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Crypto Morin edited this page Jan 21, 2025 · 45 revisions

These are the special Kingdom mechanics other than the simple claiming stuff.


Invading a kingdom is the only way to capture a land that belongs to another kingdom which can be initiated by executing /k invade while standing on the land that you would like to invade.

There are many many factors that can prevent you from invading a land. This includes:

  • Newbie kingdom protection
  • Shields & Pacifism
  • Strength Comparison: This mostly depend on how many members, lands, structures and turrets you have. If you're significantly stronger, you'll not be able to invade weaker kingdoms, but weaker kingdoms can invade stronger kingdoms.
  • Relationship
  • Mass Wars (Some servers only allow invasions during Mass Wars)
  • CLAIM and INVADE permissions.
  • Creative mode, vanish, god mode, etc.
  • Simultaneous Invasions
  • Being invaded by another kingdom
  • Being required to challenge the kingdom.
  • Invasion cooldowns
  • Insufficient resource points or money

The main point of invading a kingdom is to loot their stuff. If you use a plugin like Minepacks with unlimited storage, it'll destroy the whole purpose of the invasion mechanics. So make sure to limit these functionalities. You need to be in a kingdom and have enough resource points to invade a kingdom. There are also many other conditions that you'll occasionally have to deal with.


Preparing yourself against invaders is easy if you're familiar with turrets and structures. They play a huge role on protecting your kingdom. A base is another factor, but actually a cliche problem as well. Most people build obsidian walls from 0 to 255th block for a single chunk. The only way to invade these lands are to build a flying machine using redstone around 250th block to invade the land.

Your nexus chunk, is the most important thing in your kingdom, and it has to have the most security around it. People can mine the nexus to get resource points for every time they break the block.
Powercell structures are specially made for invasions. They're extremely useful when used around the nexus land.


The champion is your kingdom main guardian. By default it's a zombie that can be upgraded in the nexus. This mob will spawn when someone tries to invade you. People getting 13 blocks close to the champion, will have the champion's health and time limit bossbars displayed for them.
You can successfully capture a land after you kill the champion. Note that multiple people can invade a single land, so whoever kills the champion faster will get the land. Champions cannot teleport through any portals. Champions will only target the invader and will not change their target under any circumstances.

Champions are immune to some natural occurrences such as transforming to another mob (zombie to Drowned) or burning under the sun.

Champions support MythicMobs and you can also change your champion type in your nexus.

During Invasion

  • You're not allowed to teleport using any tools, commands, portals and etc...
  • You're not allowed to use certain commands.
  • You're not allowed to interact with certain blocks.

Ways to End Invasion

  • One of the defender members with permission uses /k surrender.
  • The attacker does /k surrender
  • The attacker logs out.
  • The attacker dies in any way.
  • The land is unclaimed.
  • The kingdom is disbanded for any sides.
  • The attacker is kicked out of the kingdom.
  • The champion timer ends.
  • The champion gets killed.

Mass Wars

Mass wars are global server events that happen every 12 hours. By default, they only allow you to invade shielded kingdoms and invade for free as many times as you want, but there are many other features to disable/enable certain kingdom features during these events.
Mass wars start with a title announcement and a bossbar showing the progress of the event. They also end with the bossbar progress disappearing and a title announcement. You can manually start or stop a masswar by using /k admin masswar command.
All the MassWar settings can be found in invasions.yml You can disable MassWar here.

Guards & Soldiers

Kingdom guards are the mobs spawned when a player enters a kingdom's land (without CEASEFIRE attribute) these mobs are stronger if the land is a nexus land.
Soldiers are mobs spawned from soldier turrets when the player is within their range.

All these mob types will spawn right next to the player and will only target that specific player. They will not change their target under any circumstances.
These mobs will disappear under specific conditions:

  • Successfully killed their target.
  • Their target logged out.
  • Their target teleported without using Ender Pearls and Chorus Fruit
  • If they couldn't kill their target within a certain amount of time.

Note that unlike soldiers, kingdom guards will not spawn if even a single guard from the same kingdom is still targeting them. Doesn't matter if their a nexus guard or a normal land mob. In order for the guards to spawn again, all the guards from that kingdom that are targeting the player must disappear.


