document version 17 March 2021
- Introduction
- Contract actions
- Data Structures
- EXAMPLES: how to use Simple Assets in smart contracts
- AuthorReg
- ChangeLog
A simple standard for digital assets on EOSIO blockchains: Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), Fungible Tokens (FTs), and Non-Transferable Tokens (NTTs).
by CryptoLions
한국어 번역:
WARNING The minimum dependency on eosio.cdt is now v1.6.3.
Use Simple Assets by making calls to the Simple Assets contract. It's like a Dapp for Dapps.
Jungle Testnet: simpleassets
EOS: simpleassets
WAX: simpleassets
MEETONE: smplassets.m
TELOS: simpleassets
PROTON: simpleassets
EUROPECHAIN: simpleassets
Simple Assets is a separate contract which other Dapps can call to manage their digital assets. This serves as an additional guarantee to users of the Dapp that the ownership of assets is managed by a reputable outside authority, and that once created, the Dapp can only manage the asset's mdata. All the ownership-related functionality exists outside the game.
Related: understanding ownership authority.
To post information about your NFTs to third-party marketplaces, use the authorreg
Alternatively, dapps can Deploy their own copy of Simple Assets and make modifications to have greater control of functionality, however this may compromise compatibility with wallets and other EOSIO infrastructure. Before deploying, Simple Assets should be modified to prevent anyone from making assets.
Intro & Demos:
(important for developers) A detailed description of each action parameter can be found here:
Events Receiver Example for authors:
NFT authors can enable Author RAM Payer for some or all of their NFTs, and pay for all the RAM associated with transfers so that users don't have to.
Read more about Author RAM Payer
NFTs are the most common type of digital assets. They are used to express unique tokens.
Simple Asset NFTs are divided into mdata (data which the author can update at any time, regardless of ownership), and idata (data which is set upon the NFT's creation and can never be updated).
Both are stringified JSONs. For example: {\"key1\":\"some-string\", \"key2\":5}
Category is an optional field that lets you group your NFTs for convenience. Category names must be less than or equal to 12 characters (a-z, 1-5).
Offer/Claim versus Transfer - If you transfer an NFT, the sender pays for RAM. As an alternative, you can simply offer the NFT, and the user claiming will pay for their RAM. (Note: We've deployed an Author RAM Payer feature that allows NFT authors to pay for all the RAM of their NFTs.)
RAM usage for NFTs depends on how much data is stored in the idata and mdata fields. If they both empty, each NFT takes up 276 bytes
Each symbol in idata and mdata is +1 byte.
Dapps which need Fungible tokens should decide between using the standard eosio.token contract, and the Simple Assets contract. Here are the differences:
In Simple Assets,
- Scope is Author instead of Symbol
- Stat table includes also additional data about each FT (see Currency Stats below)
- For transfers you need to use
action from SA contract. - If author sets
flag, the author can transfers/burn/etc user's FTs independent of user's consent. - The table which tracks FTs includes the author's account name, allowing different dapps to have FTs with the same name. (Example:
(Note: Fungible Tokens also have offer/claim functionality as an alternative to transfers. For FTs, the only time the sender would pay for RAM would be if the receiver never before held those FTs. It uses approximately 300 bytes to create the FT table.)
The two most likely use cases for NTTs are
- licenses which can be granted to an account, but not transfered.
- prizes and awards given to a particular account.
The reasons for using NTTs are:
- the NTTs appearing in third party asset explorers.
- some functionality is handled by Simple Assets.
