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First release for the AhashMiner

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@Cryptominer937 Cryptominer937 released this 26 Jan 01:50
· 31 commits to master since this release

Click Here to Download AhashMiner


Modified codebase, improved algo support as this is the first full release for those looking for a nicehash alternative.

Does include a devfee mines for us 12 min every 12 Hrs

If a benchmark fails you either need to run in precise mode or the miner does not work with your cards correctly. If your cards fail a benchmark in precise mode Example: Sgminer for neoscrypt then it is not compatible with your driver version so in this case just un check the box for the failed benchmark and all will be fine, the other option is to use DDU and install the recommended driver version.

For Personal support Direct message me on twitter

Current algo support
Keccak, Nist5, Neoscrypt, Lyra2v2, Lbry, Sib, Blake2s, Skunk, X17, Bitcore, Veltor, Phi, C11, Skein, HSR, Groestl, Tribius, Polytimos, TimeTravel, Xevan
Keccak, Lbry, Sib, Skunk, Neoscrypt, Bitcore, Blake2s, HSR, Lyra2REv2, Phi, Tribus, Veltor, Xevan, Sib, Skein

Pool Only supports BTC for Payout

Warning: HSR miner for neoscrypt & hsr only works on Nvidia 10xx Series cards.

Upgrade Instructions:

Update Instructions.
AMD recommend beta blockchain drivers. / Some newer drivers still break neoscrypt.
Nvidia only tested on 388.31 and newer due to miners using CUDA 9.
If you already use zPoolMiner
1. Make sure the zPoolMiner is in the folder called zPoolMiner on your desktop 2. Install AhashMiner 3. Open AhashMiner & after bin downloads close it 4. run AhashGUIMiner Benchmark Copier 5. Re-launch AhashMiner and there should be minimal benchmarking required.


  • N/A


  • N/A

If benchmarking fails, try running in "Amd / Mixed Mode" or manually benchmarking

If autodownload fails, download the bin folders manually and unzip them to the directory:


ahashminer 1 9 0 3