Structures are stationary blocks that provide different functions in kingdoms.
Previously each land could only have a single structure, but now you can have multiple. Note that a single land still cannot contain both kingdom and nation nexus.

  • Nexus: The most important thing in your kingdom that must be protected. Unlike other structures, nexus structures don't drop an item when they're broken. They'll be also removed automatically once the land is invaded. You can manage your nexus using /k nexus command. Related config settings for nexus can be found in config.yml -> nexus
  • Powercell: Protects 3x3 lands around the powercell land from invasions. This means that invaders will have to invade powercell lands first before invading the 3x3 lands around them (if they're claimed).
    • If the land is surrounded by walls, check if the kingdom has anti-explosion misc upgrade.
    • Check if the land has caves surrounding it so you can invade underground.
    • If all negative, build a flying slime plane.
  • Extractor: Produces resource points over time with a maximum capacity. They also need fuel to function. Once they run out of fuel, they'll stop producing resource points. For more information on how fuel works, you should open your extractor's GUI.
  • Outpost: Buy different items using resource points and access your nexus remotely.

Warp Pad

Teleport to all the different structures in your kingdom. Each Warp Pad also has a name that appears inside the GUI for teleporting to other Warp Pads and above the hologram. They require fuel to teleport players around. You can refill a Warp Pad by throwing coals at it. Each coal gives you 30 fuel.

The amount of fuel required to teleport to another structure depends on its distance from the Warp Pad (it's half of the amount of blocks between the two structure). So for example, teleporting to a structure right next to the Warp Pad doesn't cost that much, but teleporting to a structure hundreds of chunks away can be quite expensive.
Structures in other worlds are given a special price of 300 fuel.


Manage various things in your land. These are divided into several sections. One common misunderstanding with regulators is that they're kingdom-wide, but they only affect the current land that they're placed in. This means that for example disabling mob spawning, will only disable mob spawning in the land that the regulator was placed in. Mobs can still summon from surrounding lands and come to the regulator land.


  • Disable Mob Spawning: Disables mob spawning in certain situations (only natural spawns, lightnings and silverfishes), therefore this does not disable plugin-spawned mobs such as Kingdoms' guards, soldiers and champions.
  • Disable Animal Spawning: The same situations as above apply.
  • Disable Turrets: To temporary allow any players to enter the land without getting hurt.
  • Allow Explosions: Normally this is disallowed because of Misc upgrades. You can disable misc upgrades entirely for the kingdom in the nexus GUI.
  • Auto Fill Turrets: Automatically fills the turrets ammo fully with the cost specified for the full refill in each turret's config. Note that this only activates once the turrets hits 0 ammo and only if the kingdom has enough resource points to afford the costs.

Attributes: Allows certain players outside of your kingdom to manage things inside this land regardless of relationship attributes.

Interactions: Allows certain players outside of your kingdom to interact with certain blocks in this land regardless of relationship attributes.

Siege Cannon

Cannons that can break kingdom shields and other blocks once a kingdom's shield has been destroyed. These cannons require ammo that are loaded by putting a special item in the structure's GUI. Players must sit on the cannon from the GUI and then they are able to shoot by adjusting the cannon's tube and left-clicking. You can also right-click anywhere while sitting on a cannon to open the structure's GUI for convenience.
The cannon will tell you about the situation of the land that it hit. Hitting anywhere in a land that belongs to a kingdom will reduce that kingdom's shield. Cannons have a 20-10seconds shooting cooldown depending on the cannon's level.
The shield damage, player damage and knockback depends on the type of ammo you used:

  • Iron Block:
    • Shield Damage: 2mins
    • Explosion Radius: 1
    • Player Damage: 1
    • Knockback: 1
    • Building Impact:
      • Durability Damage: 30
  • Gold Block:
    • Shield Damage: 3min
    • Explosion Radius: 1
    • Player Damage: 2
    • Knockback: 2
    • Building Impact:
      • Durability Damage: 50
      • Paralyze: 5s
  • Fireball:
    • Shield Damage: 5min
    • Explosion Radius: 2
    • Player Damage: 3
    • Knockback: 3
    • Building Impact:
      • Durability Damage: 70
      • Paralyze: 10s

Once a kingdom's shield has been destroyed, shooting the land of that kingdom can destroy its turrets and structures even with anti-explosion misc-upgrade. However, these cannons cannot break powercells and nexus structures, and are also intentionally effective for friendly lands — meaning that you could destroy your own land.

