- Start the database containers(Redis and Postgres).
(docker compose -f db.yml down --volumes)
docker compose -f db.yml build --no-cache
docker compose -f db.yml up --force-recreate -d
- Install dependencies
poetry install --all-extras
- Install Pre commit hook
poetry run pre-commit install
- Go to api/api folder. Create the file .env:
- Run the project (while in api/api folder):
poetry run uvicorn main:app --reload
- Run the api.yml docker compose file that will start the databases and the api
docker compose -f api.yml down --volumes
docker compose -f api.yml build --no-cache
docker compose -f api.yml up --force-recreate -d
- Go to frontend folder. If you havent already, install packages. You need node for this to work: https://nodejs.org/en/download/
npm install
- Run the project (while in frontend folder):
npm run dev