Fixed an issue where symlinks were follwed when removing a module, causing files in vendor to be removed
Added PHP 7.0, HHVM to Travis CI. Removed allow_failures for HHVM.
Changes the way gitignore files are being processed. Retains the layout and other duplicates (comments, empty lines, etc.)
README example snippet uses https to prevent 'configuration does not allow connections to' errors
added PR #90 : Added check to see if directory exists (for redeploy command)
added PR #91 : Resolve package.xml mappings edge case: Replace double slashes in mappings
added regression test covering pull request #65
Added functionality to include root package when deploying modules
remove eol php version (4.5) from tests
add test for updating the installer
annoy people when they try to update the installer with active plugins
test the installer against different composer versions on Travis
allow Symfony/console 3.x as parallel dependency
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