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work on gen_auth_* and README
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yannikbuhl committed Dec 12, 2024
1 parent a267457 commit 02b80de
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Showing 3 changed files with 114 additions and 117 deletions.
87 changes: 49 additions & 38 deletions R/gen_auth.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#' @description Save credentials of the different databases for further convenient use
#' @param database Character string. The database to store credentials for ('all', 'genesis', 'zensus' or 'regio').
#' @param use_token Boolean. Do you want to (if possible) set an API token instead of password + username? Note: This is not supported by Defaults to FALSE.
#' @details Username and password are encrypted and saved as RDS in the
#' package config directory. A random string is generated and stored in the
Expand All @@ -21,52 +22,56 @@
#' gen_auth_save("zensus")
#' }
gen_auth_save <- function(database = c("all", "genesis", "zensus", "regio")) {
gen_auth_save <- function(database = c("all", "genesis", "zensus", "regio"),
use_token = FALSE) {

if (missing(database)) stop("You have to specify a value for parameter 'database'.",
call. = FALSE)

if (database == "regio" & isTRUE(use_token)) {

warning(" does not support API tokens. Defaulting to username and password.",
call. = FALSE)



if (database %in% c("genesis", "regio")) {
if (database == "regio") {

insert_and_save_credentials(database, use_token)

gen_logincheck(database = database)


} else if (database == "zensus"){
} else if (database %in% c("zensus", "genesis")) {

insert_and_save_credentials(database, use_token)

gen_logincheck(database = "zensus")
gen_logincheck(database = database)

} else if (database == "all"){


message("~~ Saving credentials for the 'genesis' database.")


gen_logincheck(database = "genesis")

walk_arguments <- list(ui_menu_database = c("GENESIS", "Zensus 2022", ""),
db_names = c("genesis", "zensus", "regio"),
use_token = use_token)

message("~~ Saving credentials for the Zensus 2022 database.\n")
purrr::pwalk(.l = walk_arguments,
.f = function(ui_menu_database,
use_token) {

message("~~ Saving credentials for the ", ui_menu_database, " database.")

gen_logincheck(database = "zensus")
insert_and_save_credentials(database = db_names,
use_token = use_token)

gen_logincheck(database = db_names)

message("~~ Saving credentials for database.")


gen_logincheck(database = "regio")


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -192,44 +197,50 @@ gen_auth_get <- function(database = c("all", "genesis", "zensus", "regio")) {

if (!(file.exists(auth_path) && nzchar(Sys.getenv("GENESIS_KEY")))) {

stop(paste0("GENESIS database credentials not found. ",
"Please run 'gen_auth_save()' to store GENESIS database username and password."),
call. = FALSE)
warning(paste0("GENESIS database credentials not found. ",
"Please run 'gen_auth_save()' to store GENESIS database username and password."),
call. = FALSE)

} else {

message("Credentials for database GENESIS:\n")
print(httr2::secret_read_rds(auth_path, "GENESIS_KEY"))
message("Credentials for database GENESIS:\n")
print(httr2::secret_read_rds(auth_path, "GENESIS_KEY"))



auth_path <- gen_auth_path("auth_zensus.rds")

if (!(file.exists(auth_path) && nzchar(Sys.getenv("ZENSUS_KEY")))) {

stop(paste0("Zensus 2022 database credentials not found. ",
warning(paste0("Zensus 2022 database credentials not found. ",
"Please run 'gen_auth_save()' to store Zensus 2022 database username and password."),
call. = FALSE)
call. = FALSE)

} else {

message("Credentials for database Zensus 2022:\n")
print(httr2::secret_read_rds(auth_path, "ZENSUS_KEY"))
message("Credentials for database Zensus 2022:\n")
print(httr2::secret_read_rds(auth_path, "ZENSUS_KEY"))



auth_path <- gen_auth_path("auth_regio.rds")

if (!(file.exists(auth_path) && nzchar(Sys.getenv("REGIO_KEY")))) {

stop(paste0(" database credentials not found. ",
warning(paste0(" database credentials not found. ",
"Please run 'gen_auth_save()' to store database username and password."),
call. = FALSE)
call. = FALSE)

} else {

message("Credentials for database\n")
print(httr2::secret_read_rds(auth_path, "REGIO_KEY"))
message("Credentials for database\n")
print(httr2::secret_read_rds(auth_path, "REGIO_KEY"))


} # End of 'else if (database == "all")'

