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Rally WSAPI v2.0 Client for Node


Axios client wrapper for interacting with the Rally Web Services API (v2.0)


This project has been built and tested using Node 20.x and is only available in CommonJS format. Using Node 20.x or higher is recommended for the best operation.


const { RallyClient, RallyQuery } = require("rally-wsapi");

const RALLY_API_KEY = "_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";

const clientConfig = { 
  debug: false,
  workspace: 123456789, 
  auth: { 
    key: RALLY_API_KEY 
  headers: {
    "X-Custom-Header": 1
  client: {
    rallyIntName: "Test Client",
    rallyIntVendor: "Cox Automotive, Inc.",
    rallyIntVersion: "1.0.0",
    rallyIntOS: "Linux",
    rallyIntPlatform: "Node",
    rallyIntLibrary: "Rally WSAPI for Node.js"

const client = new RallyClient(clientConfig);

Core Settings

  • server: ""
  • serverPath: "/slm/webservice/"
  • apiVersion: "v2.0"
  • sortOrderDir: "asc"
  • startIndex: 1
  • pageSize: 20
  • workspace: ""
  • debug: false

Auth Settings

  • Basic
    • user
    • pass
  • API Key
    • key

Query Operations

const config = {
    method: "get", 
    url: "/project",
    params: {
        start: 1, 
        pagesize: 200

const response = await client.request(config);

If you don't want your parameters to be automatically parsed/modified, you can skip this by passing false as the second query parameter. This may require you to set additional parameters such as the workspace to return correct results.

const response = await client.request(config, false);

A query configuration follows the Request Config pattern exposed by Axios. You can set any custom headers or parameters and the client will minimally process and enrich them to execute your query.

The client will automatically handle the following options for you:

  • Base URL (
  • Auth (Setting Basic Auth or the API Key)
    • Keys are set on the ZSESSIONID header
  • Content Type (application/json)
  • Client Provided Details (ie: X-RallyIntegration headers)
  • Page Start / Item Page Start (1)
  • Page Size / Item Page Size (20)
  • Workspace (/workspace/[your-workspace-param])
  • Project (/project/[your-project-param])
  • Fetch / Item Fetch / Shallow Fetch / Item Types
    • Automatic conversion from Array to Comma-Delimited String

You can override all of these default values by passing your own data through the client or query configs.

Core Options

  • method

    • The method must be set on each request and will not be added automatically
    • GET, POST, PUT, DELETE are valid values
  • url

    • Follow the Rally WSAPI documentation to locate the correct relative URL
    • Example: /project
    • Example: /hierarchicalrequirement/create
  • ref

    • You may pass in a ref object which contains a _ref field
    • The relative path will be extracted and set as the url on the request

Ref Example:

 Defects: {
         _rallyAPIMajor: "2",
         _rallyAPIMinor: "0",
         _ref: "",
         _type: "Defects"

In this case the base URL will be removed returning a relative URL: /hierarchicalrequirement/12345/defects

Additional options for an Axios Request configuration can be found here.

Query Parameters

Queries may use the following parameters which are set in the params: {} object of the request.

  • query

  • order

    • A sort string which determines the order of the data returned. desc will present the data in descending order.
    • Example: order=Name desc
  • pagesize

    • Number of results to display on the page. Must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 200 for 1.x API calls or 2000 for 2.x API calls. The default is 20.
    • Example: pagesize=30
  • start

    • The start index for queries, which begins at 1. The default is 1.
    • Example: start=1
  • fetch

    • A string value which determines the attributes present on the objects returned.
    • Example: fetch=FormattedID,Name,Project,Parent
  • workspace

    • This parameter limits the search space to a specific workspace. If not specified, then the query will search the userʼs default workspace. When used, the workspace parameter is set to the URL of the workspace to be searched as shown in the example below. ‹Workspace ObjectID› should be set to the Object ID of the workspace.
    • workspace: 123456789
    • Example: workspace=/workspace/123456789
  • project

    • This parameter limits the search space to a specific project. If not specified, then the query will run in the userʼs default project. The workspace parameter is not necessary when project is specified because the workspace will be inherited from the project. When used, the project parameter is set to the URL of the project to be searched as shown in the example below. ‹Project ObjectID› should be set to the Object ID of the project.
    • project: 123456789
    • Example: project=/project/123456789
  • projectScopeUp

    • Include parent projects above the one specified. Default is true.
    • Example: projectScopeUp=false
  • projectScopeDown

    • Include child projects below the specified one. Default is true.
    • Example: projectScopeDown=true

PUT/POST Parameters

The following parameters only have an effect for PUT and POST requests.

  • rankAbove, rankBelow
    • Set the value to an object reference url to cause the created/modified object to be ranked in relation to the referenced object.
    • Example: rankAbove=/slm/webservice/v2.0/defect/
    • Example: rankBelow=/slm/webservice/v2.0/defect/

Rally Syntax Query Builder

For more complicated queries that use AND, OR, WHERE the RallyQuery class is provided to correctly build and format your query string.

const query = RallyQuery
    .where('c_AutomationTool', '=', 'Test')
    .or('c_AutomationTool', '=', 'Axios')
    .and('Tags.Name', '!=', 'Outdated')
    .and('c_AutomationStatus', '!=', 'Complete')
    .and('c_AutomationStatus', '!=', 'Non-Candidate')

const config = {
    method: "get", 
    url: "/project",
    params: {
        start: 1, 
        pagesize: 200,
        query: query

Query Response

The WSAPI typically returns an object with a single key such as 'QueryResult', which can be cumbersome to work with. Similar to the legacy rally client, this client will look for responses with a single key and unpack them automatically for easier access. So the context isn't lost, the original key is saved in the value 'ResponseType'. A unified object is then returned containing the response and any errors. If an error array is found on the Rally result, it is copied to the error field, this is to aid in quickly checking whether a response was successful or not.

  response: {
    _rallyAPIMajor: '2',
    _rallyAPIMinor: '0',
    Errors: [],
    Warnings: [],
    TotalResultCount: 662,
    StartIndex: 1,
    PageSize: 200,
    Results: [Array],
    ResponseType: 'QueryResult'
  error: null

Response or Error will be null if no data is set. Check these values along with the response type such as QueryResult to further process the data.

The response from the Rally WSAPI may contain errors or warnings even if the response from the client is successful.


Because of the variety of response types that may be returned, automatic pagination is not provided. But this can be implemented in your applcation by checking the TotalResultCount and StartIndex. Simply update the start index value by the next page size and execute your query again.

In the example above, you would get back results 1-200, your next batch would then update StartIndex to 201 and so on to retrieve the complete data set.

const projects = [];

async function listProjects(inputs) {
  const data = await client.request({ method: "get", url: "/project", params: inputs });

  if (data.response) {
    const respObj = data.response.QueryResult;

    if (respObj.Results) {
      respObj.Results.forEach((res) => {
        if (!res._refObjectName.startsWith("z_")) {
          projects.push({ name: res._refObjectName, uuid: res._refObjectUUID });

      const nextPage = respObj.StartIndex + respObj.PageSize;

      if (nextPage <= respObj.TotalResultCount) {
        inputs.start = nextPage;
        await listProjects(inputs);

(async function () {
  const inputs = { start: 1, pagesize: 200 };
  await listProjects(inputs);