Making custom structures

You can make custom structures by going to your structures.yml file and copying one of the sections to the same file to begin. Let's say we wanted to make an extractor that produces more resource points than the normal one.

(Most of the config options are not shown here, you can change them yourself but they're all required.)

  name: "&bSuper Extractor"
  type: extractor
  # This is used for other things like warp pads.
  default-name: 'Extractor'
  max-level: 3
  upgrade-cost: lvl * 1500
  cost: 5000
  sell: 3000
  capacity: 1000
      amount: 2
      fuel: 0.5
      every: 25sec
      amount: 2
      fuel: 0.5
      every: 20sec
      amount: 2
      fuel: 0.5
      every: 10sec

Most of the options are obvious, but the type is important. This is the type of your structure which determines the primary function of your structure and what set of config options it's going to use (for technical purposes, each structure section in the config is known as a turret style so you can make many styles out of different structure types. You can't make custom structure types yourself without using the API.)

Once you're done configuring your new file, you should make it accessible through nexus structures GUI. To do that we need to add a new option to the GUI. This is where the file name is important. We need to add an option to the options section with the same name as the file name (excluding the file extension .yml), so for example:

  name: "&bSuper Extractor"
  material: OBSIDIAN
    - "&6A custom structure!"
    - ""
    - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%"
posx: 4
posy: 2

But note that the slot positions are important. You need to look at the turret GUI layout to see which slots are empty to put your turret.


Turrets are stationary blocks that shoot mobs or heal allies inside and outside of the land within a specific range. They're custom and you can make your own turrets with your own settings and levels in the Turrets folder.
They can only be placed on specific blocks. Namely fences and wall blocks. Although you can technically place them on these blocks and break them again and the turret will continue to function properly. They're cosmetic, it's not intended to be a restrictive measure for turrets, it'd cause lag in some situations.
Turrets are known to be laggy in Kingdoms, so try to keep the usage low. They need ammo to be able to shoot. You can purchase ammo by right-clicking on the turret. They can also be upgraded to increase their range, damage and etc.

Making custom turrets

You can make custom turrets by going to your "Turrets" folder and copying one of the files to the same folder to begin. I recommend starting with arrow.yml because it usually has all the possible options that normal arrow turrets can have and describes each one of them. The name of the file is important, we're going to use that later. For example, we're going to be using singularity.yml as the file name.

Most of the options are obvious, but the type is important. This is the type of your turret which determines the primary function of your turret and what set of config options it's going to use (for technical purposes, each turret file is known as a turret style so you can make many styles out of different turret types. You can't make custom turret types yourself without using the API.) The most common of course is the default arrow option so we'll leave it at that. If you decided that you want to use a different type, you have to refer to the files of another turret that uses that type to see what config options it's using.

Once you're done configuring your new file, you should make it accessible through nexus turrets GUI. To do that we need to add a new option to the GUI. This is where the file name is important. We need to add an option to the options section with the same name as the file name (excluding the file extension .yml), so for example:

  name: "&bSingularity"
  material: OBSIDIAN
    - "&6A custom turret!"
    - ""
    - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%"
posx: 1
posy: 2

But note that the slot positions are important. You need to look at the turret GUI layout to see which slots are empty to put your turret.

One last thing that you need to do is to make the GUI for the turret itself. The GUI that opens when you right-click them. To do this, go to turrets GUI folder copy one of the files, rename it to the same name as your turret's file name, here singularity.yml again. Usually you don't need to change much with this file. Just change the turret names in the descriptions. Now restart the server and you're good to go.

I also recommend checking out Battle Drones a really cool plugin similar to turrets, but they fly around like your pet.

