python-creole is a OpenSource (GPL) Python lib for converting markups. python-creole is pure python. No external libs needed.
Compatible Python Versions (see also .travis.yml):
- 2.7.x, 3.3 - 3.4.x
- PyPy (Python v2 and v3)
Existing converters:
- creole -> html
- html -> creole markup
- reSt -> html (for clean html code)
- html -> reStructuredText markup (only a subset of reSt supported)
- html -> textile markup (not completed yet)
The creole2html part based on the creole markup parser and emitter from the MoinMoin project by Radomir Dopieralski and Thomas Waldmann. | | | | |
Python packages available on:
~$ pip install python-creole
For the most parts (creole2html and html2creole) no external libraries are needed.
For all functionality (and running the unittests) these modules are needed:
Convert creole markup to html code:
>>> from creole import creole2html >>> creole2html("This is **creole //markup//**") u'<p>This is <strong>creole <i>markup</i></strong></p>\n'
Convert html code back into creole markup:
>>> from creole import html2creole >>> html2creole(u'<p>This is <strong>creole <i>markup</i></strong></p>\n') u'This is **creole //markup//**'
Convert ReStructuredText into clean html code (needs docutils):
>>> from creole.rest2html.clean_writer import rest2html >>> rest2html(u"A ReSt link to `PyLucid CMS <>`_ :)") u'<p>A ReSt link to <a href="">PyLucid CMS</a> :)</p>\\n'
(more information: rest2html wiki page)
Convert html code into ReStructuredText markup:
>>> from creole import html2rest >>> html2rest(u'<p>This is <strong>ReStructuredText</strong> <em>markup</em>!</p>') u'This is **ReStructuredText** *markup*!'
Convert html code into textile markup
>>> from creole import html2textile >>> html2textile(u'<p>This is <strong>textile <i>markup</i></strong>!</p>') u'This is *textile __markup__*!'
See also:
You can find a example macro which highlight source code thanks to the pygments library. It is located here: /creole/shared/ Here is how to use it:
>>> from creole import creole2html >>> from creole.shared.example_macros import code >>> creole_markup="""<<code ext=".py">>#some code\nprint('coucou')\n<</code>>""" >>> creole2html(creole_markup, macros={'code': code})
If you have python-creole installed, you will get these simple CLI scripts:
- creole2html
- html2creole
- html2rest
- html2textile
Here the --help output from html2creole:
$ html2creole --help usage: html2creole [-h] [-v] [--encoding ENCODING] sourcefile destination python-creole is an open-source (GPL) markup converter in pure Python for: creole2html, html2creole, html2ReSt, html2textile positional arguments: sourcefile source file to convert destination Output filename optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --version show program's version number and exit --encoding ENCODING Codec for read/write file (default encoding: utf-8)
Example to convert a html file into a creole file:
$ html2creole foobar.html foobar.creole
We store documentation/examples into the project wiki:
How to handle unknown html tags in html2creole:
Contributers should take a look at this page:
We use nose for running unittests (with DocTests). Please install it, e.g.:
.../your/env/$ source bin/activate .../your/env/$ pip install nose
To run the unittests:
.../path/to/python-creole$ python nosetests
With python-creole you can convert a README on-the-fly from creole into ReStructuredText in How to do this, read:
Note: In this case you must install docutils! See above.
- v1.3.1 - 2015-08-15 - compare v1.3.0...v1.3.1
- Bugfix for "Failed building wheel for python-creole"
- v1.3.0 - 2015-06-02 - compare v1.2.2...v1.3.0
- Refactory internal file structure
- run unittests and doctests with nose
- Refactor CLI tests
- skip official support for Python 2.6
- small code cleanups and fixes.
- use json.dumps() instead of repr() in some cases
- v1.2.2 - 2015-04-05 - compare v1.2.1...v1.2.2
- Bugfix textile unittests if url scheme is unknown
- migrate google-code Wiki to github and remove google-code links
- v1.2.1 - 2014-09-14 - compare v1.2.0...v1.2.1
- Use origin PyPi code to check generated reStructuredText in
- Update unitest for textile v2.1.8
- v1.2.0 - 2014-05-15 - compare v1.1.1...v1.2.0
- NEW: Add <<code>> example macro (Source code highlighting with pygments) - implemented by Julien Enselme
- NEW: Add <<toc>> macro to create a table of contents list
- Bugfix for: AttributeError: 'CreoleParser' object has no attribute '_escaped_char_repl'
- Bugfix for: AttributeError: 'CreoleParser' object has no attribute '_escaped_url_repl'
- API Change: Callable macros will raise a TypeError instead of create a DeprecationWarning (Was removed in v0.5)
- v1.1.1 - 2013-11-08
- Bugfix: Setup script exited with error: can't copy 'README.creole': doesn't exist or not a regular file
- v1.1.0 - 2013-10-28
- NEW: Simple commandline interface added.
- v1.0.7 - 2013-08-07
- Bugfix in 'clean reStructuredText html writer' if docutils => v0.11 used.
