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Merge pull request #78 from Cumulus/fix-tests-and-rss2-with-curl
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#77 with ocurl
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dinosaure authored Jan 15, 2019
2 parents 8c48110 + 340d53b commit bd5bd98
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Showing 9 changed files with 351 additions and 83 deletions.
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions .travis.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
language: c
- wget
- wget
script: bash -ex && bash -ex
script: bash -ex
sudo: true
- PACKAGE="syndic" OCAML_VERSION=4.03 TESTS=true
- PACKAGE="syndic" OCAML_VERSION=4.04 TESTS=true
- PACKAGE="syndic" OCAML_VERSION=4.05 TESTS=true
- PACKAGE="syndic" OCAML_VERSION=4.06 TESTS=true
- PACKAGE="syndic" OCAML_VERSION=4.07 TESTS=true
secure: P2npPkd5gMklBsWxF9fG22BapaeOxvQK/W2IVcjgtv9mYqp66a3qhKNks6vEgc57AFafNV0kwlmwv+DgA0KOOiC0fQwgR7rPYsYje9J1FJ+0K+SFqJsQweTSWCscEweh0dthNtchEOXyf0A58p9du67y4yA+1la1NYAl+Je7P5s=
9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -800,11 +800,10 @@ let channel_language_of_xml ~xmlbase:_ (pos, _tag, datas) =
(Error.Error (pos, "The content of <language> MUST be a non-empty string"))

let channel_copyright_of_xml ~xmlbase:_ (pos, _tag, datas) =
try `Copyright (get_leaf datas) with Not_found ->
(pos, "The content of <copyright> MUST be a non-empty string"))
let channel_copyright_of_xml ~xmlbase:_ (_pos, _tag, datas) =
try `Copyright (get_leaf datas) with Not_found -> `Copyright ""

(* XXX(dinosaure): aempty copyright is allowed. *)

let channel_managingeditor_of_xml ~xmlbase:_ (pos, _tag, datas) =
try `ManagingEditor (get_leaf datas) with Not_found ->
Expand Down
19 changes: 14 additions & 5 deletions syndic.opam
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,15 +18,24 @@ build: [
[ "dune" "runtest" "-p" name ] {with-test}

depends: [
"ocaml" {>= "4.03.0"}
"uri" {>= "1.9"}
"xmlm" {>= "1.2.0"}
"cohttp" {with-test & >= "1.0.0"}
"cohttp-lwt-unix" {with-test & >= "1.0.0"}
"lwt" {with-test}
"ssl" {with-test}
"tls" {with-test}
"fmt" {with-test}
"ocurl" {with-test}
"fpath" {with-test}
"ocplib-json-typed" {with-test}
"base-unix" {with-test}
"jsonm" {with-test}

extra-source "test/001.feed" { src: "" }
extra-source "test/002.feed" { src: "" }
extra-source "test/003.feed" { src: "" }
extra-source "test/004.feed" { src: "" }
extra-source "test/005.feed" { src: "" }
extra-source "test/006.feed" { src: "" }
56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
#use "topfind" ;;

#require "fmt" ;;
#require "fpath" ;;
#require "uri" ;;

#require "curl" ;;

let () = Printexc.register_printer
| Curl.CurlException (code, errno, err) ->
Some (Fmt.strf "(CurlException (%s, %d, %s))" (Curl.strerror code) errno err)
| _ -> None)

let curl_setup_simple h =
let open Curl in
set_useragent h "Syndic" ;
set_nosignal h true ;
set_connecttimeout h 5 ;
set_timeout h 10 ;
set_followlocation h true ;
set_maxredirs h 10 ;
set_ipresolve h IPRESOLVE_V4 ;
set_encoding h CURL_ENCODING_ANY

let download h =
let b = Buffer.create 16 in
Curl.set_writefunction h (fun s -> Buffer.add_string b s ; String.length s) ;
Curl.perform h ;
Buffer.contents b

let get url =
let h = Curl.init () in
Curl.set_url h (Uri.to_string url) ;
curl_setup_simple h ;
download h

let man () = Fmt.epr "%s --uri <uri> --output <file>\n%!" Sys.argv.(0)
let success = 0
let failure = 1

