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Saturate negative conversion rules with inversions
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MevenBertrand authored Sep 27, 2023
2 parents 3aa8b6a + 1740d3d commit e6330aa
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Showing 9 changed files with 312 additions and 51 deletions.
44 changes: 38 additions & 6 deletions theories/GenericTyping.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -125,11 +125,24 @@ Section RedDefinitions.

Inductive isWfFun (Γ : context) (A B : term) : term -> Set :=
LamWfFun : forall A' t : term, [Γ |- A ≅ A'] -> isWfFun Γ A B (tLambda A' t)
LamWfFun : forall A' t : term,
[Γ |- A'] -> [Γ |- A ≅ A'] -> [Γ,, A |- t : B] -> [Γ,, A' |- t : B] -> isWfFun Γ A B (tLambda A' t)
| NeWfFun : forall f : term, [Γ |- f ~ f : tProd A B] -> isWfFun Γ A B f.

Inductive isWfPair (Γ : context) (A B : term) : term -> Set :=
PairWfPair : forall A' B' a b : term, [Γ |- A ≅ A'] -> isWfPair Γ A B (tPair A' B' a b)
PairWfPair : forall A' B' a b : term,
[Γ |- A'] -> [Γ |- A ≅ A'] ->
[Γ,, A' |- B] ->
[Γ,, A' |- B'] ->
[Γ,, A |- B'] ->
[Γ,, A |- B ≅ B'] ->
[Γ,, A' |- B ≅ B'] ->
[Γ |- a : A] ->
[Γ |- B[a..]] ->
[Γ |- B'[a..]] ->
[Γ |- B[a..] ≅ B'[a..]] ->
[Γ |- b : B[a..]] ->
isWfPair Γ A B (tPair A' B' a b)
| NeWfPair : forall n : term, [Γ |- n ~ n : tSig A B] -> isWfPair Γ A B n.

End RedDefinitions.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -963,7 +976,11 @@ Section GenericConsequences.
2: eapply convty_simple_arr; cycle 1; tea.
eapply convtm_eta; tea.
{ renToWk; apply wft_wk; [apply wfc_cons|]; tea. }
2,4: constructor; first [now apply lrefl|tea].
2:{ constructor; first [now eapply lrefl|now apply ty_var0|tea]. }
3:{ constructor; first [now eapply lrefl|now apply ty_var0|tea].
eapply ty_conv; [now apply ty_var0|].
do 2 rewrite <- (@wk1_ren_on Γ A'); apply convty_wk; [|now symmetry].
now apply wfc_cons. }
1,2: eapply ty_id; tea; now symmetry.
assert [|- Γ,, A] by gen_typing.
assert [Γ,, A |-[ ta ] A⟨@wk1 Γ A⟩] by now eapply wft_wk.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1101,9 +1118,22 @@ Section GenericConsequences.
[Γ |- comp A g f ≅ comp A g' f' : arr A C].
assert (Hup : forall X Y h, [Γ |- h : arr X Y] -> [Γ,, A |- h⟨↑⟩ : arr X⟨↑⟩ Y⟨↑⟩]).
{ intros; rewrite <- arr_ren1, <- !(wk1_ren_on Γ A).
apply (ty_wk (@wk1 Γ A)); [|now rewrite wk1_ren_on].
now apply wfc_cons. }
eapply convtm_eta; tea.
{ renToWk; apply wft_wk; [apply wfc_cons|]; tea. }
2,4: now constructor.
2:{ assert [Γ,, A |-[ ta ] tApp g⟨↑⟩ (tApp f⟨↑⟩ (tRel 0)) : C⟨↑⟩].
{ eapply (ty_simple_app (A := B⟨↑⟩)); first [now apply wft_wk1|now apply Hup|idtac].
eapply (ty_simple_app (A := A⟨↑⟩)); first [now apply wft_wk1|now apply Hup|idtac].
now apply ty_var0. }
constructor; tea. }
3:{ assert [Γ,, A |-[ ta ] tApp g'⟨↑⟩ (tApp f'⟨↑⟩ (tRel 0)) : C⟨↑⟩].
{ eapply (ty_simple_app (A := B⟨↑⟩)); first [now apply wft_wk1|now apply Hup|idtac].
eapply (ty_simple_app (A := A⟨↑⟩)); first [now apply wft_wk1|now apply Hup|idtac].
now apply ty_var0. }
constructor; tea. }
1,2: eapply ty_comp.
4,5,9,10: tea.
all: tea.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1134,19 +1164,21 @@ Section GenericConsequences.
[Γ,, A' |- t' : B'] ->
[Γ |- A ≅ A'] ->
[Γ,, A |- B ≅ B'] ->
[Γ,, A' |- B ≅ B'] ->
[Γ,, A |- t ≅ t' : B] ->
[Γ |- tLambda A t ≅ tLambda A' t' : tProd A B].
assert [|- Γ,, A] by gen_typing.
apply convtm_eta ; tea.
- gen_typing.
- constructor; now eapply lrefl.
- constructor; first[now eapply lrefl|tea].
- eapply ty_conv.
1: eapply ty_lam ; tea.
now eapply convty_prod.
- now constructor.
- constructor; tea.
now eapply ty_conv.
- eapply @convtm_exp with (t' := t) (u' := t'); tea.
3: now eapply lrefl.
2: eapply redtm_conv ; cbn ; [eapply redtm_meta_conv |..] ; [eapply redtm_beta |..].
Expand Down
36 changes: 34 additions & 2 deletions theories/LogicalRelation.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -400,6 +400,18 @@ Definition PiRedTyEq `{ta : tag}
Module PiRedTyEq := ParamRedTyEq.
Notation "[ Γ ||-Π A ≅ B | ΠA ]" := (PiRedTyEq (Γ:=Γ) (A:=A) ΠA B).