More on NTTs:
A description of each parameter can be found here:
authorreg ( name author, string dappinfo, string fieldtypes, string priorityimg )
authorupdate ( name author, string dappinfo, string fieldtypes, string priorityimg )
setarampayer ( name author, name category, bool usearam )
# -- For Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)---
create (author, category, owner, idata, mdata, requireсlaim)
update (author, owner, assetid, mdata)
transfer (from, to , [assetid1,..,assetidn], memo)
burn (owner, [assetid1,..,assetidn], memo)
offer (owner, newowner, [assetid1,..,assetidn], memo)
canceloffer (owner, [assetid1,..,assetidn])
claim (claimer, [assetid1,..,assetidn])
delegate (owner, to, [assetid1,..,assetidn], period, redelegate, memo)
undelegate (owner, [assetid1,..,assetidn])
delegatemore (owner, assetid, period)
attach (owner, assetidc, [assetid1,..,assetidn])
detach (owner, assetidc, [assetid1,..,assetidn])
attachf (owner, author, quantity, assetidc)
detachf (owner, author, quantity, assetidc)
mdadd (author, data)
mdupdate (id, author, data)
mdremove (id)
mdaddlog (id, author, data)
# -- For Fungible Tokens (FTs) ---
createf (author, maximum_supply, authorctrl, data)
updatef (author, sym, data)
issuef (to, author, quantity, memo)
transferf (from, to, author, quantity, memo)
burnf (from, author, quantity, memo)
offerf (owner, newowner, author, quantity, memo)
cancelofferf (owner, [ftofferid1,...,ftofferidn])
claimf (claimer, [ftofferid1,...,ftofferidn])
openf (owner, author, symbol, ram_payer)
closef (owner, author, symbol)
# -- For Non-Transferable Tokens (NTTs) ---
createntt (author, category, owner, idata, mdata, requireсlaim)
updatentt (author, owner, assetid, mdata)
burnntt (owner, [assetid1,..,assetidn], memo)
claimntt (claimer, [assetid1,..,assetidn])
sasset {
uint64_t id; // asset id used for transfer and search;
name owner; // asset owner (mutable - by owner!!!);
name author; // asset author (game contract, immutable);
name category; // asset category, chosen by author, immutable;
string idata; // immutable assets data. Can be stringified JSON (recommended)
// or just sha256 string;
string mdata; // mutable assets data, added on creation or asset update by author. Can be
// stringified JSON (recommended) or just sha256 string;
// using a format other than stringified JSON will not interfere with
// simple asset functionality, but will harm compatibility with third party
// explorers attempting to diplay the asset
sasset[] container; // other NFTs attached to this asset
account[] containerf; // FTs attached to this asset
To help third party asset explorers, we recommend including the following fields in idata
or mdata
(url to image file)
offers {
uint64_t assetid; // asset id offered for claim ;
name owner; // asset owner;
name offeredto; // who can claim this asset ;
uint64_t cdate; // offer create date;
authors {
name author; // assets author, who will be able to create and update assets;
string dappinfo; // stringified JSON. Recommendations to include:
// name - name of the application
// company - name of the company
// logo - url to image
// url - url to the game's websites
// info - short description of application
// defaultfee - 100x the % fee you'd like to collect from marketplaces. (for 2%, 200)
string fieldtypes; // data (json) schema to tell third-party markets how to display each NFT field.
// key: state values, where key is the key from mdata or idata;
// recommended values:
// txt | default type
// url | show as clickable URL
// img | link to img file
// webgl | link to webgl file
// mp3 | link to mp3 file
// video | link to video file
// hide | do not show
// imgb | image as string in binary format
// webglb | webgl binary
// mp3b | mp3 binary
// videob | video binary
string priorityimg; // Specifies primary image field for categories of NFTs.
// This is used when you want your NFTs primary image to be something other
// than a URL to an image field specified in the field img. It also allows you to
// create categories of NFTs with different primary image fields.
// data is a strigified json.
// key: NFT categories.
// value: a field from idata or mdata to be used as the primary image for
// all NFTs of that category.
uint64_t assetid; // asset id offered for claim;
name owner; // asset owner;
name delegatedto; // who can claim this asset;
uint64_t cdate; // offer create date;
uint64_t period; // Time in seconds that the asset will be lent. Lender cannot undelegate until
// the period expires, however the receiver can transfer back at any time.
bool redelegate; // redelegate is allow more redelegate for to account or not.
string memo; // memo from action parameters. Max 64 length.
stat {
asset supply; // Tokens supply
asset max_supply; // Max token supply
name issuer; // Fungible token author
uint64_t id; // Unique ID for this token
bool authorctrl; // if true(1) allow token author (and not just owner) to burn and transfer.