let () =
let uri, output = try
match Sys.argv with
| [| _; "--uri"; uri; "--output"; output |] -> Uri.of_string uri, Fpath.v output
| _ -> man () ; exit failure
with _ -> man () ; exit failure in
match get uri with
| contents ->
let oc = open_out (Fpath.to_string output) in
let ppf = Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in ppf "%s%!" contents ;
close_out oc ;
exit success
| exception exn ->
Fmt.epr "Retrieve an error: %s.\n%!" (Printexc.to_string exn) ; exit failure
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions test/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
(name test)
(modules test)
(libraries syndic cohttp-lwt-unix ssl tls))
(libraries syndic jsonm fpath fmt ocplib-json-typed unix))

(name test_decisions)
(modules test_decisions)
(libraries syndic cohttp-lwt-unix ssl tls))

(deps (:gen (:feeds feeds.json))
(action (run %{ocaml} %{gen} --json %{feeds} --output %{targets})))

(name runtest)
(package syndic)
(deps (:test test.exe))
(action (run %{test} -q --color=always)))
(action (diff
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
(rule (targets 001.feed) (mode fallback) (deps (:gen (action (run %{ocaml} %{gen} --uri --output %{targets})))
(rule (targets 002.feed) (mode fallback) (deps (:gen (action (run %{ocaml} %{gen} --uri --output %{targets})))
(rule (targets 003.feed) (mode fallback) (deps (:gen (action (run %{ocaml} %{gen} --uri --output %{targets})))
(rule (targets 004.feed) (mode fallback) (deps (:gen (action (run %{ocaml} %{gen} --uri --output %{targets})))
(rule (targets 005.feed) (mode fallback) (deps (:gen (action (run %{ocaml} %{gen} --uri --output %{targets})))
(rule (targets 006.feed) (mode fallback) (deps (:gen (action (run %{ocaml} %{gen} --uri --output %{targets})))

(alias (name runtest) (package syndic) (deps (:test test.exe) (:feeds 001.feed 002.feed 003.feed 004.feed 005.feed 006.feed) feeds.json) (action (run %{test} --color=always)))

20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions test/feeds.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
{ "name": "001",
"uri": "",
"kind": "rss2" },
{ "name": "002",
"uri": "",
"kind": "atom" },
{ "name": "003",
"uri": "",
"kind": "atom" },
{ "name": "004",
"uri": "",
"kind": "rss2" },
{ "name": "005",
"uri": "",
"kind": "atom" },
{ "name": "006",
"uri": "",
"kind": "atom" }
146 changes: 146 additions & 0 deletions test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
#use "topfind" ;;

#require "ocplib-json-typed" ;;
#require "fmt" ;;
#require "jsonm" ;;
#require "fpath" ;;

type entry =
{ name : string
; uri : Uri.t
; kind : kind }
and kind = Rss1 | Rss2 | Atom

let json =
let open Json_encoding in
let name = req "name" string in
let uri = req "uri" (conv Uri.to_string Uri.of_string string) in
let kind =
let rss1 = case string (function Rss1 -> Some "rss1" | _ -> None) (function "rss1" -> Rss1 | _ -> assert false) in
let rss2 = case string (function Rss2 -> Some "rss2" | _ -> None) (function "rss2" -> Rss2 | _ -> assert false) in
let atom = case string (function Atom -> Some "atom" | _ -> None) (function "atom" -> Atom | _ -> assert false) in
req "kind" (union [ rss1; rss2; atom ]) in
let entry = conv (fun { name; uri; kind; } -> (name, uri, kind)) (fun (name, uri, kind) -> { name; uri; kind; }) (obj3 name uri kind) in
list entry

type await = [ `Await ]
type error = [ `Error of Jsonm.error ]
type eoi = [ `End ]
type value = [ `Null | `Bool of bool | `String of string | `Float of float ]

let json_of_input ic =
let decoder = Jsonm.decoder (`Channel ic) in

let error (`Error err) = Fmt.invalid_arg "%a" Jsonm.pp_error err in
let end_of_input `End = Fmt.invalid_arg "Unexpected end of input" in

let rec arr acc k = match Jsonm.decode decoder with
| #await -> assert false
| #error as v -> error v
| #eoi as v -> end_of_input v
| `Lexeme `Ae -> k (`A (List.rev acc))
| `Lexeme v -> base (fun v -> arr (v :: acc) k) v