Expand Down
141 changes: 63 additions & 78 deletions R/utils_httr2.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -589,112 +589,97 @@ logincheck_stop_or_warn <- function(response,
#' insert_and_save_credentials
#' @param database The database to specify credentials for
#' @param use_token Boolean. Do you want to (if possible) set an API token instead of password + username? Defaults to FALSE.
insert_and_save_credentials <- function(database) {
insert_and_save_credentials <- function(database,
use_token) {

if (database %in% c("genesis", "regio")) {
if (database == "regio") {

username <- gen_auth_ask("username")
password <- gen_auth_ask("password")
if (isTRUE(use_token)) use_token <- FALSE

auth_path <- gen_auth_path(paste0("auth_", database, ".rds"))

key <- httr2::secret_make_key()

key_name <- paste0(toupper(database), "_KEY")"Sys.setenv", setNames(list(key), key_name))

message(paste0("Saving '", database, "' database credentials to "),
"Please add the following line to your .Renviron, ",
"e.g. via `usethis::edit_r_environ()`, ",
"to use the specified username and password across sessions:\n\n",
paste0(key_name, "="),

dir.create(gen_auth_path(), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

httr2::secret_write_rds(list(username = username,
password = password),
path = auth_path,
key = key_name)
set_credentials_auth(path = "auth_regio.rds",
sys_env = "REGIO_KEY",
ui_menu_database = "",
use_token = use_token)


} else if (database == "zensus") {

want_token_resp <- menu(choices = c("Zensus 2022 API token",
"mail address + password"),
graphics = FALSE,
title = "Do you want to specifiy a Zensus 2022 API token or regular credentials for access?")

want_token <- ifelse(want_token_resp == 1L, TRUE, FALSE)
set_credentials_auth(path = "auth_zensus.rds",
sys_env = "ZENSUS_KEY",
ui_menu_database = "Zensus 2022",
use_token = use_token)

if (isTRUE(want_token)) {

username <- gen_auth_ask("API token")
password <- ""
} else if (database == "genesis") {

auth_path <- gen_auth_path("auth_zensus.rds")
set_credentials_auth(path = "auth_genesis.rds",
sys_env = "GENESIS_KEY",
ui_menu_database = "GENESIS",
use_token = use_token)

key <- httr2::secret_make_key()
} else {

Sys.setenv(ZENSUS_KEY = key)
stop("Misspecification of parameter 'database' in function 'insert_and_save_credentials'.",
call. = FALSE)

message("Saving Zensus 2022 database credentials to ",
"Please add the following line to your .Renviron, ",
"e.g. via `usethis::edit_r_environ()`, ",
"to use the specified username and password across sessions:\n\n",

dir.create(gen_auth_path(), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

httr2::secret_write_rds(list(username = username,
password = password),
path = auth_path,
key = "ZENSUS_KEY")

} else {
#' set_credentials_auth
#' @param path Path for the .rds file
#' @param sys_env System environment variable name for the key
#' @param ui_menu_database The database for the auth request ('GENESIS' or 'Zensus 2022')
#' @param use_token Boolean. Do you want to (if possible) set an API token instead of password + username? Defaults to FALSE.
set_credentials_auth <- function(path,
use_token) {

username <- gen_auth_ask("username")
password <- gen_auth_ask("password")
if(isTRUE(use_token)) {

auth_path <- gen_auth_path("auth_zensus.rds")
username <- gen_auth_ask(paste0("API token for ", ui_menu_database))
password <- ""

key <- httr2::secret_make_key()
} else {

Sys.setenv(ZENSUS_KEY = key)
username <- gen_auth_ask(paste0("username for ", ui_menu_database))
password <- gen_auth_ask(paste0("password for ", ui_menu_database))

message("Saving Zensus 2022 database credentials to ",
"Please add the following line to your .Renviron, ",
"e.g. via `usethis::edit_r_environ()`, ",
"to use the specified username and password across sessions:\n\n",

dir.create(gen_auth_path(), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
auth_path <- gen_auth_path(path)

httr2::secret_write_rds(list(username = username, password = password),
path = auth_path,
key = "ZENSUS_KEY")
key <- httr2::secret_make_key()

}, setNames(list(key), sys_env))

} else {
message(paste0("Your credentials for the ", ui_menu_database, " database have been saved to "),
"The key to the credentials file has been set as environment variable, which is lost after the R session is closed.",
"If you want to keep the key saved for future sessions, please add the following line to your .Renviron file, ",
"e.g. via the function `usethis::edit_r_environ()`:\n\n",
paste0(sys_env, "="),

stop("Misspecification of parameter 'database' in function 'insert_and_save_credentials'.",
call. = FALSE)
dir.create(gen_auth_path(), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

httr2::secret_write_rds(list(username = username, password = password),
path = auth_path,
key = sys_env)


3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion README.Rmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,9 +20,10 @@ knitr::opts_chunk$set(
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restatis is a wrapper around the RESTful API that provides access to the three main databases of German official statistics:
**restatis** is a wrapper around the RESTful API that provides access to the three main databases of German official statistics:

- The [**GENESIS database** of the Federal Statistical Office of Germany (Destatis)](
- [**** which is the database of the German Länder (Regionaldatenbank)](
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