string data; // stringified json. recommended keys to include: `img`, `name`
accounts {
uint64_t id; // token id, from stat table
name author; // token author
asset balance; // token balance
offerfs {
uint64_t id; // id of the offer for claim (increments automatically)
name author; // ft author
name owner; // ft owner
asset quantity; // quantity
name offeredto; // account which can claim the offer
uint64_t cdate; // offer creation date
snttassets {
uint64_t id; // NTT id used for claim or burn;
name owner; // asset owner (mutable - by owner!!!);
name author; // asset author (game contract, immutable);
name category; // asset category, chosen by author, immutable;
string idata; // immutable assets data. Can be stringified JSON (recommended)
// or just sha256 string;
string mdata; // mutable assets data, added on creation or asset update by author. Can be
// stringified JSON (recommended) or just sha256 string;
// using a format other than stringified JSON will not interfere with
// simple asset functionality, but will harm compatibility with third party
// explorers attempting to diplay the asset
nttoffers {
uint64_t id; // id of the offer for claim (increments automatically)
name author; // ntt author
name owner; // ntt owner
name offeredto; // account who can claim the offer
uint64_t cdate; // offer creation date
uint64_t id; // id of the more data
name author; // author of the more data
string data; // more data. recommended format: strigified JSON
uint64_t id;
name author;
name category;
bool usearam;
uint64_t from_id;
auto primary_key() const {
return id;
uint64_t by_author() const {
return author.value;
name SIMPLEASSETSCONTRACT = "simpleassets"_n;
name author = get_self();
name category = "weapon"_n;
name owner = "ownerowner22"_n;
string idata = "{\"power\": 10, \"speed\": 2.2, \"name\": \"Magic Sword\" }";
string mdata = "{\"color\": \"bluegold\", \"level\": 3, \"stamina\": 5, \"img\": \"\" }";
action createAsset = action(
permission_level{author, "active"_n},
std::make_tuple( author, category, owner, idata, mdata, 0 )
name SIMPLEASSETSCONTRACT = "simpleassets"_n;
name author = get_self();
name category = "balls"_n;
name owner = "ownerowner22"_n;
string idata = "{\"radius\": 2, \"weigh\": 5, \"material\": \"rubber\", \"name\": \"Baseball\" }";
string mdata = "{\"color\": \"white\", \"decay\": 99, \"img\": \"\" }";
action createAsset = action(
permission_level{author, "active"_n},
std::make_tuple( author, category, owner, idata, mdata, 1 )
- Please add in your hpp file info about assets structure
TABLE account {
uint64_t id;
name author;
asset balance;
uint64_t primary_key()const {
return id;
typedef eosio::multi_index< "accounts"_n, account > accounts;
TABLE sasset {
uint64_t id;
name owner;
name author;
name category;
string idata;
string mdata;
std::vector<sasset> container;
std::vector<account> containerf;
auto primary_key() const {
return id;
uint64_t by_author() const {
return author.value;
typedef eosio::multi_index< "sassets"_n, sasset,
eosio::indexed_by< "author"_n, eosio::const_mem_fun<sasset, uint64_t, &sasset::by_author> >
> sassets;
- Searching and using info
name SIMPLEASSETSCONTRACT = "simpleassets"_n;
name author = get_self();
name owner = "lioninjungle"_n;
uint64_t assetid = 100000000000187
sassets assets(SIMPLEASSETSCONTRACT, owner.value);
auto idx = assets.find(assetid);
check(idx != assets.end(), "Asset not found or not yours");
check (idx->author == author, "Asset is not from this author");
auto idata = json::parse(idx->idata); // for parsing json here is used nlohmann lib
auto mdata = json::parse(idx->mdata); //
check(mdata["cd"] < now(), "Not ready yet for usage");
name SIMPLEASSETSCONTRACT = "simpleassets"_n;
auto mdata = json::parse(idxp->mdata);
mdata["cd"] = now() + 84600;
name author = get_self();
name owner = "ownerowner22"_n;
uint64_t assetid = 100000000000187;
action saUpdate = action(
permission_level{author, "active"_n},
std::make_tuple(author, owner, assetid, mdata.dump())
name SIMPLEASSETSCONTRACT = "simpleassets"_n;
name author = get_self();
name from = "lioninjungle"_n;
name to = "ohtigertiger"_n;
uint64_t assetid = 100000000000187;
std::vector<uint64_t> assetids;
string memo = "Transfer one asset";
action saTransfer = action(
permission_level{from, "active"_n},
std::make_tuple(from, to, assetids, memo)
name SIMPLEASSETSCONTRACT = "simpleassets"_n;
name author = get_self();
name from = "lioninjungle"_n;
name to = "ohtigertiger"_n;
uint64_t assetid1 = 100000000000187;
uint64_t assetid2 = 100000000000188;
std::vector<uint64_t> assetids;
string memo = "Transfer two asset"
action saTransfer = action(
permission_level{from, "active"_n},
std::make_tuple(from, to, assetids, memo)
name SIMPLEASSETSCONTRACT = "simpleassets"_n;
name owner = "lioninjungle"_n;
uint64_t assetid1 = 100000000000187;
uint64_t assetid2 = 100000000000188;
std::vector<uint64_t> assetids;
string memo = "Transfer two asset"
action saBurn = action(
permission_level{owner, "active"_n},
std::make_tuple(owner, assetids, memo)
name SIMPLEASSETSCONTRACT = "simpleassets"_n;
asset wood;
wood.amount = 100;
wood.symbol = symbol("WOOD", 0);
name author = get_self();
name to = "lioninjungle"_n;
std::string memo = "WOOD faucet";
action saRes1 = action(
permission_level{author, "active"_n},
std::make_tuple(to, author, wood, memo)
name SIMPLEASSETSCONTRACT = "simpleassets"_n;
asset wood;
wood.amount = 20;
wood.symbol = symbol("WOOD", 0);
name from = "lioninjungle"_n;
name to = get_self();
name author = get_self();
std::string memo = "best WOOD";
action saRes1 = action(
permission_level{from, "active"_n},
std::make_tuple(from, to, author, wood, memo)
name SIMPLEASSETSCONTRACT = "simpleassets"_n;
asset wood;
wood.amount = 20;
wood.symbol = symbol("WOOD", 0);
name author = get_self();
name from = "lioninjungle"_n;
std::string memo = "WOOD for oven";
action saRes1 = action(
permission_level{author, "active"_n},
std::make_tuple(from, author, wood, memo)
Authors can register in the authorreg table to communicate with third party asset explorers, wallets, and marketplaces.