Inductive isLRFun `{ta : tag} `{WfContext ta}
`{WfType ta} `{ConvType ta} `{RedType ta} `{Typing ta} `{ConvTerm ta} `{ConvNeuConv ta}
{Γ : context} {A : term} (ΠA : PiRedTy Γ A) : term -> Type :=
| LamLRFun : forall A' t : term,
(forall {Δ} (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ) (h : [ |- Δ ]) (domRed:= ΠA.(PolyRedPack.shpRed) ρ h),
[domRed | Δ ||- (PiRedTy.dom ΠA)⟨ρ⟩ ≅ A'⟨ρ⟩]) ->
(forall {Δ a} (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ) (h : [ |- Δ ])
(ha : [ ΠA.(PolyRedPack.shpRed) ρ h | Δ ||- a : ΠA.(PiRedTy.dom)⟨ρ⟩ ]),
[ΠA.(PolyRedPack.posRed) ρ h ha | Δ ||- t[a .: (ρ >> tRel)] : ΠA.(PiRedTy.cod)[a .: (ρ >> tRel)]]) ->
isLRFun ΠA (tLambda A' t)
| NeLRFun : forall f : term, [Γ |- f ~ f : tProd (PiRedTy.dom ΠA) (PiRedTy.cod ΠA)] -> isLRFun ΠA f.

Module PiRedTm.

Record PiRedTm `{ta : tag} `{WfContext ta}
Expand All @@ -409,7 +421,7 @@ Module PiRedTm.
: Type := {
nf : term;
red : [ Γ |- t :⤳*: nf : tProd ΠA.(PiRedTy.dom) ΠA.(PiRedTy.cod) ];
isfun : isWfFun Γ ΠA.(PiRedTy.dom) ΠA.(PiRedTy.cod) nf;
isfun : isLRFun ΠA nf;
refl : [ Γ |- nf ≅ nf : tProd ΠA.(PiRedTy.dom) ΠA.(PiRedTy.cod) ];
app {Δ a} (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ) (h : [ |- Δ ])
(ha : [ ΠA.(PolyRedPack.shpRed) ρ h | Δ ||- a : ΠA.(PiRedTy.dom)⟨ρ⟩ ])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -466,6 +478,26 @@ Definition SigRedTyEq `{ta : tag}
{Γ : context} {A : term} (ΠA : SigRedTy Γ A) (B : term) :=
ParamRedTyEq (T:=tSig) Γ A B ΠA.