Custom turret example

Here's an example of a custom turret we created: It's going to be called the Wizard turret, so in the Turrets folder we'll create a fille named wizard.yml.
The name of this file is symbolic, but it makes the most sense to be called the same as the turret. We're also going to be using the name of this file later.

The goal of this turret will be to give buffs to nearby kingdom members and allies, and the only turret type that can do such thing is healing. That's why we're going to copy the contents of the healing.yml turret into our wizard.yml and use it as a template for our new turret.

# The name used in chats and when the item is dropped.
name: "&5Wizard"

# A list of turret types: arrow, healing, inferno, soldier, pressure_mine
# "healing" type of turret only works on your kingdom members and allies.
# It wouldn't make sense for the turret to give the boost effects to
# enemies, right?
type: healing 

# Resource points cost when buying this turret from the nexus.
cost: 200
# Resource points gain when selling this turret using /k sell.
sell: 100
# Maximum level this turret can be upgraded to.
max-level: 3

# The turret can only be placed on walls and fences.
  whitelist: true

# The hologram shown above the turret.
# You can make a different hologram be shown depending on the turret level.
# In this example, the turret hologram is only set for level "1".
# Since "max-level" is set to "3", the turret will automatically use the
# same hologram for levels 2 and 3 too.
      - "&8-=[ &5Wizard &8]=-"
    height: 1

# The turret can only be placed on fences and walls.
  whitelist: true

      particle: CLOUD
      count: 70
      offset: 0.5, 0.5, 0.5
      particle: CLOUD
      count: 70
      offset: 0.5, 0.5, 0.5


# The turret will only target players. Since the turret type is set to
# "healing", it will not target enemy players, but your kingdom members
# and allies.
whitelist: true
entities: [ PLAYER ]

# "lvl" is a special placeholder used for the current level upgrade of
# the turret. It's especially useful for creating equations which allow
# scaling of options as the turret is upgraded.
# Note that the "lvl" starts from 1, since the turrets are already on
# level 1 when they're put down.
range: 5 + lvl
max-targets: lvl # will be 1 on level 1, 2 on level 2 and 3 on level 3
max-ammo: lvl * 600
upgrade-cost: lvl * 100
fire: 100

# This is the turret "shooting" particle in a straight line shown when 
# it's giving the effects to players.
    particle: TOTEM
    count: 1

# If a shooting particle is set (see above), the projectile can't be set.
# Both particle and projectile can't be set at the same time, and it also
# doesn't make sense for this turret to be shooting any projectile.
projectile: ~
# The velocity of the projectile, unused in this case
speed: 10

# The effects the turret is giving to players for each level it's upgraded to.
# Format is: "<effect>, <duration>, <modifier>"
  1: [ "SPEED, 4, 1"]
  2: [ "SPEED, 7, 1", "WATER_BREATHING, 4, 1" ]
  3: [ "SPEED, 10, 1", "WATER_BREATHING, 7, 1", "FAST_DIGGING, 4, 1" ]

# This is the cooldown between each turret "shot". We don't want it to be
# set to a low number as the particle could get annoying for players.
# Also, it doesn't make sense for it to be shooting any faster in this case,
# as the effects the turret is giving already have some duration.
# Note that the cooldown is in ticks. 20 ticks = 1 second.
cooldown: 75 # 75 ticks = 75/20 = 3.75 seconds

# When the turret type is set to "healing", the "damage" option actually means
# the amount of health the turret will be healing the nearby players.
# Since this turret isn't meant to be healing players, but rather give buffs
# and positive effects to them, we set it to 0
# Note that due to the limitations of the "healing" turret type, this turret
# will only work (be activated) when the player is missing some health.
# This is because the turret is actually trying to heal the player, and will
# continuously do so because it's set to 0.
# It's currently not possible to have the turret always give effects unless
# you want to do it yourself using the developer API.
damage: 0