ACTION authorreg( name author, string dappinfo, string fieldtypes, string priorityimg );
@param author is author's account who will create assets.
@param dappinfo is stringified JSON. Recommendations to include:
name - name of the application
company - name of the company
logo - url to image
url - url to the game's websites
info - short description of application
defaultfee - 100x the % fee you'd like to collect from marketplaces. (for 2%, 200)
@param fieldtypes is stringified JSON with key:state values, where key is key from mdata or idata and state indicates recommended way of displaying the field. For the latest recommended values, please see
@param priorityimg is JSON which assosiates an NFT category with the field name from idata or mdata that specifies the main image field for that category of NFTs. This is probably a rare use case and can be left blank. If you wanted a category of NFTs to have a main image field other than img, you'd use "CATEGORY":"otherfieldname". Most likely use case is if you wanted webgls or some other format to be the main image.
./ push action simpleassets authorreg '["ilovekolobok", "{\"name\": \"Kolobok Breeding Game\", \"company\": \"CryptoLions\", \"info\": \"Breed your Kolobok\", \"logo\": \"\", \"url\": \"\", \"defaultfee\":200}", "{\"bdate\":\"timestamp\"},{\"cd\":\"timestamp\"},{\"img\":\"img\"},{\"st\":\"hide\"},{\"url\":\"url\"}", "{\"kolobok\":\"img\"},{\"*\":\"img\"}" ]' -p ilovekolobok
./ push action simpleassets authorupdate '["ilovekolobok", "{\"name\": \"Kolobok Breeding Game\", \"company\": \"CryptoLions\", \"info\": \"Breed your Kolobok\", \"logo\": \"\", \"url\": \"\", \"defaultfee\":200}", "{\"bdate\":\"timestamp\"},{\"cd\":\"timestamp\"},{\"img\":\"img\"},{\"st\":\"hide\"},{\"url\":\"url\"}", "{\"kolobok\":\"img\"},{\"*\":\"img\"}" ]' -p ilovekolobok
- support for token-back NFT contract
- Changed map structure type to vector in
log actions - Code refactoring
- Typo fixed
- Added new developers function:
- Added author ram payer option
- Added actions setarampayer, delarampayer
- detach and detachf for author only
- Memo increased to 512
- Code improvement
- Re-enabled event notifications for the following actions:
saeburn, saeclaim, saetransfer, saechauthor, saecreate.
Changed notification logic.
If an author's contract needs to be notified about changes in scope of an asset, please see this example:
- Added burnlog, burnflog, burnnttlog added
- Added restriction for burning asset with assets attached in container
- Added restriction to attach to delegated assets
- Code improvement
- SAE notification temporary disabled
- Added possibility to include SimpleAssets.hpp into other projects. This helps developers to easily integrate Simple Assets into other contracts.
- Added developers function sa_getnextid to easily get id of newly created assets.
- Added more data functionality (actions mdremove, mdupdate, mdaddlog, mdadd). This offers a Simple Asset table which can store extra or repeating information for NFTs, and keep RAM usage to a minimum.
- Renamed fields and actions in Author Registration for better larity
regauthor -> authorreg
data -> dappinfo
stemplate -> fieldtypes
imgpriority -> priorityimg - Added Author Registration documentation to readme
- re-delegate assets. (lender of assets can allow them to be re-lent)
- New parameter
bool redelegate
added in delegate action, which allows asset re-delegation. - New field
bool redelegate
added in tabledelegates
=> require migration in case of self- deployed contract !!! - In
action parameterfrom
was removed. (identity of borrower is available in the delegates table) - Fixed transfer of empty assets array
- Error messages improved for clarity
- Code refactoring
- Upgrade work with latest Contract Development Toolkit (CDT v1.6.3).