Module SigRedTy := ParamRedTyPack.

Inductive isLRPair `{ta : tag} `{WfContext ta}
`{WfType ta} `{ConvType ta} `{RedType ta} `{Typing ta} `{ConvTerm ta} `{ConvNeuConv ta}
{Γ : context} {A : term} (ΣA : SigRedTy Γ A) : term -> Type :=
| PairLRpair : forall (A' B' a b : term)
(rdom : forall {Δ} (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ) (h : [ |- Δ ]),
[ΣA.(PolyRedPack.shpRed) ρ h | Δ ||- (SigRedTy.dom ΣA)⟨ρ⟩ ≅ A'⟨ρ⟩])
(rcod : forall {Δ a} (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ) (h : [ |- Δ ])
(ha : [ ΣA.(PolyRedPack.shpRed) ρ h | Δ ||- a : ΣA.(PiRedTy.dom)⟨ρ⟩ ]),
[ΣA.(PolyRedPack.posRed) ρ h ha | Δ ||- (SigRedTy.cod ΣA)[a .: (ρ >> tRel)] ≅ B'[a .: (ρ >> tRel)]])
(rfst : forall {Δ} (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ) (h : [ |- Δ ]),
[ΣA.(PolyRedPack.shpRed) ρ h | Δ ||- a⟨ρ⟩ : (SigRedTy.dom ΣA)⟨ρ⟩])
(rsnd : forall {Δ} (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ) (h : [ |- Δ ]),
[ΣA.(PolyRedPack.posRed) ρ h (rfst ρ h) | Δ ||- b⟨ρ⟩ : (SigRedTy.cod ΣA)[a⟨ρ⟩ .: (ρ >> tRel)] ]),

isLRPair ΣA (tPair A' B' a b)

| NeLRPair : forall p : term, [Γ |- p ~ p : tSig (SigRedTy.dom ΣA) (SigRedTy.cod ΣA)] -> isLRPair ΣA p.

Module SigRedTm.

Record SigRedTm `{ta : tag} `{WfContext ta}
Expand All @@ -475,7 +507,7 @@ Module SigRedTm.
: Type := {
nf : term;
red : [ Γ |- t :⤳*: nf : ΣA.(outTy) ];
isfun : isWfPair Γ ΣA.(PiRedTy.dom) ΣA.(PiRedTy.cod) nf;
ispair : isLRPair ΣA nf;
refl : [ Γ |- nf ≅ nf : ΣA.(outTy) ];
fstRed {Δ} (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ) (h : [ |- Δ ]) :
[ΣA.(PolyRedPack.shpRed) ρ h | Δ ||- tFst nf⟨ρ⟩ : ΣA.(ParamRedTyPack.dom)⟨ρ⟩] ;
Expand Down
15 changes: 11 additions & 4 deletions theories/LogicalRelation/Irrelevance.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ Proof.
- eapply symLRPack; eapply eqv.(eqvPos).

