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Cray IMS SSH Environment

This is the SSH environment for image creation/customization. It is the default build environment for customizing images provided by the Cray Image Management System (IMS).

A build environment is:

  • used as a place to mount an image root into (for customization),
  • for installing tools needed to customize the image root, and
  • acts as an SSH server to allow for external connections to the image build environment so the image root can be modified externally.

This build environment can be used as a model for other build environments that can be used by IMS.

Container Runs as Root

The SSHD container runs the sshd command to enable access to the image being built/customized. As part of the setup of sshd, container level sshd keys need to be created and written to /etc.

There is future work that will hopefully mitigate any concern regarding this container running as root. However, until this work is completed, the container will need to run as root.

Getting Started

Image Build Prerequisites

  1. Docker installed.
  2. Access to the Cray Docker Trusted Registry.
  3. The image should ensure that an ssh server like openssh is installed.

Entrypoint Prerequisites

In order to provide a Docker image build environment that is compatible with IMS requirements, the image must have an script marked as the docker ENTRYPOINT in its Dockerfile.

The script must:

  1. Determine the $IMS_ACTION being undertaken, either create or customize.
  2. If create, determine if the image creation process succeeded or failed by the existence (or lack thereof) of the file $IMAGE_ROOT_PARENT/build_failed. If successful, package the image artifacts and upload to ARS. Otherwise, if the user indicated that they wish to debug the image build, enable a debug shell where the image root can be inspected. No build artifacts will be uploaded from a failed image creation to ARS.
  3. If customize, enable a customization shell where the admin can modify the image root.

When enabling the SSH shell, either for debugging a failed image create or for customizing an existing image root, the script must have:

  1. A mechanism to wait until the file $IMAGE_ROOT_PARENT/ready exists before doing any actions in the build environment.
  2. A call to start an SSH server daemon which accepts $SSHD_OPTIONS as an environment variable. The -D option should NOT be used. The ssh server should run as a background process. The server keys should also be in place by calling ssh-keygen -A or similar to generate them.
  3. A process/function which waits until $IMAGE_ROOT_PARENT/complete exists to exit the script and therefore the build environment container.

See in this repo for an example. The entrypoint script should execute the above steps in order.

Environment Variables in the Container

The build environment will have all environment variables that are provided by Kubernetes available in addition to the following:

  • $IMAGE_ROOT_PARENT: The location where the image root will be mounted into, e.g. /mnt/image where the image root will be mounted into /mnt/image/image-root.
  • $SSHD_OPTIONS: Options to pass to the SSHD instance that is started by the entrypoint script. Do not add additional options to those contained in this variable.
  • $CUSTOMIZATION_SCRIPT: An script located in the build environment that can be called and run by the script. In fully automated build scenarios, this script may choose to create the $IMAGE_ROOT_PARENT/complete file so that when it is finished executing, the entrypoint script will exit as well. This script is optional.
  • $IMS_ACTION: The action being completed, either create or customize


 $ docker build -t ims-sshd .
Sending build context to Docker daemon  50.69kB
Successfully built 95a6ead0ba94
Successfully tagged ims-sshd:latest


This image is usually deployed by the IMS due to the complexity of managing all of the components that make up an image customization environment. See the IMS repository and the IMS Utilities repository for more information about how the build environment fits in the image customization workflow.


Development on this repository should follow the standard CMS development process.

Build Helpers

This repo uses some build helpers from the cms-meta-tools repo. See that repo for more details.

Local Builds

If you wish to perform a local build, you will first need to clone or copy the contents of the cms-meta-tools repo to ./cms_meta_tools in the same directory as the Makefile. When building on github, the cloneCMSMetaTools() function clones the cms-meta-tools repo into that directory.

For a local build, you will also need to manually write the .version, .docker_version (if this repo builds a docker image), and .chart_version (if this repo builds a helm chart) files. When building on github, this is done by the setVersionFiles() function.


  • Randy Kleinman
  • Eric Cozzi

Copyright and License

This project is copyrighted by Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP and is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.

When making any modifications to a file that has a Cray/HPE copyright header, that header must be updated to include the current year.

When creating any new files in this repo, if they contain source code, they must have the HPE copyright and license text in their header, unless the file is covered under someone else's copyright/license (in which case that should be in the header). For this purpose, source code files include Dockerfiles, Ansible files, RPM spec files, and shell scripts. It does not include Jenkinsfiles, OpenAPI/Swagger specs, or READMEs.

When in doubt, provided the file is not covered under someone else's copyright or license, then it does not hurt to add ours to the header.