and name n k = match Jsonm.decode decoder with
| #await -> assert false
| #error as v -> error v
| #eoi as v -> end_of_input v
| `Lexeme v -> base (fun v -> k (n, v)) v

and obj acc k = match Jsonm.decode decoder with
| #await -> assert false
| #error as v -> error v
| #eoi as v -> end_of_input v
| `Lexeme `Oe -> k (`O (List.rev acc))
| `Lexeme (`Name n) -> name n (fun v -> obj (v :: acc) k)
| `Lexeme v -> Fmt.invalid_arg "Unexpected lexeme: %a" Jsonm.pp_lexeme v

and base k = function
| #value as v -> k v
| `Os -> obj [] k
| `As -> arr [] k
| `Ae | `Oe -> Fmt.invalid_arg "Unexpected end of array/object"
| `Name n -> Fmt.invalid_arg "Unexpected key: %s" n in

let go k = match Jsonm.decode decoder with
| #await -> assert false
| #error as v -> error v
| #eoi as v -> end_of_input v
| `Lexeme (#Jsonm.lexeme as lexeme) -> base k lexeme in

go Json_encoding.(destruct json)

let flat_json json : Jsonm.lexeme list =
let rec arr acc k = function
| [] -> k (List.rev (`Ae :: acc))
| (#value as x) :: r -> arr (x :: acc) k r
| `A l :: r -> arr [ `As ] (fun l -> arr (List.rev_append l acc) k r) l
| `O l :: r -> obj [ `Os ] (fun l -> arr (List.rev_append l acc) k r) l

and obj acc k = function
| [] -> k (List.rev (`Oe :: acc))
| (n, x) :: r -> base (fun v -> obj (List.rev_append v (`Name n :: acc)) k r) x

and base k = function
| `A l -> arr [ `As ] k l
| `O l -> obj [ `Os ] k l
| #value as x -> k [ x ] in

base (fun l -> l) json

external identity : 'a -> 'a = "%identity"

let pp_json ppf map =
let json = Json_encoding.(construct json map) in
let raw = Bytes.create 0x800 in
let encoder = Jsonm.encoder `Manual in
let rec write k = function
| `Ok -> k ()
| `Partial ->
Fmt.string ppf (Bytes.sub_string raw 0 (Jsonm.Manual.dst_rem encoder)) ;
Jsonm.Manual.dst encoder raw 0 (Bytes.length raw) ;
write k (Jsonm.encode encoder `Await) in
let rec go k = function
| [] -> write k (Jsonm.encode encoder `End)
| lexeme :: r -> write (fun () -> go k r) (Jsonm.encode encoder (`Lexeme lexeme)) in
let lexemes = flat_json json in
go identity lexemes

let pp_entry ppf entry = ppf "(rule (targets %s.feed) \
(mode fallback) \
(deps (:gen \
(action (run %%{ocaml} %%{gen} --uri %s --output %%{targets})))" (Uri.to_string entry.uri)

let pp_test ppf entries = ppf "(alias (name runtest) \
(package syndic) \
(deps (:test test.exe) (:feeds %a) feeds.json) \
(action (run %%{test} --color=always)))@\n"
Fmt.(list ~sep:(const string " ") (using (fun { name; _ } -> name ^ ".feed") string)) entries

let man () = Fmt.epr "%s --json <json> --output <>\n%!" Sys.argv.(0)

let success = 0
let failure = 1

let compare_entry a b =

let () =
let json, output =
try match Sys.argv with
| [| _; "--json"; json; "--output"; output |] ->
if Sys.file_exists json
then Fpath.v json, Fpath.v output
else ( Fmt.epr "%s does not exist.\n%!" json; exit failure )
| _ -> man () ; exit failure
with _ -> man () ; exit failure in
let ic = open_in (Fpath.to_string json) in
let data = List.sort compare_entry (json_of_input ic) in
let oc = open_out (Fpath.to_string output) in
let ppf = Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in ppf "%a@\n@\n%!" Fmt.(list ~sep:(always "@\n") pp_entry) data ; ppf "%a@\n" pp_test data ;
close_out oc ;
exit success

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