(** *** Lemmas for product types *)

(** A difficulty is that we need to show the equivalence right away, rather than only an implication,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,7 +107,10 @@ Proof.
intros []; cbn in *; econstructor; tea.
- now eapply redtmwf_conv.
- destruct isfun as [A₀ t₀|n Hn].
+ constructor; transitivity (PiRedTy.dom ΠA); [now symmetry|tea].
+ constructor.
* intros; now eapply eqv.(eqvShp).
* intros; unshelve eapply eqv.(eqvPos); [|eauto].
now apply eqv.(eqvShp).
+ constructor; now eapply convneu_conv.
- eapply (convtm_conv refl).
apply eqPi.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -180,8 +182,13 @@ Proof.
intros []; cbn in *; unshelve econstructor; tea.
- intros; unshelve eapply eqv.(eqvShp); now auto.
- now eapply redtmwf_conv.
- destruct isfun as [A₀ t₀|n Hn].
+ constructor; transitivity (PiRedTy.dom ΣA); [now symmetry|tea].
- destruct ispair as [A₀ B₀ a b|n Hn].
+ unshelve econstructor.
* intros; now unshelve eapply eqv.(eqvShp).
* intros; now eapply eqv.(eqvShp).
* intros; unshelve eapply eqv.(eqvPos); [|now eauto].
now unshelve eapply eqv.(eqvShp).
* intros; now eapply eqv.(eqvPos).
+ constructor; now eapply convneu_conv.
- now eapply convtm_conv.
- intros; unshelve eapply eqv.(eqvPos); now auto.
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions theories/LogicalRelation/Reduction.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ Proof.
eapply redtmwf_refl; gen_typing.
- intros ???????? [? red] red' ?.
unshelve erewrite (redtmwf_det _ _ red' red); tea.
1: now eapply isFun_whnf, isWfFun_isFun.
1: eapply isFun_whnf; destruct isfun; constructor; tea; now eapply convneu_whne.
econstructor; tea.
eapply redtmwf_refl; gen_typing.
- intros ?????? Rt red' ?; inversion Rt; subst.
Expand All @@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ Proof.
Unshelve. 2: tea.
- intros ???????? [? red] red' ?.
unshelve erewrite (redtmwf_det _ _ red' red); tea.
1: now eapply isPair_whnf, isWfPair_isPair.
1: eapply isPair_whnf; destruct ispair; constructor; tea; now eapply convneu_whne.
econstructor; tea.
eapply redtmwf_refl; gen_typing.
- intros ???????? [? red] red' ?.
Expand Down
16 changes: 12 additions & 4 deletions theories/LogicalRelation/SimpleArr.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -140,7 +140,11 @@ Section SimpleArrow.
econstructor; cbn.
- eapply redtmwf_refl.
now eapply ty_id.
- now constructor.
- constructor.
+ intros; cbn; apply reflLRTyEq.
+ intros; cbn.
irrelevance0; [|apply ha].
cbn; bsimpl; now rewrite rinstInst'_term.
- eapply convtm_id; tea.
eapply wfc_wft; now escape.
- intros; cbn; irrelevance0.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -277,8 +281,12 @@ Section SimpleArrow.
- eapply redtmwf_refl.
eapply ty_comp; cycle 2; tea.
- constructor; cbn.
unshelve eapply escapeEq, reflLRTyEq; [|tea].
- constructor; intros; cbn.
+ apply reflLRTyEq.
+ assert (Hrw : forall t, t⟨↑⟩[a .: ρ >> tRel] = t⟨ρ⟩).
{ intros; bsimpl; symmetry; now apply rinstInst'_term. }
do 2 rewrite Hrw; irrelevance0; [symmetry; apply Hrw|].
unshelve eapply h; tea.
- cbn. eapply convtm_comp; cycle 6; tea.
erewrite <- wk1_ren_on.
eapply escapeEqTerm.
Expand All @@ -302,6 +310,6 @@ Section SimpleArrow.
+ eapply LRTmEqSym.
unshelve eapply beta; tea.
+ cbn; bsimpl; now rewrite rinstInst'_term.

