInstance.

Lemma morphism_fwd_characterization `{GenericTypingProperties} Δ (A1 B1 A2 B2 : term) l :
Expand Down
128 changes: 128 additions & 0 deletions theories/DirectedMorphisms.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@

From Coq Require Import ssreflect.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
From smpl Require Import Smpl.
From LogRel.AutoSubst Require Import core unscoped Ast Extra.
From LogRel Require Import Utils BasicAst.
From LogRel Require Import DirectedDirections DirectedContext DirectedDirectioning.

Reserved Notation "[ Δ |- w : t -( d )- u : A ]" (at level 0, Δ, d, t, u, A, w at level 50).
Reserved Notation "[ Δ |- ϕ : σ -( )- τ : Θ ]" (at level 0, Δ, Θ, σ, τ, ϕ at level 50).

Definition err_term : term := tApp U U.

Definition action
(δ: list direction)
(dt: direction) (t: term) :
[δ |- t ▹ dt] ->
forall (σ τ: nat -> term), list term -> term.
induction 1 eqn: eq; intros σ τ l.
- exact (tLambda U (tRel 0)).
- exact (List.nth n l err_term).
- remember d'' as dt. destruct d''.
+ pose (tA := IHd1 _ eq_refl σ τ l).
pose (tB := IHd2 _ eq_refl
(scons (tApp tA⟨↑⟩ (tRel 0)) σ)
(scons (tRel 0) τ)
(cons err_term l)).
exact (tLambda (tProd A B)[σ] (tLambda A[τ] (
tApp tB⟨up_ren ↑⟩ (tApp (tRel 1) (tApp tA⟨↑⟩⟨↑⟩ (tRel 0)))
+ pose (tA := IHd1 _ eq_refl σ τ l).
pose (tB := IHd2 _ eq_refl
(scons (tRel 0) σ)
(scons (tApp tA⟨↑⟩ (tRel 0)) τ)
(cons err_term l)).
exact (tLambda (tProd A B)[τ] (tLambda A[σ] (
tApp tB⟨up_ren ↑⟩ (tApp (tRel 1) (tApp tA⟨↑⟩⟨↑⟩ (tRel 0)))
+ exact (tLambda (tProd A B)[σ] (tRel 0)).
- pose (tA := IHd1 _ eq_refl σ τ l).
remember dA as d''. destruct d''.
+ pose (tt := IHd2 _ eq_refl
(scons (tRel 0) σ)
(scons (tApp tA⟨↑⟩ (tRel 0)) τ)
(cons (tLambda (* TODO FixMe *) err_term (tRel 0)) l)).
exact (tLambda A[σ] (tLambda A[τ] tt⟨↑⟩)).
+ pose (tt := IHd2 _ eq_refl
(scons (tApp tA⟨↑⟩ (tRel 0)) σ)
(scons (tRel 0) τ)
(cons (tLambda (* TODO FixMe *) err_term (tRel 0)) l)).
exact (tLambda A[σ] (tLambda A[τ] tt)⟨↑⟩).
+ pose (tt := IHd2 _ eq_refl
(scons (tRel 0) σ)
(scons (tRel 0) τ)
(cons (tLambda A[σ] (* ≅ A[τ]*) (tRel 0)) l)).
exact (tLambda A[σ] (tLambda A[τ] tt⟨↑⟩)).
- (* TODO: I think the direction of A is (dir_op dT) *)
pose (tf := IHd1 _ eq_refl σ τ l).
exact (tApp (tApp tf a[σ]) a[τ]).

Definition compute_action (δ: list direction) (t: term) (σ τ: nat -> term) (ϕ: list term) : term :=
match compute_DirInfer δ t with
| None => err_term
| Some (d; der) => action δ d t der σ τ ϕ

From LogRel Require Import Notations Context Weakening GenericTyping.

Section MorphismDefinition.
Context `{GenericTypingProperties}.

Fixpoint termRelArr Δ t u A : term :=
match A with
| U => arr t u
| tProd A B => tProd A (termRelArr (Δ ,, A) (eta_expand t) (eta_expand u) B)
| _ => err_term

Definition termRel Δ t u d (A : term) : Type :=
match d with
| Fun => ∑ f, [ Δ |- f : termRelArr Δ t u A ]
| Cofun => ∑ f, [ Δ |- f : termRelArr Δ u t A ]
| Discr => [Δ |- t ≅ u : A]

Definition termRelPred Δ t u d (A : term) (f : term) : Type :=
match d with
| Fun => [ Δ |- f : termRelArr Δ t u A ]
| Cofun => [ Δ |- f : termRelArr Δ u t A ]
| Discr => [Δ |- t ≅ u : A]

Definition dispatchDir γ σ τ φ A dA t u :=
match dA with
(* Discrete case, A[σ] ≅ A[τ], no transport needed *)
| Discr => (t, u, A[σ])
(* Fun case, A @ φ : A[σ] → A[τ] *)
| Fun => (tApp (compute_action γ A σ τ φ) t, u, A[τ])
(* Cofun case, A @ φ : A[τ] → A[σ] *)
| Cofun => (t, tApp (compute_action γ A σ τ φ) u, A[σ])

Definition tail (σ : nat -> term) := fun n => σ (S n).

Fixpoint substRel
(Δ: Context.context)
(σ τ : nat -> term)
(Θ : DirectedContext.context)
(φ : list term) : Type :=
match Θ, φ with
| nil, nil => unit
| (cons Adecl Θ), (cons w φ) =>
substRel Δ (tail σ) (tail τ) Θ φ ×
let '(t',u',A') :=
dispatchDir (dirs Θ) (tail σ) (tail τ) φ Adecl.(ty) Adecl.(ty_dir) (σ 0) (τ 0)
in termRelPred Δ t' u' Adecl.(dir) A' w
| _, _ => False

End MorphismDefinition.

Notation "[ Δ |- ϕ : σ -( )- τ : Θ ]" := (substRel Δ σ τ Θ ϕ).

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