- Bugfix for PyPy 2.1 usage
- v1.0.6 - 2012-10-15
- Security fix in rest2html: Disable "file_insertion_enabled" and "raw_enabled" as default.
- v1.0.5 - 2012-09-03
- made automatic protocol links more strict: Only whitespace before and at the end are allowed.
- Bugfix: Don't allow ftp:/broken (Only one slash) to be a link.
- v1.0.4 - 2012-06-11
- html2rest: Handle double link/image substitution and raise better error messages
- Bugfix in unittests (include test README file in python package). Thanks to Wen Heping for reporting this.
- v1.0.3 - 2012-06-11
- Bugfix: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'interesting_cdata' from HTMLParser patch. Thanks to Wen Heping for reporting this.
- Fix a bug in get_long_description() ReSt test for Py3k and his unittests.
- Use Travis CI, too.
- v1.0.2 - 2012-04-04
- Fix "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'parent'" in html2creole.
- v1.0.1 - 2011-11-16
- Fix "TypeError: expected string or buffer" in rest2html.
- Bugfix in exception handling.
- v1.0.0 - 2011-10-20
- Change API: Replace 'parser_kwargs' and 'emitter_kwargs' with separate arguments. (More information on API Wiki Page)
- v0.9.2
- Turn zip_safe in on and change unittests API.
- v0.9.1
- Many Bugfixes, tested with CPython 2.6, 2.7, 3.2 and PyPy v1.6
- v0.9.0
- Add Python v3 support (like strategy)
- move unittests into creole/tests/
- Tested with Python 2.7.1, 3.2 and PyPy v1.6.1 15798ab8cf48 jit
- v0.8.5
- Bugfix in html2creole: ignore links without href
- v0.8.4
- Bugfix in html parser if list tag has attributes:
- v0.8.3
- Better error message if given string is not unicode:
- v0.8.2
- Bugfix in get_long_description() error handling (local variable 'long_description_origin' referenced before assignment)
- v0.8.1
- Bugfix for installation under python 2.5
- Note: setup helper changed: rename GetLongDescription(...) to get_long_description(...)
- v0.8
- New GetLongDescription() helper for, see:
- v0.7.3
- Bugfix in html2rest:
- table without <th> header
- new line after table
- create reference hyperlinks in table cells intead of embedded urls.
- Don't always use raise_unknown_node()
- Add child content to raise_unknown_node()
- Bugfix in html2rest:
- v0.7.2
- Activate ---- to <hr> in html2rest
- Update
- v0.7.1
- Bugfix if docutils are not installed
- API change: rest2html is now here: from creole.rest2html.clean_writer import rest2html
- v0.7.0
- NEW: Add a html2reStructuredText converter (only a subset of reSt supported)
- v0.6.1
- Bugfix: separate lines with one space in "wiki style line breaks" mode
- v0.6
- NEW: html2textile converter
- some API changed!
- v0.5
- API changed:
- Html2CreoleEmitter optional argument 'unknown_emit' takes now a callable for handle unknown html tags.
- No macros used as default in creole2html converting.
- We remove the support for callable macros. Only dict and modules are allowed.
- remove unknown html tags is default behaviour in html2creole converting.
- restructure and cleanup sourcecode files.
- API changed:
- v0.4
- only emit children of empty tags like div and span (contributed by Eric O'Connell)
- remove inter wiki links and doesn't check the protocol
- v0.3.3
- Use <tt> when {{{ ... }}} is inline and not <pre>, see: PyLucid Forum Thread
- Bugfix in html2creole: insert newline before new list. TODO: apply to all block tags: issues 16
- v0.3.2
- Bugfix for spaces after Headline: issues 15
- v0.3.1
- Make argument 'block_rules' in Parser() optional
- v0.3.0
- creole2html() has the optional parameter 'blog_line_breaks' to switch from default blog to wiki line breaks
- v0.2.8
- bugfix in
- v0.2.7
- handle obsolete non-closed <br> tag
- v0.2.6
- bugfix in
- Cleanup DocStrings
- add unittests
- v0.2.5
- creole2html: Bugfix if "--", "//" etc. stands alone, see also: issues 12
- Note: bold, italic etc. can't cross line any more.
- v0.2.4
- creole2html: ignore file extensions in image tag
- see also: issues 7
- creole2html: ignore file extensions in image tag
- v0.2.3
- html2creole bugfix/enhanced: convert image tag without alt attribute:
- see also: issues 6
- Thanks Betz Stefan alias 'encbladexp'
- html2creole bugfix/enhanced: convert image tag without alt attribute:
- v0.2.2
- html2creole bugfix: convert <a href="/url/">Search & Destroy</a>
- v0.2.1
- html2creole bugfixes in:
- converting tables: ignore tbody tag and better handling p and a tags in td
- converting named entity
- html2creole bugfixes in:
- v0.2
- remove all django template tag stuff: issues 3
- html code always escaped
- v0.1.1
- improve macros stuff, patch by Vitja Makarov: issues 2
- v0.1.0
- first version cut out from PyLucid CMS
first source code was written 27.11.2008: Forum thread (de)
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PyPi | |
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