End SimpleArrow.
14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions theories/LogicalRelation/Transitivity.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,9 +59,12 @@ Lemma transEqTermΠ {Γ lA A t u v} {ΠA : [Γ ||-Π<lA> A]}
[Γ ||-Π u ≅ v : A | ΠA ] ->
[Γ ||-Π t ≅ v : A | ΠA ].
intros [tL] [? tR];
intros [tL] [? tR].
assert (forall t (red : [Γ ||-Π t : _ | ΠA]), whnf ( red)).
{ intros ? [? ? isfun]; simpl; destruct isfun; constructor; tea.
now eapply convneu_whne. }
unshelve epose proof (e := redtmwf_det _ _ ( redR) ( redL)); tea.
1,2: apply isFun_whnf; eapply isWfFun_isFun, PiRedTm.isfun.
1,2: now eauto.
exists tL tR.
+ etransitivity; tea. now rewrite e.
+ intros. eapply ihcod.
Expand All @@ -83,9 +86,12 @@ Lemma transEqTermΣ {Γ lA A t u v} {ΣA : [Γ ||-Σ<lA> A]}
[Γ ||-Σ u ≅ v : A | ΣA ] ->
[Γ ||-Σ t ≅ v : A | ΣA ].
intros [tL ?? eqfst eqsnd] [? tR ? eqfst' eqsnd'];
intros [tL ?? eqfst eqsnd] [? tR ? eqfst' eqsnd'].
assert (forall t (red : [Γ ||-Σ t : _ | ΣA]), whnf ( red)).
{ intros ? [? ? ispair]; simpl; destruct ispair; constructor; tea.
now eapply convneu_whne. }
unshelve epose proof (e := redtmwf_det _ _ ( redR) ( redL)); tea.
1,2: eapply isPair_whnf, isWfPair_isPair; apply SigRedTm.isfun.
1,2: now eauto.
exists tL tR.
+ etransitivity; tea. now rewrite e.
+ intros; eapply ihdom ; [eapply eqfst| rewrite e; eapply eqfst'].
Expand Down
57 changes: 43 additions & 14 deletions theories/LogicalRelation/Weakening.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -174,13 +174,23 @@ Section Weakenings.
Unshelve. all: tea.

Lemma isWfFun_ren : forall Γ Δ A B t (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ),
[|- Δ] ->
isWfFun Γ A B t -> isWfFun Δ A⟨ρ⟩ B⟨upRen_term_term ρ⟩ t⟨ρ⟩.
Lemma isLRFun_ren : forall Γ Δ t A l (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ) (wfΔ : [|- Δ]) (ΠA : [Γ ||-Π< l > A]),
isLRFun ΠA t -> isLRFun (wkΠ ρ wfΔ ΠA) t⟨ρ⟩.
intros * ? []; constructor; tea.
+ now apply convty_wk.
+ change [Δ |- f⟨ρ⟩ ~ f⟨ρ⟩ : (tProd A B)⟨ρ⟩].
intros * [A' t' Hdom Ht|]; constructor; tea.
+ intros Ξ ρ' *; cbn.
assert (eq : forall t, t⟨ρ' ∘w ρ⟩ = t⟨ρ⟩⟨ρ'⟩) by now bsimpl.
irrelevance0; [apply eq|].
rewrite <- eq.
now unshelve apply Hdom.
+ intros Ξ a ρ' wfΞ *; cbn.
assert (eq : forall t, t⟨ρ' ∘w ρ⟩ = t⟨ρ⟩⟨ρ'⟩) by now bsimpl.
unshelve eassert (Ht0 := Ht Ξ a (ρ' ∘w ρ) wfΞ _).
{ cbn in ha; irrelevance0; [symmetry; apply eq|tea]. }
replace (t'⟨upRen_term_term ρ⟩[a .: ρ' >> tRel]) with (t'[a .: (ρ' ∘w ρ) >> tRel]) by now bsimpl.
irrelevance0; [|apply Ht0].
now bsimpl.
+ change [Δ |- f⟨ρ⟩ ~ f⟨ρ⟩ : (tProd (PiRedTy.dom ΠA) (PiRedTy.cod ΠA))⟨ρ⟩].
now eapply convneu_wk.