# This is the turret "head".

# The skin/texture for the turret head if the block is set to "PLAYER_HEAD".
# Here we have a different texture for each level the turret is upgraded to.
# If you, for example, want to have the same texture on every level, you
# would just remove the different texture for levels "2" and "3".
  1: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzViMDk2YjFlMjJlMTFmMGRhMDIwNGNjZmJiZWE1MTYyYzQ3NDI4MTM4ZjhkN2M5YTBkZmJkODVkNzc1Mzk3YSJ9fX0="
  2: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNGVhYjQwZjQzODUzYTc1YzUwOWY4NmU0NTFkYTM2OTljNGIzMDhkOTYzMDY4N2QxMDhhNzYzYjQyNTkzYzQ2ZCJ9fX0="
  3: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2JmYzE3ZWQ5MjhhZGZhZmZmYmY5ZjkxNTg5ZjBkNWI3YWIyMTZmNzRjMGQ3MjE0ZjI5ZTY5NDM4ZTYwOTdiMCJ9fX0="

# The turret item which will be shown in GUIs and when holding it in hand.
    name: "&5Wizard Turret"
    material: BREWING_STAND
    flags: [ HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS ]
      - "&6Gives useful buffs to nearby kingdom"
      - "members and allies. More new buffs are"
      - "unlocked on higher levels."
      - ""
      - "&9Attributes&8:"
      - "&7⚫ &2Level&8: &6%level_roman%"
      - "&7⚫ &2Ammo&8: &6%ammo%"
      - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%"
      - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%"
      - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%"
      - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%"
      - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%"

After modifying the options to how we imagined the turret to be, we'll need to add the turret to the Nexus GUI so that players can buy it.
To do so, we'll go to guis -> <lang> -> structures -> nexus -> turrets.yml. Here we'll find a suitable spot for our turret and copy and modify one of the buttons from existing turrets under the options line.

  wizard: # <--- This line needs to match the name of your turret file (wizard.yml), without the .yml part
    name: "&5Wizard"
    material: BREWING_STAND
      - "&6Gives useful buffs to nearby kingdom"
      - "members and allies."
      - ""
      - "&2Cost&8: &6%cost%"
    posx: 5
    posy: 1

The end result in-game

Lastly, we need to add the GUI that will show up when we right click the turret to buy ammo for it, upgrade it, etc.
To do so, go to guis -> <lang> -> turrets and create a file that's also named wizard.yml. Here we'll copy the options from the healing.yml file into our file and change the GUI title. Most of the other things don't need to be changed.

title: "&5Wizard Turret"
type: HOPPER

    name: "&9Ammo&8: &2%ammo%"
    material: ARROW
    ammo: 100
    cost: 10
    # Set to 0 to disable.
    fill-cost: 'neededAmmo / 8'
    lore: |
      &2Buy &6%ammo-buy-amount% &2ammo for &6%cost% &2resource points.
      &2Fully fill ammo by &6shift clicking
      &2for &6%fill-cost% &2resource points.
    slot: 0
      condition: "level < max_level"
      name: "&9Upgrade&8: &6%level_roman% &7➛ &6%next_level_roman%"
      material: NETHER_STAR
        - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range% &7➔ &6%next_range%"
        - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo% &7➔ &6%next_max_ammo%"
        - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown% &7➔ &6%next_cooldown%"
        - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets% &7➔ &6%next_max_targets%"
        - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed% &7➔ &6%next_speed%"
        - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage% &7➔ &6%next_damage%"
        - ""
        - "&7⚫ &2Max Level&8: &6III"
        - "&7⚫ &2Cost&8: &6%upgrade_cost%"
      name: "&9Level&8: &6%level_roman%"
      material: NETHER_STAR
        - "&7⚫ &2Range&8: &6%range%"
        - "&7⚫ &2Max Ammo&8: &6%max_ammo%"
        - "&7⚫ &2Cooldown&8: &6%cooldown%"
        - "&7⚫ &2Max Targets&8: &6%max_targets%"
        - "&7⚫ &2Speed&8: &6%speed%"
        - "&7⚫ &2Damage&8: &6%damage%"
    slot: 1
    name: "&cBreak"
    material: REDSTONE_BLOCK
      - "&4Breaks this turret."
    slot: 3
    name: "&cClose"
    material: BARRIER
      - "&6Close the GUI"
    slot: 4

That's it! You've successfully created your first custom turret.


Note: Not to be confused with powercell structure or powerups
This is the same as the old Factions power system which is not enabled by default.

