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JVM API for the reference compiler and emulator for Imperial College's reference WACC compiler.


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How to use

Add the library's jar file to your classpath and that's it!

You should be able to download it from here.

Adding it to the classpath

If you are building use a tool like Maven or Gradle, you will need to edit your build config. Start by putting the jar inside a /libs folder at the root of your project, then modify your build.gradle, build.gradle.kts , or pom.xml as follows:


In the dependencies {} block:

implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])

Gradle Kotlin DSL

In the dependencies {} block:

implementation(fileTree(mapOf("dir" to "libs", "include" to listOf("*.jar"))))




This was written with Kotlin, but you should be able to use it with Java and Scala too.

   * Compiles and runs [prog]  passing it [stdin].
   * IMPORTANT: assumes the program is well formed, ie, there can be no compile errors. This tool should be used to
   * see the reference compiler's assembly code and to check their output, not to check semantic/syntactic checking.
   * Returns empty if the query failed, or  RefAnswer otherwise.
  fun compile(prog: File, stdin: String): Optional<RefAnswer>

   * Emulates the assembly file [armProg] with standard input [stdin]
   * Returns empty if the query failed, or the serialised JSON of the reference compiler otherwise.
  fun emulate(armProg: File, stdin: String): Optional<EmulatorReply>

Small Java Examples


        File myWaccProg = new File("./wacc_examples/path/to/my/file.wacc");
        String stdin = "Some test input for my program to handle";
        Optional<RefAnswer> answer = ReferenceWACC.compile(myWaccProg, stdin);
        if (answer.isEmpty()) {
            System.out.println("Query failed!");
        } else {
            int exitCode = answer.get().getCode();
            String compiledAssembly = answer.get().getAssembly();
            /* ... */


        File myAssemblyProg = new File("./path/to/my/assembly.s");
        String stdin = "Some test input for my program to handle";
        Optional<EmulatorReply> reply = ReferenceWACC.emulate(myAssemblyProg, stdin);
        if (reply.isEmpty()) {
            System.out.println("Query failed!");
        } else {
            String runtimeExitCode = reply.get().getEmulator_exit();
            String assemblerOut = reply.get().getAssemble_out();
            String emulatorOutput = reply.get().getEmulator_out();
            /* ... */

If you need more help on how this works or info in EmulatorReply or RefAnswer you can take a look at the source.


Fat caveat

If you use this with JUnit to automatically check your programs (which is why I wrote this for) it will CONSIDERABLY slow down your testing (you are making potentially two POST requests per .wacc file!).

I very much recommend caching your queries.

Also, if the network is down, the server crashes, etc, this will stop working. In particular, if we make enough queries to overload the server (like right before the deadline?) it will stop working for everyone, and we will be all screwed together :).

If the POST API for the reference compiler changes (which has happened in the year 2019-2020 already) this will stop working. If you want it fixed, please submit a pull request rather than asking me to fix it. Likewise if you find any bugs!


This was written solely to enable JVM users to use the reference compiler programmatically without having to use ruby or bash, and not having to start a new REST client for each request. I do not take responsibility for any problems you may run into using this tool.

I fully acknowledge that the naming is not super consistent, or the code super clean. This is because I basically copy pasted this thing out of my own WACC project, which is structured very differently. Again, feel free to submit a PR or fork the project.


If I have the time, I'll try to make this a proper library on MavenCentral or JCenter. It would be great to automatically cache queries in the local filesystem too.

All are welcome to contribute through PRs or forks.


JVM API for the reference compiler and emulator for Imperial College's reference WACC compiler.







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