Expand All @@ -193,7 +203,7 @@ Section Weakenings.
intros [t].
exists (t⟨ρ⟩); try change (tProd _ _) with (ΠA.(outTy)⟨ρ⟩).
+ now eapply redtmwf_wk.
+ now apply isWfFun_ren.
+ now apply isLRFun_ren.
+ now apply convtm_wk.
+ intros ? a ρ' ??.
replace ((t ⟨ρ⟩)⟨ ρ' ⟩) with (t⟨ρ' ∘w ρ⟩) by now bsimpl.
Expand All @@ -213,13 +223,32 @@ Section Weakenings.
intros []; constructor. all: gen_typing.

Lemma isWfPair_ren : forall Γ Δ A B t (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ),
[|- Δ] ->
isWfPair Γ A B t -> isWfPair Δ A⟨ρ⟩ B⟨upRen_term_term ρ⟩ t⟨ρ⟩.
Lemma isLRPair_ren : forall Γ Δ t A l (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ) (wfΔ : [|- Δ]) (ΣA : [Γ ||-Σ< l > A]),
isLRPair ΣA t -> isLRPair (wkΣ ρ wfΔ ΣA) t⟨ρ⟩.
intros * ? []; constructor; tea.
+ now apply convty_wk.
+ change [Δ |- n⟨ρ⟩ ~ n⟨ρ⟩ : (tSig A B)⟨ρ⟩].
intros * [A' B' a b Hdom Hcod Hfst Hsnd|]; unshelve econstructor; tea.
+ refold; intros Ξ ρ' wfΞ.
assert (eq : forall t, t⟨ρ' ∘w ρ⟩ = t⟨ρ⟩⟨ρ'⟩) by now bsimpl.
rewrite <- eq; irrelevance0; [|now unshelve apply Hfst].
now bsimpl.
+ intros Ξ ρ' *; cbn.
assert (eq : forall t, t⟨ρ' ∘w ρ⟩ = t⟨ρ⟩⟨ρ'⟩) by now bsimpl.
irrelevance0; [apply eq|].
rewrite <- eq.
now unshelve apply Hdom.
+ intros Ξ a' ρ' wfΞ ha'; cbn.
assert (eq : forall t, t⟨ρ' ∘w ρ⟩ = t⟨ρ⟩⟨ρ'⟩) by now bsimpl.
unshelve eassert (Hcod0 := Hcod Ξ a' (ρ' ∘w ρ) wfΞ _).
{ cbn in ha'; irrelevance0; [symmetry; apply eq|tea]. }
replace (B'⟨upRen_term_term ρ⟩[a' .: ρ' >> tRel]) with B'[a' .: (ρ' ∘w ρ) >> tRel] by now bsimpl.
irrelevance0; [|apply Hcod0].
now bsimpl.
+ refold; intros Ξ ρ' wfΞ.
assert (eq : forall t, t⟨ρ' ∘w ρ⟩ = t⟨ρ⟩⟨ρ'⟩) by now bsimpl.
rewrite <- eq.
irrelevance0; [|now unshelve apply Hsnd].
now bsimpl.
+ change [Δ |- p⟨ρ⟩ ~ p⟨ρ⟩ : (tSig (SigRedTy.dom ΣA) (SigRedTy.cod ΣA))⟨ρ⟩].
now eapply convneu_wk.

Expand All @@ -234,7 +263,7 @@ Section Weakenings.
2: now unshelve eapply fstRed.
cbn; symmetry; apply wk_comp_ren_on.
+ now eapply redtmwf_wk.
+ apply isWfPair_ren; assumption.
+ apply isLRPair_ren; assumption.
+ eapply convtm_wk; eassumption.
+ intros ? ρ' ?; irrelevance0.
2: rewrite wk_comp_ren_on; now unshelve eapply sndRed.
Expand Down

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