Power is a number for each player in a faction that automatically increases over time. It's like a little mini-currency. The faction can claim lands with the total number of powers from the faction members, so factions themselves don't have any power, the power comes from the members and nothing else. Players lose power when they die and when they're inactive for more than a day. Of course there's a maximum amount of power each member can have.

For example, let's say me and you are both in the same Faction. I have 2 power and you have 1 power, so the faction can claim a total of 3 lands. If your faction loses power more than its max claims equation other people can overclaim your lands. Let's assume that the max claims for our faction is also 3 (the default equation is completely unrelated to powers, but this is just an example). In our previous example, the faction claimed 3 lands, but I died once and now I only have 1 power (you still have your 1) the faction will have 1 extra claim that's holding. Because it can only hold 3 claims based on the max claims equation. What other factions can do is that they can simply /k claim one of your faction lands (any of them, it doesn't matter which.) This is called overclaiming.

Fun way for chemistry students

If you're a chemistry student, just remember that our atom (our faction) is unstable due to having an extra electron and wants to lose one of its electrons (claims) to become stable. Only that this special atom that we have, doesn't lose electrons from its valence shell (from outermost claims), but it can even lose them from any of its orbitals.

You can also take advantage of this system and instead of allowing overclaiming straight with /k claim, allow them to invade the faction instead /k invade

You can enable the power system from powers.yml config.

Since the plugin wasn't designed with power in mind by default, you have to actually add power information somewhere for players to see. Adding it to /k show command is the best choice. You can use %kingdoms_power% and %kingdoms_kingdom_power% placeholders for that.

# Note that there are two message entries, "message" and "admin", you should edit both. And make sure you're not editing "/k nation show"
message: |
  &7| {$p}Kingdom Power{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_fancy_kingdom_power%

# We show individual player's power under their hover message inside /k show
# Do the same for offline-prefix
online-prefix: |
  {$p}Power{$sep}: {$s}%kingdoms_fancy_power%


An alternative to the champion invasion system. This method of invading doesn't involve champions at all.
Just like before, to invade a kingdom, a player has to do /k invade to begin the invasion.
In plunder invasions, both the attacker and the defender kingdoms will have to kill each other until one side loses all its lives and lose. If attackers fail to kill enough defenders after a certain amount of time, defenders will win.
Note: It doesn't matter how the players die in this fight, they could die from their opponent, mobs and even natural causes, and it will still count as a score for the other side, meaning that allies can participate in these invasions.

If there are more attackers in the invaded land than defenders after a certain amount of time, attackers will win. This is called capture progress, but if there are the same or more defenders in the invaded land than attackers, capture progress will not advance. A similar concept to KoTH and the Outpost event.
Note: Allies don't affect the capture progress.

Attackers will win if:

  • They kill a certain amount of defenders.
  • They keep defenders out of the land to win by capturing.

Defenders will win if:

  • They kill a certain amount of attackers.
  • They hold out against the attackers until the time limit is reached.

You can enable plunders in invasions.yml here.
Anything related to champions such as champion upgrades should be entirely removed from the GUIs when enabling plunder invasions as they're useless. Many options from invasions.yml are reused for plunder invasions. Note that you must set a player death limit to use plunders.


Nether Portal Protection

When using the nether portals to teleport, if the destination location is owned by a kingdom that doesn't have casefire or turret ceasefire attributes, the teleportation will be canceled.


When beacons are placed in a claimed land, only players with ceasefire attribute will be affected by the beacon.

Potion Effects

Players with ceasefire attribute cannot use any of the *debuff potions (such as poison and weakness) on another friendly player using splash or lingering potions.


Kingdoms chat supports various features:

  • Spies
  • DiscordSRV integration
  • Supports relational placeholders
  • Different formats for different ranks.
  • Supports colored messages including hex colors and predefined color names with permission.
  • Supports discord-like tags with the @name format using permission. This will change @name differently for the tagger, tagged player and other players seeing the tag. It will also play a sound to the tagged player and show an actionbar.
  • Ranged channels with a prefix to bypass ! (not enabled by default for any channel)
  • High compatibility with other chat-dependent plugins by adjusting various internal chat handler settings.