(Resolves this compilation issue) - minor code refactoring.
- NON TRANSFERRABLE TOKENS (NTTs) - new tables: snttassets and nttoffers
- new NTT actions: createntt, createnttlog, claimntt, updatentt, burnntt
- delegatemore action fix (thanks to cc32d9)
- ricardian contracts updated.
- external tests for NTT logic added.
- ricardian contracts updated.
- fungible token offer issue fix
- added
string imgpriority
field insauthor
table and toregauthor
actions - IMPORTANT: Self-deployed instances of Simple Assets may need to migrate the regauthor table (if used).
- optimized claim/transfer/burn functionality
- Memo field added to delegates table. (This allows lenders/games to create different classes of borrowed assets - eg. high risk / low risk.) On delegete action, the memo from action parmeter is stored to this new field. max 64 chars length.
- Added three new unit tests for delegate memo.
- Code refactoring
- Fixed detaching containerized NFTs for delegated and transferred NFTs.
- new action delegatemore which allows extending delegate period for borrowed NFT.
- Added external(bash) unit tests
- new parameter
action which is used internaly tocreate
actions history logs.
- Block owner from offering assets to themselves
- format for
event changed: array of assetids replaced by map <assetid, from>
- added require_recipient(owner) to
Easily find fungible token information (fungible tokens have scope author):
- new field
table for FT. (makes it easier to find fungible token information)
More fungible token information:
- new field
table - stringify json which might include keysimg
(recommended for better displaying by markets) - new parameter
action - new action
to change FTdata
Offer/claim fungible tokens
- new table
to use foroffer
FT - new actions
- on
check if no open offers (internal)
Containerizing assets
- new fields
in nft asset structure for attaching and detaching other NFT or FT - new actions
- new actions
- fields renamed
(internal usage) in tableglobal
- field
renamed toofferedto
in tablesoffer
- Added
parameter to actionoffer
; - Added
parameter to actiondelegate
- Internal action for NFT
added. Used by create action to log assetid so that third party explorers can easily get new asset ids and other information. - New singelton table
added. It helps external contracts parse actions and tables correctly (Usefull for decentralized exchanges, marketplaces and other contracts that use multiple tokens). Marketplaces, exchanges and other reliant contracts will be able to view this info using the following code.Configs configs("simpleassets"_n, "simpleassets"_n.value); configs.get("simpleassets"_n);
- added action
. It updates version of this SimpleAstes deployment for 3rd party wallets, marketplaces, etc; - New examples for Event notifications:
- Added event notifications using deferred transaction. Assets author will receive notification on assets create, transfer, claim or burn. To receive it please add next action to your author contract:
ACTION saecreate ( name owner, uint64_t assetid ); ACTION saetransfer ( name from, name to, std::vector<uint64_t>& assetids, std::string memo ); ACTION saeclaim ( name account, std::vector<uint64_t>& assetids ); ACTION saeburn ( name account, std::vector<uint64_t>& assetids, std::string memo );
parameter changed toperiod
(in seconds) for actionsdelegate
and tablesdelegates
- New actions and logic:
- added new tables
stat(supply, max_supply, issuer, id)
andaccounts (id, balance)
. - scope for stats table (info about fungible tokens) changed to author
- primary index for
table is uniq id created on createf action and stored in stats table. - added
action for fungible token with parametrauthorctrl
table. If true(1) allows token author (and not just owner) to burnf and transferf. Cannot be changed after creation! - Ricardian contracts updated
- more usage examples below
- sdelagate table structure renamed to sdelegate (typo)
- create action parameters renamed: requireClaim -> requireclaim
- assetID action parameter renamed in all actions to assetid
Borrowing Assets
- sdelegate table - added new field: untildate
- delegate action added parameters untildate. Action does a simple check if parameter was entered correctly (either zero or in the future).
- undelegate will not work until untildate (this guarantees a minimum term of the asset loan).
- allow transfer asset back (return) if its delegated, sooner than untiltime (borrower has option ton return early)
Batch Processing
- claim action: assetid parameter changed to array of assetsids. Multiple claim logic added.
- offer action: assetid parameter changed to array of assetsids. Multiple offer logic added.
- canceloffer action: assetid parameter changed to array of assetsids. Multiple cancelation logic added.
- transfer action: assetid parameter changed to array of assetsids. Multiple assets transfer logic added.
- burn action: assetid parameter changed to array of assetsids. Multiple burning logic added.
- delegate/undelegate action: assetid parameter changed to array of assetsids. Multiple delegation/undelegation logic added.