Panda-URI - fast URI framework. It conforms to RFC 3986.
URISP u = new URI("");
CHECK(u->scheme() == "http");
CHECK(u->host() == "");
CHECK(u->port() == 8080);
CHECK(u->path() == "/my/path");
CHECK(u->query_string() == "a=b&c=d");
CHECK(u->fragment() == "myhash");
URISP v = new URI(*u); // clone
CHECK(v->port() == 443);
CHECK(v->fragment() == "any_else");
CHECK(v->to_string() == "");
Panda-URI is suppose to be built with CMake.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
cmake --build . --target install
It can be used either way as installed stand alone library or subdirectory. It depends on
- panda-lib Make sure that find_package can find it.
Tests use Catch2. Tests are not built by default. To enable testing set PANDA_URI_TESTS=ON.
Parser is generated by Ragel. All generated sources are commited to git so you do not need Ragel to build Panda-URI.
If you have any error messages about Ragel or files
not found then check your git status
. make clean
deletes generated files, so you should launch git checkout .
to recover them.